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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL Because the further away we get from the perfect man, Adam, who caused himself to become imperfect, the more imperfect we become.

    Adam was not perfect. What part of the bible did you misconstrue to get this conclusion
  2. People who stock it are gonna get robbed so hard. I'd be paranoid buying from it.
  3. Originally posted by Octavian
  4. Originally posted by Misguided Russian it would be hilarious if someone went and burned a tire on one of these, denying junkies their fix.

    heh, nothing personnel, keed,

    Says guy who drinks alcohol frequently lol.
  5. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo I would be inside a vault playing ps2 and jerking off to the footage of you boiling alive in radiation.

    Lol you dont exercise and you are poor as fuck. I know you don't have a vault or stockpiles.

    You'd die pretty quickly. You're weak.
  6. Hopefully you die in the initial blast
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL All you need is an electricity bill or someone to vouch for you to vote.

    You still have to be a registered voter. You need a social security number for that...
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL No, you were just caught in another bald-faced lie. Stop lying, kid. It's bad for your complexion.

    Actually that's not true either. Lying is actually kid.
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Arab Muslims (Arabic: مسلمون عرب‎) are adherents of Islam who identify linguistically, culturally, and genealogically as Arabs. Arab Muslims greatly outnumber other Ethnoreligious groups in the Middle East and North Africa.[1]

    This is only partially correct. Islams are actually Muslims
  10. ^literally a 300lbs hooker seeking loner
  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL Isn't a Muslim an Arab?

    No, Muslims are Saudi
  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol you really are autistic.
  13. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo 12 years isn't that long of a timespan

    Yeah it is, hikkimori
  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL The US alone spends $3,000,000,000,000.00 a year on the military, which serves no one but BigOil and the BigBanks, enough cash in a single year to feed the entire planet for the next hundred years, and yet they "can't" provide health care to their citizens. Laughable and pathetic.

    As was discussed, even post war Germany could afford healthcare.
  15. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country If we get rid of roads all that stuff becomes unnecessary. Think!

    You joke but we actually have privatized roads here. As do many countries. My city bought up a bunch of them in the 80s. Trump literally wants to privatize infrastructure like roads to reduce the deficit

    You can only joke about it because Europe started getting rid of privatized roads in the early 1900s
  16. Originally posted by Technologist Good luck hun. I wondered about you. I saw the forecasts and you guys got it much worse. We were supposed to get snow, but only ice😡. Dammit I want some real snow, like feet of snow!❄️❄️❄️

    It was nice and fluffy last night. That never lasts tho :(
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL Stop lying.

    Show proof faggot.
  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why do people who have problem with socialized healthcare dont have a problem with socialized roads and highways ?

    why should i pay for the roads im never going to use ?

    Because propaganda. They're okay with paying taxes for police, firehouses, roads, libraries, schools, sewers, electric grids, military, DMV, courthouses, politicians, etc, etc, etc.

    But a visit to the doctor? Some necessary surgery to keep you alive? Vital medication? AWWWWW HELL NO.

    dO u WaNt waIT tImEs?!?!
  19. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo Actually I had a girlfriend in 2008

    12 years ago lol
  20. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo lmao no

    Yep. Blessed by Tenochiti himself when an eagle landed on a cactus somewhere outside Lake Texcoco, and ate a rattlesnake. From that point on, Mexicans were blessed with eternal universal knowledge, and became demi gods.

    We invented spirituality and air conditioning. Meanwhile white people invented things like rape and dying of plague.
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