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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. lol at the angry edit

    Chill out, it just became legal. It'll take some time for things to get rolling. It doesn't help that the marijuana laws in IL are corrupt as fuck.
  2. Originally posted by Erekshun I never took you as an animal.

    We are all animalia
  3. Originally posted by Fox Mexicans

    Forgot. I'll add demi gods to the list.
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL Nah. They're never-Trumpers. Even false testimony is like gold to them. They'll pay anything for it, no matter what the cost to the country or the system.

    This is a lie being pushed around by the never-Obamaers.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL Yeah, and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are real, too.

    No evidence of Santa Claus.

    No evidence of the Tooth Fairy.

    No evidence of the Easter Bunny.

    No evidence of voter fraud.
  6. Like manafort who was caught lying to cover his ass and lost his plea deal
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL Parnas is trying to reduce his jail time by lying for the swamp.

    You don't get time reduced for 'lying'. What you say has to be verifiable. Reduced time is contingent on accurate information.
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL Nah. You can just show up on voting day with an electricity bill or a friend who has one to vouch for you. Where you been?

    Again, for the hundredth time, there isn't and has never been evidence of voter fraud. Not a single study. Read this and don't come back until you do.
  9. Originally posted by Grylls me

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace swans
  10. Originally posted by Fox You mean like that one guy who did that last year and literally became an enemy of the state of Malaysia or whatever

    Edit: actually it was Thailand, he’s now facing the death penalty

    But he's not paying any taxes, now is he?

    You could also go off the grid in some remote area of the world. There is no need to pay taxes.
  11. baboons, bison, bears, rats, caribou, cats, cattle, chimp, dolphins, dogs, elephants, fox, giraffe, goat, gorillas, horses, koala, lion, orangutans, orca, panda, raccoon, chickens, emus, penguins, ostrich, doves, swans, turkeys, seagulls, anglerfish, salmon, bearded dragons, geckos, garter snakes, rattlesnakes, water moccasin, turtles, frogs, toads, and humans.
  12. Originally posted by CASPER You can still feel better about yourself. Just do something that makes you feelbetter about yourself.

    I shoveled the snow, cleaned my house, and cooked lunch. Now what?
  13. It's really weird to me that they choose diluadid for this though. They already offer injections (which is interesting because I've heard it has a great rush) and now they're selling these pills which almost certainly will be shot up anyway.
  14. Originally posted by Cheyes idk but the price of dilaudid is gonna crash through the floor and i got my passport now

    time to visit bigthinkingadzooks

    I don't think one machine will effect anything. You also need to be a citizen so no diluadid tourism
  15. Originally posted by Fonaplats It was legal here until probably 10 years ago (i cant believe its been so long)
    You can still get it elsewhere but anymore i dont wanna fall out windows

    Yeah they made it illegal here too. I could probably get it shipped but I never had any desire to try it. It seems worse than DMT in every which way.
  16. Originally posted by Fox Yeah then you can go live in one of the other 194 countries secretly run by the joos instead

    or you can just be a fucking man and live on international waters.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Whatever it is, it's cut down on birds running into my window by 80%

    Now they land on the wire and I blow my weed smoke at them. They freak out though and always fly away like a bunch of faggots.

    Did you really just call some birds 'faggots' you fucking asshole.
  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the separation of church of state is no longer relevant these days because the churches and the cleregy men had lost all their powers over the society.

    what actually matters these days is THE SEPARATION OF ECONOMY AND THE STATE.

  19. Originally posted by Erekshun Wrong! I didn't volunteer my money. It's automatically taken from me, involuntarily by threat of force.

    If you don't like it, leave. Otherwise you're complacent and willingly funding the government. Nobody is forcing you to pay taxes to the US. Leave the country and renounce your citizenship.
  20. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 i imagine they have to have some sort of armed guard there. there will probably be like homeless encampments around it and people there buying and selling and trading other drugs and giftcards and food stamps. and i wonder how many pills it has in it? if people can steal atm machines they can probably steal one of those. if they got a lot of pills from it they could make a lot of money (or get really high).

    they should just have one area of the town designated for drug selling and have vending machines for every drug there. to go there and get it you have to go through tons of sketchy people and shit living on the street that makes you second guess yourself so that only really dedicated people will go.

    I doubt it'll have an armed guard lol. Probably just a camera. I imagine its in front of a related clinic or something.
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