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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Fox They do when the couple has a fat fetish

    are you implying im overweight
  2. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country No you don't, you are part of the system. Colonisation and immigration are two complimentary slices of bread on the mercantile system. Invade the world, invite the world. No one suffers more from it than us.

    Yes, I'm sure the first world is suffering greatly compared to Syria and Iraq. Woe is me and my white skin.
  3. Oh. The first machine was unveiled yesterday.

    800lb ATM like machine with the biometric scanner. 8mg is actually 35 cents. You have to have fentanyl in your system at some point to be eligible to use this.
  4. inb4 gay jokes

    Pretty cool. You have to be registered as someone with an opioid problem and evidently have your biometrics put into some system so you can actually buy the shit. Apparently they already have some public works that give you hydromorphone to inject. If I lived in Vancouver and was addicted to opiates, I'd definitely be taking advantage of their programs. 30-40% drop in deaths due to opioids from 2018 to 2019. That is pretty insane.
  5. Originally posted by AngryIVer He's not a beaner. He's such a scab on society's ass that he has to claim to be a spic to GAIN respect.

    His dad was like 1/8th Mexican and 1/16ths chocobo indian

    I've heard his Spanish before and it's atrocious. Dunno how you can call yourself Mexican if you can't speak the language. I've seen born and raised white Americans with a better accent than his.
  6. Originally posted by Fox No you’re a heifer

    Do heifers fuck other people's wives
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

  8. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal btw if you're blind it's the little spic looking boy on the far right with a six pack

    he looks to be around 13 - 15

    Lol how is a shirtless teenage boy pornography

    If you take a picture at the pool is it child porn?

    This is non nude and non sexual. He's just showing off his gainz. You're probably jealous.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson lololol keep taking the classes, you'll get there eventually.

    Why, when my English is far superior to yours?
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace im still not inspired by this thread
  11. Originally posted by Splam I had a friend who was a junkie. Every time he went AWOL on messenger or anything he was actually just on rehab. Always thought he had died.

    Thats where sploo went
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Now all you need is the car.

  13. Originally posted by CASPER Peeling the bubbles up tint off the back window and then installing my rear back up camera.

    Which one did you get? My last car had one but new one doesn't. I wanna get one again for night time.
  14. Originally posted by netstat I have supported Bernie Sanders since 2014 you absolute imbecile. The only decent politician in this country and the man Hillary War Criminal Clinton and her cronies fucked over in the 2016 primaries. I would have loved to see her lose under any circumstance that didn't put a Republican retard in power.

    bUt bErniE fuCkEd hIs VoTerS
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL 12 million illegal aliens voting, but that's being taken care of right now, and it ain't 12 million anymore.

    Illegal immigrants cant register to vote, retard. Not even green card holders can.
  16. Originally posted by Fox Says the kid that literally got his ass fucked and cuckolded by gigantic nigger dick

    Yeah, so you know you're both SUPER gay then.

    And get it right. I was the bull.
  17. Originally posted by BummyMofo You're a hobgoblin holed up in a cave smoking crack

    Yeah but at least I'm educated on my crack and know its addictive

    Also i only did that shit as a teenager

    Youre how old?
  18. Mexicans have never done this. We respect other cultures unlike those filthy white countries
  19. Ur both gay
  20. Originally posted by Splam Cannabis was used as a medicinal extract all over the world. Including Germany. Nobody saw any need to ban it wasn't a particularly dangerous or addictive drug.
    Until US industry wanted an end to hemp, they made up a bunch of propaganda and got it banned around the world.
    I don't think any countries would've banned marijuana if not for the US. Again, it's not particularly dangerous or addictive.

    What legislature?

    Volksgesundheit und Gesundheitspflicht

    Drug use was mostly the productive shit. Meth and morphine. Weed would be seen as counterproductive. For example, being a soldier caught drunk was punishable by death. I doubt weed would've fared well if it was popular at the time.
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