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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Splam Yes, that's what differentiates this program from other programs like morphine treatment. Other treatments are given at the pharmacies, and must be swallowed on the spot.

    These pills are specifically made for crushing up and injecting. Back in the day hospitals would do the same, crush pills to inject. Should be safe. Otherwise people who like injecting are still going to go buy fent and the program will miss it's goal. Which it'll miss anyways because it's targeting the wrong people. All adults must have access to clean opiates if we're to get rid of fent.

    Says who? Probably ER or something
  2. Originally posted by Sudo IQ??????????

    just look up the wikipedia article before you bullshit about something so you don't look so dumb lol

    u CanT oVeeRdoSe oN nAxLunE
  3. Originally posted by Cheyes Man, I'm surprised they'll shoot you with meth at those places… seems like a huge liability having tweakers come in looking to reup a bender

    They don't...

    You can come shoot up but you bring the drugs and you inject the needle
  4. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Some people choose to believe that they evolved from bacteria in a space shit that fell to earth.

    I choose to believe that I evolved on this planet and on this land.

    Considering the earth is literally just space shit smashed together into orbit by gravity, that's a really weird distinction.
  5. Originally posted by mmQ I pay $20 for a QP. You're probably right. What are internet prices like?

    20 a qp is especially abnormal for your area, no? How's the quality

    You can probably get around that online. 60-80/oz is about the least you'd wanna spend. You can also get distillate syringes and whatnot which you probably can't get locally. Plus, you know, like almost every other drug
  6. Originally posted by Sudo we're talking about buying weed from a darknet market like a weird loser. It sucks that you only know one person and they're also a weird loser but you're a weak unlikeable person so it's understandable. Maybe just go outside more and you'll realize there's a better market just outside your door, you just have to go outside and not be afraid. I'm all for staying inside when you could be outside but ordering weed off the darknet in 2020 is really cringey and sad tbh fam, like grow tf up. Captain Falcon just started smoking last week and classifies it along with other drugs because autism but you're just a wee lil penis rider at the bottom of the societal totem pole which frustrates you to no end because it makes your short beaner ass hard to ride it honk

    This was a real tryhard post for an opiate addict.

    I know more people but he has the best prices and selection. Dude makes his own topical cream and edibles.

    Its not 'being afraid' its 'i would be stupid not to buy online'
  7. Originally posted by Sudo you're a sheltered moron

    Says the absentee father, drug addict, and self admitted toxic person and cheater?

    Yeah... Sorry but why would your opinion matter to anyone? You're a garbage person. People are worse off for knowing you.
  8. Originally posted by GiGA Bill Krozby How can you not find a pound of weed locally? it's not hard just ask around sheesh. What are you a shut in that never leaves the house?

    I rarely buy weed but when I do, I buy local

    But my dealer doesn't have the convenience, product selection, or cheap prices that the internet does.

    He also doesn't have shit like LSD, mushrooms, ketamine, etc.

    Plus I have to bullshit with him at his house for AT LEAST an hour if i wanna buy anything.

    I even have dispensaries here but they can't match the internet.

    Online is the way to go. Anybody who calls you a shut in for ordering online is a fucking retard. If my house wasn't flagged I would be ordering online. You just lose money otherwise. Plain and simple. It's literally no different than Amazon, you guys just wanna troll because you don't understand how to use crypto or maintain opsec.
  9. Originally posted by mmQ I think the point is that I can just walk down my hallway and get any amount of quality herbicles for the same or cheaper price than ordering it online.

    I doubt you get a cheaper price than online.
  10. Originally posted by Wariat she is actually with a mexican immigrant possibly gang dude now kind of like Mezican Master Race on here who is probably a brown pride supremacist.

    Never heard the term brown pride supremacist before, but I'll take it.
  11. Originally posted by Cheyes Interesting concept.. how does that work with no heat? I thought weed had to be heat activated

    The medical program here is gay and expensive but it could be worth it i guess if it means your landlord cant throw you out

    Which they probably can anyway

    Just decarbed probably. Same way you make oil for carts that doesn't need to reach a high temp.
  12. Originally posted by Splam Ohhh Russians colluded in US election. And jet fuel can't melt steel.

    Some conspiracy theories turn out to be true. But until they're proven to be true - the media has no place dedicating years of coverage to it. This makes them a propaganda channel, not a news station.

    Its objectively proven that Russia has interfered with elections in Europe and the US. The US has done it for years. Dont act so shocked, kid
  13. Originally posted by A College Professor easily defeated because most people have about 10 fingers so you just use a different fingerprint when the machine 'cuts you off'

    You have to be a registered user through the clinic. This isn't like buying a soda or opening up a Facebook account. There are FIVE people who can use this machine. If you are not those five people you are not getting any vending machine diluadid.
  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL Right now, but just wait. That's how these bags of worthless shit work.

  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's nice, I just use my wit and charm to get what I want.

    Is that what you call your white privilege?
  16. Time is a faggot and so are all of you
  17. Originally posted by Cheyes i thought he lived in chicago

    my bad

    If he did he could just buy it at the store with no card. Its legal here now.
  18. Originally posted by -SpectraL That's the idea. More doses, more $$$.

    It's limited. You can't just buy as much as you want. Hence needing the biometrics.
  19. Originally posted by Sudo ยงmยฃร‚gร˜L you are a sheltered little faggot who knows absolutely nothing about drug replacement programs

    Didnt you literally say suboxone is illegal and you can overdose on it? What is your IQ?

    I never said its illegal you retard. Nor did I say you could overdose on it, but obviously you can, it's just not the same as overdosing on real shit.

    Whats wrong sudo? Girlfriend kick you out again? Can't afford paying for her kid anymore? You can tell us. We're here for you kiddo
  20. Pretty sure you gotta be like terminal to get a FL med card.
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