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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I don't know why, but I feel really cozy thinking about smoking bud in some cottage in Britain, like next to a fucking tavern. Especially overcast or rainy. With like rolling hills and straw houses in the distance. RIP Fubi. Somebody fly me to UK.
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Seriously what the fuck is wrong with everybody, everybody has some form of delusional ego. Like I thought the term "White privilege" was retarded but I feel like it accounts for much of the annoying haughty attitude of some white male friends I've had, at least specifically with the overlapping history of drug use.

    Perhaps America breeds such an attitude, but it is like nobody follows the thought that one should talk and act as if at least in front of a jury of their peers, none the less God.
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    There is a good chance they will remember other things differently, and lean those incorrect bias in their benefit 💯
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Halo Infinite - Sniper or Sniper/Shottys
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    lol I downloaded Wesnoth but haven't felt like playing shit for some reason, might buckle down and smoke and boot it up or Rust.
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kawkasian I play a lot on modded servers to save the drudgery 5x 100x etc. It's much more fun building or raiding bases with 100 mini turrets and sam sites.

    Yeah I'm same, with rampant cheating its hard to warrant the time and effort of Vanilla, but I do think Vanilla is best way to play. As far as time vs item value ya know. Like you value everything so much more, but yeah when you are solo you tend to want to hurry up and get some experience actually building and using shit up the tech tree. Nothing like playing Vanilla after you've been on 5x for a month and being like holy fuck thank God I can build a door a lock lol
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kawkasian Can you summarize it into commandments?


    Thou shalt not use deodorant
    thou shalt not shave
    thou shalt not use toilet paper


    Thou shalt format thouself immediately

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny quran is incomplete without hadith

    I have seen this, but haven't gotten around to reading them yet.
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    To mix things up? I've asked several doctors and people if seltzer water = hydration and I get mixed answers.

    It can be delicious and fun though, like the other day I mixed a watermelon seltzer with the blue Gatorade powder (the tubs are the way to go, watered down and with salt but thats annoying most of the time). I and mixing it with a mixed berry atm and its quite tasty.

    Is this still hydration? But with bubbles?
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kawkasian Tough guy huh…raiding a 1x2 stone base

    I get excited to raid ANYTHING. Perhaps its my play style, or my horrible memory that has me walking back and forth to my base 20 times because I forgot something (The actual pinnacle of awesome gameplay) but I'm lucky if I have a few stacks of rockets by the 2nd to last day to wipe. At least on week long wipes. Usually if I'm playing solo by the time I get to raid, everybody has already successfully raided, or been raided, and then the odds of successful juicy raids go down.
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Yeah man , pretty much. Reminds me of the job at the soler panel factory

    Sounds like the light

    Originally posted by Instigator Yeah but are the pages OK to wipe your ass on?

    I dunno, pretty sure Allah would want your fucking skull split for such a display though. See, isn't that alot cooler than wiping ass with the bible?

    Originally posted by RIPtotse so judiasm and muslim are da same?

    Taste the punishment nigga

    Originally posted by Donald Trump OP is sadly mistaken.

    I was assured Islam is all about loving your enemies and Mohammed was all about inclusivity and equality and Jihad only means personal struggle and improvement through self-development.

    I'm pretty sure you are supposed to love your enemies, just the enemies that continually perpetuate certain degenerate and criminal policiy, get the fucking wrath. As I have read before, and wondered myself about Christianity, "Turning thy cheek" is literally just trojan horse talk.

    Originally posted by Sudo Salam Alaikum Brother now begins your journey. We meet every Tuesday night in the back room of your local dry cleaners. Bring Styrofoam.

    The Heifer and the Table is what everyone focuses on but there is so much great content later in the book and great retelling of old testament stories. I'm gonna buy a new Quran this week I think.

    Tell other white people in your red state and shake their worldview. I Love stuff like that 😊🤑🫡💪

    Interesting enough, I read the Qu'ran in most of its entirety a few months ago, and in the time since when socializing and it comes up, like with an evangelist I met while at my buddys hemp flower tent. Its amazing how as soon as you start saying "Allah" "Muslim", keywords like that in any context (even if its "Those Muslims believe...), you will get a confusing and like regardless of how hardcore into religion you are into, its like "I don't know what those dudes always praying to a rock and saying Allah is all about"...

    Also Muhammed, as controversial as he might be, makes more sense than Jesus in the bible. And, I am going to talk to someone to make sure I understand what I read, but basically while all this shit was going on, Muhammed was off to the side taking note of things, and he noticed Jesus wasn't actually the son of God despite any magical bullshit they might have seen, but he sure did notice that it politically benefited those who bought into it.

    Originally posted by Sudo Jihad isn't mentioned in the Quran at all, it's much more of a cultural practice than a religious one.

    Alot of the Quran (which was revealed during a time of turmoil) talks about dealing with enemies and difficult people. Like way more than people tend to mention. I imagine those are the kinds of things people fixate on as justification for violent acts or to try to form a narrative that it is a provocative and violent book.

    The recent sectarianism is really the most disappointing thing about the contemporary Ummah. Alot of people agree that Shi'ites are weird but they get the job done when it comes to defending from Das Juden

    Yeah this is kind of confusing. Like you said, if you fixate on those elements, especially out of context, it can be used to justify just about anything.

    Originally posted by Rape Monster Religion is for retards

    Perhaps, one shouldn't need Religion to stop one from doing harm or being degenerate. But, you have to admit driving around, seeing all these churches and half of them are afraid to say "Stop the butt stuff, at least in the name of the Lord, for Gods sake" is annoying. Scared to stand on obvious grounds, what is the point of all the money and exemptions and large churches if they are just complicit too scared to preach what their book says?
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    And its fucking awesome. Its like the book of Revelation spread out over an entire book, and the prophet Muhammed was badass. It was hilarious reading the wiki about it - "Some critics of the religion speak against how Muhammed treated his enemies..." LMAO

    Growing up in Christian school, the bible is like fluffy complicated shit with annoying analogies and too much magic water walking not enough hellfire. The Quran is straightforward and metal as fuck. Its so intense I half start expecting it to start reading "And thy enemy will taste the fucking punishment! And when they scream from the motherfucking hellfire and run for relief, hellfire shall engulf them the fuck up in the disgrace of forever, bitch" like holy shit hell yeah, now THAT is what I'm talking about Allah, the most high.

    Going to get a physical copy of the book soon, but I like the various Muslim apps too. Its like way more interactive than Christianity. The app even tells you what direction to pray. Now THAT is what I look for in an ancient religion. It also starts randomly singing Islamic tunes 5 times a day when I am supposed to pray, but I am learning.
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kawkasian I play quite a bit of rust…though I haven't for the last few weeks due to a massive rage quit.

    Here I am in my minicopter looking for bases I can offline.

    Nice setup nigga, my 32' tv I was using as a monitor blew, and it wasn't anything special but I got used to the resolution and screen size. I haven't played in a few months but I still haven't adjusted to my old 24' "curved" monitor but perhaps we could all village style and go gank us some sulfer from some noobs. I swear I'm still not great at Rust, with the massive learning curve and the sheer amount of possibilies, while I have watched some base tutorial videos for optimum space/protection but I usually just enjoy winging it. Unless I make a build that works exceptionally well and then I'll try it out for a few wipes. It's amazing the time sink that can build up.

    My recent break was from a mixture of keeping my blood pressure down and aggravation, and an incident where I was on Doperust 5x or something like all fucking day fucking with my base, and I was lifting weights or something with me chilling in my base in the background, and my fucking internet goes down, and I immediately get a noti on my phone that my back wall had been penetrated. By the time I got back on he had built a small raid base on a cliff outside and killed my stilly-laggy ass. Respawned in an arial backup bunk where I put like a tommy and some armor, and he killed me again and took a little bit of sulfur I had. Not a big loss but I have read about DDOSing ones internet just to online (or offline) somebody, and that felt blatantly what happened.
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    You have to login with a nigga (The Adminanigga) in your local area. First you give the ocular hand signal (I use the international hand sign for peace, but that also may vary depending on district/city/block) Once you have tapped in and confirmed credentials, you can start nigga this nigga that'n, but think about yourself overhead view with a circle roughly 20 ft in circumference, and that is the area in which you may audibly broadcast your niggas comfortably. As long as you keep the adminanigga in range, it is like a mobile hotspot, and may travel wherever with nigga privileges.

    Once in a new geographic area, you will need to login with a different adminanigga, as your past credentials ARE INVALID. I can't emphasize this enough.

    Now you may transmit that nigga knowledge at, well, I myself can get up to 30 Npm (niggas per minute)😌. You know how it go nigga once a nigga break the nigga dam the niggas start overflowin it just phonetically so gucci yurd me (nigga)

    Now go. Go and converse as God made you. (Which is probably unfathomably melanated like me)
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    It says I joined this bitch in 2016, but if I remember correctly (And my memory is actually garbage) I didn't join this shit until like 2018. Because I thought we kept migrating after 2015 and after like 3 or 4 other iterations went down, I just joined NiS expecting it to go down like the others, and then I check back and I'm amazed it's still up and now its 2023 and we are in the future.
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo Im so glad you're alive but vidya games are as boring as everything else in the world and do NOTHING to dissuade intrusive thoughts. LMK when they affect my central nervous system more

    Hmm, I suppose I haven't posted in a while, and posted about drugs and I assume you guys die all the time so makes sense, perhaps I was presumed dead. RIP Bill Krozby RIP Fubi. I swear I think Covid took Fubi. It appears sobriety suppresses my posting ability. I remember planning to post an experiment where I consumed Ivermectin Horse Paste, because I thought Covid was fake, went out and immediately caught it, and I got sick as fuck and it inflamed my prostate so bad I was in severe pain and bed ridden for almost a year, when I did in fact eat the fucking horse paste (and not make a thread about it because at the time I wasn't sure if I was just going to be a dumbass and die) and amazingly inflammation went down over the course of the following weeks. (If you've looked into Ivermectin treatment of Covid, they refer to studies where you ingest as soon as you have the virus, and it prevents it from multiplying, but I found in my year of desperate research, there is an underlying filarial element in regard to the severity and possible "cytokine storm" severe inflammatory response) But if you remember a theme in my posts of constantly complaining about my prostate and balls, I can't believe it but its been in remission since I took that shit, so sobriety has been easier to maintain without constant discomfort.

    I am rambling. I gained about 100lbs during this time, and spent the next year losing weight and recovering and I'm currently back to muscular strong self (In some ways, stronger and leaner than ever since I had to start blasting testosterone) I should make a thread on it.

    I should really make a post on it somewhere, because I had some crazy Covid symptoms, including my fucking finger turned blue and I snapped a picture of it.

    But yeah besides that you are right, gaming does suck all around but try Rust if you haven't its like, it has that old school freedom to do whatever sandbox feel that most games can't nab. No other developers would allow the in-game freedom Facepunch does, and I'm assuming its because of the severe learning curve and widespread toxicity and griefing that is looked down upon in current day gaming. Rust feels like what every game should be, they give you the tools to do and build what you want, you load in, no hand-holding, if you leave your door open and die without taking proper precautions you lose fucking everything and the hours or days of progress you've put into it. Thats the shit I want to play, where there is severe and fast consequence for incompetence. It would be nice to find some non-sociopathic people playing, but even when you find somebody to get along with, if you share a space its like they are waiting for some kind of disrespect or opportunity to shoot you in the head and change the locks lmao.

    I should rly make a Rust dissertation thread.
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by jerryb Muh weed, muh medicine. lol

    Nigga just admit you like getting high which I'm OK with but some you fuckers claim it will cure anything from a limp dick to cancer.

    Yah I used to lol at those fuckers as well until, eventually, after the amount of marijuana I'd smoked and consumed, compared to other products and their effects on my body, I legit believe it as well now. The kush always helping the body to achieve homeostasis and balance.
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Sounds fucking wild but possibly heavily suppressed or possibly not translated.

    Also, The Management of Savagery was an entertaining read. Like basically kind of laying out how various Jihadi groups who violently overthrow local governments in the Middle East should function together, or asks the question of how is one group more authorized than the other, or more chosen by God to lead or follow. You don't often think about the crazy conflicts and how one would even begin to operate in such an environment. One part is wild, where this dude is talks about his colleague was explaining some military tactics or something to someone, and was interrupted with news that like 20 of his closest family and team had been killed, and he was like "Oh..ok", and then back to explaining.
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Sour Strawberry Shatter
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Holy fuck not only was this at 9:11am on 9/11 but you have the twin towers of cysts on yo nutsack and this post is like an additional tragedy
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by A College Professor yall wana play wesnoth its free RTS game


    k umma practice first tho

    Originally posted by totse2118 I hate getting offline raided on rust so I usually try to make my base strong enough that nobody bothers raiding it because it would take a massive amount of explosives

    If you don't have enough layers they will just rocket or jackhammer through the door or any stone walls I think it's like 2 rockets which is cheap

    You gotta make it deep enough that they will think no way I'm gonna make my sulfur back raiding this guy

    But usually by that point I have a box of guns and piss off everyone around me as they see me scurry away to my compound and they start to fuck with me or build right next to me

    If I had a better computer and people to play with I would try to do more advanced stuff but meh

    The electricity and garages and new railways and boats and industry seems cool but holy fuck that game is a massive time sink spending hours to get fucked and lose it all

    As long as you have BPs you're aight but it's hard to get into a groove of being on a server and catching up to everyone else

    Yeah it really is, but when I first played it after like 5 years I just played solo until I had kinda learned all the new stuff they added (still haven't played with the livable boat update) and then you can kind of make it a game of "If I spend enough time and make it annoying where either nobody will bother to raid or they will get very little payoff" like you said they need to assume they will be wasting sulfur.
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