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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I messaged Panny soon as it happened to confirm all is okay/its not the apocalypse. I didn't hear back. I fear the worst.
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    It will be astounding at some of the overlapping similarities you will notice.

    I've only had what I would call real love for 2 chicks in my life. The first girls mother had passed away like a year before she met me. The second girl, in the remnants of our last predicament I guess you could call it, and I made amends with her mother. And in spending time with her, I see many of the same traits I found desirable in her daughter. Although in some cases kids are totally different than parents, in some it is a good indication of the lifestyle your partner might have in their head as they get older and learn who they are as a person.
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    totse2118 is the only user actually using their brain and saying things that is triggering me to think of other things and ideas, and that is how things are born. I will expand on this after I brainstorm.

    Not this "bribe a politician" "You need degrees bruv" talk

    Originally posted by RIPtotse need degrees bruv and experience really. i have an associates degree which helps nothing at all if that helps

    I have several degrees (English and Business) and certified to work with engineering software. None of this has helped me. Business is a joke, its like impossible to earn an honest living in current day with any fulfillment unless you really enjoy a trade or skill that is specialized enough to warrant payment (Such construction, repair, plumbing/electrician). But I mean if you were born in the 80's, it should weird you out how much money has spread out; Like technology shifted the possibility spectrum so much, people can become overnight marketing machines just with some fucking local mom tupperware like enthusiasm and ingenuity ya know? Kind of like how OnlyFans changed the game. God I wish I knew some even mildly competent or sane ho's
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Thats great totse, now if you can help me compile all that info you have there into a way somebody sends me a check for $5,000 for some sort of broad-spectrum, non-specific research journal contract that'd be great

    That sounds great Meikai, continue forth with newfound energy and let me know when you get funding available
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Perhaps that is the case
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Can somebone help me write smart enough to sound worthy of receiving some sort of scientific grant? Does NiS have some sort of pell grant one can apply for?

    I am interested in anabolics, holistic health, cannabis, marine biology, pharmacology, sociology, quality control, logistics, English and language arts, stuff like that. Like, somebody help me take the game "Sim Farm" and "farming simulator" and put it in word form to theorize worldwide food distribution analysis apply it to a real life scientific grant. See, I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, but those previous words had an intelligent ring to them. I believe short dissertations are my strong point, and what I enjoy the most.

    Somebody start a science research firm and hire me to sound smart and see what happens when crabs and snake/liserds/squirrels inhale THC smoke and things of that nature. Thank you, have a good day ahead.
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Chios Honey So what happened to you? last time I saw you was in tiny and you were being edgy and angry at everyone and then people said you boarded the Bus. so now I have to ask how many others never boarded the bus. the number has just been reduced by one.

    Who the fuck are you. I only vaguely keep in contact with BLTC crew, and someone who communicates from there must just say people are dead for the lulz. I don't remember stopping posting honestly, I already posted in another thread how the last thing I remember debating making a post on was "Will Horse Ivermectin cure Covid" because Covid caused me to gain 100lbs and bed ridden chronic pain from my old prostate issue I used to complain about regularly. I remember I hadn't posted in while, but I wasn't really sure if I was going to die (Or worse, remain fat and bedridden) but I was going to document it all for science and post sake, but if it ended up killing me or I remained a fat fuck in bed, I would feel rather stupid. So I guess that was about 3 years ago now, and I hadn't posted much since I had gotten back from Spokane Valley, WA, where I moved for a short time. So I guess it has been like 4-5 years since any consistent posting. Time sure is weird, like after taking benzos for so many years, I kind of feel like I time-warped to now. Another reason for not posting though, the more sober, the more you notice annoyances in grammar, or perhaps repeating ones self. That is the number one thing I think about when posting, because I hate repeating myself to anyone, and I treat NiS like I'm talking to somebody, and I'm sure, due to the nature of posting, I have repeated myself several times about several things. But some things are a common theme that has effected my life greatly and must be brought up consistently, like prostatitis.

    It miraculously worked, but once the inflammation and pain subsided, I was almost 300lbs (of fatass), so I get testosterone checked and Covid or the Ivermectin must have affected my balls, as I qualified for TRT with 2 scores less than 250ng. I am scared of needles as I've stated in posts before, so I asked for another options, which was Clomid. Clomid did raise my scores to 650ng, and but caused massive bloating and couldn't lose weight no matter how much diet and exercise. So I stop, my levels go to ~300, and then THEY TAKE AWAY THE OPTION OF TESTOSTERONE! They like "yeah you fine now it isn't a problem with testosterone" I'm like what the fuck, 15ng less and I'd be considered low, how the hell do you people think that's okay to now not let me try testosterone at those levels, with my symptoms? Of course I don't let this stop me, I'd always thought about supplement testosterone, but now I medically had a reason. I also didn't supplement earlier because if you read, enlarged prostate is a possible side effect, but I honestly feel like it has IMPROVED all symptoms of prostatitis, since it increases the amount of blood and bloodflow, now the area heals and recovers like normal. Its been in remission like over 2 years now.

    So I obtain the testosterone myself and start blasting (accidentally taking large doses, because I assume the shit I'm getting is underdosed, but turns out was quite powerful, which is why when my first test returned like 1480ng and men suddenly became strangely attractive). And sure enough, there is a reason doctors don't want males to have regular/high testosterone. They like dormancy, complacency, and no pushback. (Just like the government). So the testosterone takes call of all of my gripes, no depression or anxiety (As I tried to explain, being a fat fuck and feeling like shit will cause the depression and anxiety, once I start losing weight and working out again, it will subside, and it did, she's tried to prescribe me anti-depressants for every gripe I've ever had, including restless sleep)

    So now I keep my levels around 800-1200ng, mental clarity, libido, motivation, muscle mass, all systems are go once again. I would say from the whole ordeal, getting sick late March early April 2020, bed ridden til 2021, lost weight 2022, since 2023 I have been "recovered" and preparing for my next move (tbd). I am very pleased, as I honestly thought that was going to be the end of me, and now without constant discomfort and chronic pain, I feel as though I have a second chance at life, and am grateful for every day. So I felt it obligatory to share to those depressed, if your nuts don't endlessly hurt, there is hope.

    And as I've stated, I would check on NiS every 6 months and it looked like nothing was going on much. But I still love posting and writing. I still think in everyday life in terms of "How would I write this in text to post for zoklet fam" but I tend not to post unless I am healthy. Like, when I was almost 300lbs I didn't even want to go outside, I have high standards for myself, and same goes for posting. Not like life is perfect, financially still fucked, my personal relationships suck and I have sworn off women. But luckily you guys have always been there for me (Because you have no choice, I mean I'm posting on a message board read it or don't bitch). So I feel as though everyday is a blessing, and I can communicate this things to you, and our fingers work, and we are on future technology, get your mind and body and spirit right, then worry about the things out of your control.

    I assure you if I was worried about bitches, I would be mentally torn apart, worried about being a loser, etc. The last woman I got into cahoots with (Married woman with family, crush from high school) made me swear off women until further notice. For me to ever involve a woman in my life again, I would have to be so mentally strong and on my own shit, that it would be a "they can tag along" situation. But I can never put my trust or love in a woman again thats for sure. So thats another main point if you are depressed. Stay away from Women, they will guarantee make your depression worse. And if they are showing interest, and you think the light you need in your life, just simulate you've known them a few months and they are looking for new prospects.

    I remember my he-man woman haters club post. Great post, still holds true to this day. Damn I just looked up and wrote a whole bunch of shit I hardly remember umma just hit "submit"
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Focusing on ones self can be rewarding. Wake up, eat healthy and sparse, exercise, take medication for whatever your body or mind might be lacking (Usually just testosterone and marijuana, nothing like narcotics or anti-depressants), engage in hobbies, all of which are at their peak with technological advances. At least the things you can do solo.

    TL;DR - Eat - Smoke - Lift- Wack off - Cold Shower - Nap - Game - Read - Jog - Sleep/tiktok - Repeat

    Take nootropics and create new neural pathways. Play simulation and military games or something. Learn Battle for Wesnoth. There is no time for depression probably.
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai Sophie aka psychomanthis died (or didn't, you never know… at least until you know, y'know?) and Lanny refuses to divulge the contents of Sophie's PMs to kafka who had a crush on him and is either the reason Sophie disappeared or the reason Sophie "disappeared". Anyway, this is obviously an attack levelled against the very psyche of the much beloved kafka. One with which Lanny hopes to DESTROY her and PUSH her to SUICIDE.

    Or so the story goes.

    It's not so much a matter of censorship, it's more… someone with an extremely disordered personality making a lot of noise.

    oh Fudge RIP Psychomanthis
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    3 rapid fire shots of favorite likka, every hour or two, followed by drinking on cold ice water. I should try drinking alcohol again one day for the hell of it.
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I've checked here every 6 months to see if it was still up, and the front page (of every subforum) is like a page or two of Wellhung and some ho from a dating site talking about their haircuts or something, for like post after post for pages. Like am I missing something like do people still post; Why would one hate Lanny? What has been censored or worth censoring?
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    And I honestly don't think you can defeat me even if you started playing the original Halo like 20 years ago and consistently kept up muhfucca
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    And that's just facts, but its free so until you download and defeat me, I hold the current Niggas in Space Halo Infinite Sniping Heavyweight Championship of the World belt.
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    14 - 10 - 20
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator I think I got prescribed it once before the jail days it does fuck all for anxiety you might aswell just exercise and sort your head out.

    YOU might as well exercise and sort YOUR head out, and learn to READ, so we can put forth better EFFORT in our POSTS. /proots
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I get prescribed it bc i asked for it. Never noticed euphoria tho. Maybe i gotta eat a bunch

    Yah gotta eat a bunch

    Yesterday I don't know if I accidentally ingested 2, but I got tired as fuck. I did one of those "I'm going to eat crackers so I don't ingest on empty stomach *pops pill between crackers* did I just take the pill during my cracker eating?" And then went over, possibly for a second time, but it might have been the first time, and ingested.

    I did feel euphoria, but perhaps it was just because I had read about it causing euphoria. I also got tired as fuck, napped for like 3 hours, woke up for main event, went back to sleep. EDIT: I also took immediately before having to do some yardwork, so maybe that added to the euphoria (because who doesn't like yardwork)((I can probably tell you who)). I have slight nausea now, not good for working out, so might hold off on any more. Surely the shatter will help combat this nausea.

    Why would one ask for this? I ask for good things, but I am never given them.

    Originally posted by aldra there was a trend where bodybuilders were ordering it from shady suppliers

    "I'm transitioning from male to ALPH'A MALE"

    I would have lol'd at that back when my t levels were normal. Now I just have a fucking disgusted look on my face. Pull your fucking poorly attached no doubt USB keyboard as hard as you can, snapping off the dongle in the fucking port, you fucking piece of shit.

    This was a joke reply brought to you by Propranolol, have a great day!
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    is going to show Charlo his eskills. I promise you this. That is one thing Canelo made clear. That Charlo does not respect his eskills. But I assure you, Canelo is going to express his eskills beautifully, and Charlo will be astounded.
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah since I started testosterone I don't really get anxiety, but since I still don't risk drinking, benzos are one of the only drugs I still kind of miss from a recreational standpoint. So I'm naturally more interested in taking this, but every time 3rd med added I feel like shit (As one should, as that is far too many meds. I strive to only take herbal supplements like kush). I diet and exercise enough to combat it almost as much as possible, but I've always had high bp and runs in family. Its the main thing I have to combat health wise, and almost definitely what will kill me.

    I took it for a few days a while back and felt really heavy during cardio and didn't see benefit so quit, but might try again. See if I can squeeze out any of this "euphoria" mentioned during the Canelo fight.
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Does anyone have experience with this? I did see "propranolol euphoria" as one of the search options.

    Not trying to get crunk or even take any addition medications to lower my blood pressure (I'm already on amlodipine and olmesartan) but I'm down if it will keep bp steady and not effect performance when working out.

    The last time I took a "blocker" of any kind it was like an beta blocker or bladder muscle relaxant, apparently this is like benzo without being a benzo or something I kinda don't get it I might need to read up on it more but its probably not that interesting. Still love BLTC and find it interesting even though I think no meds and only natural shit like kush is healthy tho.
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai Or maybe I just have too much autism and I can't stomach the inefficiencies brought about by inexperience. There are two kinds of perfectionists: the kind who fuck up constantly and the kind who don't. The kind who don't fuck up constantly succeed in this by not attempting to succeed, where the kind who fucks up constantly finds success in life by hopelessly endeavoring to achieve that mythological perfection even though that predictably means always coming up short.

    Things get a little messy and I quit, because it's not perfect and it can never be perfect. I kinda wish I was the other kind of perfectionist.

    Right it can be stressful being a perfectionist. There is a fine line between being thorough and perfectionist. I fuck up as well, so I try to focus the perfectionist on the small things I can do perfect aka grill the perfect quesadilla or perfect room/gym organization. I too quit early if there is the slightest hitch or flaw early on. Depending on the matter, its a correct way of thinking. Some things, despite small bullshit like that, are worth fumbling and audibleing through, for experience and/or end result. I'm sure you know this I'm just re-iterating for post sake.

    Perfectionist even when making a post can be annoying as fuck, believe it or not this quick 30 second post, turned into like 6 minutes of me retyping, because I kept mixing some try hard smarty talk with I don't even know, long compound sentences God damn
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