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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra been trying out the latest build of 7days, similar to rust but less focus on pvp

    I don't like what they did with progression

    I tried but couldn't get into it for longer than like 10 minutes holy shit it sucks compared to Rust. Perhaps play a more PVE focused Rust.

    Originally posted by totse2118 PC can't run it well

    I'm pretty cracked at rust though
    I've been playing tf2 and Minecraft
    Yeah the fact its a pretty game helps alot, but it shouldn't take much to run. I'm on an older rig and everything runs okay and looks decent on medium.

    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Been playing wesnoth with fona and rabbi , rabbi doesn't play well with others or I would invite you fuys.

    Hey you guys wanna play weel do our own match.


    Originally posted by Meikai I beent playing Starfield but the Cyberspunk 2077 2.0 patch dropped a couple days ago and I decided to try that out and oooooh shit they changed it up so fucking much. Itemization is completely different, clothes do basically nothing now except hide your SHAME, and progression has been completely revamped in just about every arena (with the exception of story progression, which is a shame, because Jackie we hardly knew ye).

    Single player games though...even from Bethesda when these titles come out I feel like its similar to why I don't watch movies, it all looks predictable and slow ttk and I dunno. If there are decent physics that is always entertaining though. Goofing around with physics never get old. But I feel like I need satiate some sort of fast paced twitch competitive nature, like a quick game of Halo Infinite Snipers.

    Originally posted by totse2118 WEEEESNAWWWWW

    i'm trying to unlock all the class weapons in tf2

    I also play dawrf fortress but I'm waiting for adventure mode to come out. I have a sheep fort
    oh and I made a fort over a river and it's very epic

    looks dope good job
  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Rust was the last game worth getting into until whatever next best competitive shooter drops.

    And although you can trust nobody and its not easy to find people to play with (Thus is the nature of such a game) the creative elements and overall mechanics make it worth playing through solo a few wipes. It takes forever to get good and competent at everything, especially vanilla, and once you do teams add a whole other element, but I prefer village style because co-habitating can get annoying.

    I want to play Squad but I am broke and from the looks of it, looks to be graphically impressive and also the next elements of a shooter I am looking for. PUBG is still probably always going to be a top 3 favorite game for me but I am always looking for that kind of gameplay whether it be perfecting PUBG or perhaps Battlefield-like although I haven't taken Battlefield seriously in like 10 years.

    Dwarf fortress always interested me but much like RTS I feel like the games of overhead or strategy or cause me to think too much without enough action I naturally seem to play less. Sandbox and simulations can be great fun though, I got through the tutorial but not much farther.
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Depending on how easily obtained and cheap you can get it, yes.
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai eBagger was a bad influence on me he got me hooked on etizolam but being high af on etiz is the only reason I had the [let's call it] courage to meet up with scron and we've been dating for 6 years now so actually I guess I kind of owe him my happiness.

    Yes, in hindsight perhaps I shouldn't have been so reckless in proclaiming the vast benefits of tizzies, but I was probably geekd up. Could have had negative outcomes. I'll take it though (your happiness).

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats why is a thing.

    so that you can archive every one of your prescious posts.

    yeah but they never so prescious in hindsight I'm usually just fucked up and think I'm a literary master or something (Sobriety definitely increases or decreases post quality) There is a reason I usually delete everything, my thinking is so scattered, you wouldn't believe how many contextual and communication issues I have.
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I hardly remember, when it was legal on Amazon I remember vary effects, from some slight negative ones as mentioned the feel sick and rebound in a few days.

    I have a big tub of GABA I keep and dose in 500mg scoops, and it reminds me of when I'd dose phenibut. But yeah, GABA feels like the Gabapentin of supplements, and phenibut would felt more like the Lyrica/pregabalin of supplements.
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    It is 2023 apparently, and a mere 10 years ago I remember being threatened, from a common environmental hazard, with legal repercussions for smoking kush. I also remember getting high and creating threads that pushed humanity forward in evolution and changed the way we think as a species. Perhaps I am remembering my posts through rose colored glasses though, and some posts were, possibly, admittedly, not up to ones standards.

    I remember when smoking, it was funny to suggest the medical implications "Oh yes, I need marijuana for health reasons! It's all medical technically if ease my mind n shit!" "It's one of the only things that keeps my blood pressure down! So you purposely trying to keep me from smoking is like you killing me!"

    Little did I know, these jokes were actually fact, and I am firm believer in Marijuana's healing properties, and its use as a medication.

    It's weird to think as I now confidently smoke whenever/wherever, blowing marijuana smoke in the face of law enforcement and family members, how a plant has been the justification for ruining lives, literally generations of lives, primarily just because of profit and control. I mean when you are young and smoking bud, it's usually whatever, but as you get older and see the benefits, looking back, its quite the human rights violation. And why I am glad communities like this existed, where you could always casually talk about the stupid ways society or large groups of people conform around an idea and support it whether its legit or not. Or not even support it but go with the flow.

    This got away from me, I'll write an actual dissertation on the topic perhaps one day. I've found in sobriety, typos and sounding stupid when reading my posts outloud bother me much more than when I was constantly under the influence of something, therefor causing quantity to go down, and quality to SKYROCKET (Or stay the same). But this also makes my chances of hit "Submit" much less.

    In closing, I think Marijuana isn't a "drug", but it's medical benefits, availability, and its addition to any actual drug combination, makes it the greatest herb known to man. Has the widespread acceptance of kush changed the way you smoke in any capacity?
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I feel like, no matter what, once I give in and adapt and accept the new forum and style, and I start making great, thought provoking threads, the site gets shut down. Like, no matter what, it never fails. So even though writing and thread making is one of my favorite things to do, why would I put any effort in it if I know in a year or two it's going to be gone?

    Perhaps I'll just make a thread in the food subforum just to scratch that itch.
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra I thought grimace was FAGTHRAX

    I thought he was too.
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Like its like the graphix of an older site but like my subscriptions be confusing and like threads go on forever mainly consisting of african american women suggesting songs or something like wtf is this shit
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Weed + Opiate + low dose benzo + caffeine or low dose stimulant + microdose Shroom or LSD (OPTIONAL) = The best

    Well, we've discovered weed is practically medicine, like vitamin D, so I personally have only enjoyed kush + low dose buprenorphine because I'm too lazy to jump off completely, or I find it has some practical use that is worth still being dependent on the medication.

    Also, concentrate, because its less foliage in your fucking lungs
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I figured it would be shut down by now or have problems like an overabundance of retards (I think that may be the case) but yeah why this shit still goin
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Crush them up and put them in your breakfast burritos and on your hibachi rice and eggs.

    Also make various sour cream based dips, it makes for quite a delightful dipping experience 💯
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Thanks negros shit I coulda swore I wrote DietPiano. Maybe it was just on the paper and wet and crumpled I dunno
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Mission accomplished w/ boat dick str8 up sons

    I don't think I left any you out. I almost forgot STER0S was like damn...not today nigga *stared into horizon*

    Could be fancier I dunno it was hot af god damn

    I RECKON boat dick would be THERE

    THere ya go might be cool might suck whose to know, but I'm feeling...a 5 star tingle....oh, WHO KNOWS



    and lowercase Wren


  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I posted twice sons
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Christ can you niggers make any more REVISIONS? This is NOT a vandalize Wendys thread 4j, as much as that would be in the totse spirit, but I'll put you on the fucking boat.

    Now theres BIRD DRAWINGS involved

    Let me find my BITCH ASS sun tan lotion, and drawing materials. And its probably low tide so I'm going to be walking through MUD AND CLAMSHELLS while people on yachts wave at me like assholes. Wish me luck.
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Ahh SHIT I guess nows the time to actually deliver. Alright I woke up late

    Fonafone (937) 522-1751
    the man who put it in my hood
    8stringflinG (gay) or G4lm

    *insert poem here*

    Alright I'm going to find my sun block. I still have no weed god damnit. Chug some energy drinks or something. Anyone else want their name up they better post cause my ass getting ready to set sail.
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I've been out of kush so I've postponed I can't believe its wednesday already. I think tomorrow be the day mateys
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra if you're going to write my name please udse AUSCHWITZ NAZI DISNEYLAND instead

    Oh hey whats up AND

    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz This thread is retarded


    Alright I said poem not anatomically correct boat dick. It'd be near the back where the motor is if I had to guess though.
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