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Posts by eBagger

  1. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Niggles weirdo. you said something in "Australian"
    did you quote Paul Hogan shit too? did you say "That's not a knife, here.. This is a Knife" refering to her husband's penis versus your own.

    then stab her in the vagina flaps with your pen knife aka tiny weenier

    Oill say sumfin else in Australian too croikey u toyp loik a bitch
  2. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by toilet clogger are you fuckin retarded

  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman

    A self proclaimed "gypsy"
  4. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by totse2118 lol the ultimate crackhead game. I would put it in the same autism category as dwarf fortress.

    Oh rly. I just started watching some guides on Dwarf fortress but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to have the patience to play it. Like in Cities skylines its easy to expand and see the problems and the vision you might have, its a little harder for me to summon creativity thus far but I've only like...built a couple beds and shit.

    Originally posted by aldra autism simulator

    I need to work out circuits and logic operators but I might wait until the DLC releases before I try playing again

    I've launched the rocket a few times but never actually built a spiderbot

    Yeah neither have I. Oh speaking of DLC, the tons of other mods and space mods and shit. I haven't played any of those but I could imagine expanding on Factorio like infinitely. I also don't know the circuits and logic either. When you see the shit people create with that stuff, its like I feel like I need to be getting paid to play at that level.
  5. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Here is my first (And only) train station. I almost got fed up trying to learn the trains, but I was already on easy mode where the bugs don't attack you, but you have to clear them out as you expand and find new resources.

    I remember after I launched my first rocket, which took like 80hrs or something, possibly longer, and on a level where bugs don't attack, thats pretty slow. But I like taking my time and trying things, and I hate being rushed, which is why it was important that I play the first time without worrying about waves upon waves destroying precious infrastructure. Then, at least for me, it becomes a stressful game, and less of a leisurely "How do I get all this shit from here to here" game.

    Once I discovered solar, everything felt possible in a matter of time. And the robots to help, its like, I can see infinite replayability within Factorio, it scratches a resources managements/RTS/defense game itch, and is really satisfying when you set up a bunch of shit and give it power and everything works.

    When I'm gaming, I tend to like several options depending on mood, usually 2 routes. A RTS/Shitty graphics/Strategic economically or militarily or logistically game like factorio, and an FPS like PUBG/CS2/Halo/Fortnite/Warzone/Rust fast paced reflex based round shooters.

    When I played Factorio it felt getting rusty gears in my mind working again, like when you go back to school after a long period off and the teacher starts writing numbers on the board and you're brain is like oh fuck.

    And I didn't even give a shit about Nuclear power but I think you need it for focket fuel or something, but when it first went online wow what a power boost.

    I played the entire thing on my laptop, but I might install again and play on a larger monitor. I still don't want to turn bug waves on until I'm competent again. But I don't know about you guys, one thing that sucks about life is time is obviously of the essence, and there is much to play and do outside of a game one has already played through, but I think it is a top rated top awarded game on Steam and well respected, there is a probably a reason I'm thinking about playing it like a year after I launched my first rocket.

    I had all these plans for a mega plant like you see videos on, but alas, it is much more complicated when putting it into action, and I kept getting hung up and quitting, but I wanted to start a new world like halfway through because of how stupid and disorganized I setup things.

    That is all. Go play Factorio.
  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Trolling on Reddit is one the least productive things to do. I got banned from r/weed because I made a post suggesting if we were all smoking in RL, the mods would be off in the corner, conspiring about who is talking about the right things and bending the rules to what they see fit. I was then banned and when I tried to appeal by saying "See, you are proving my point, please let me know what rules I broke in this theoretical scenario" And then silenced and Reddit style have to see the moderator replies, with me unable to reply. Thats how reddit (And seemingly everyone else) does things.
  7. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I bought it, tried to get into it, uninstalled.

    Tried again more recently to see how updated it is in like 3 years, and it glitched and hung up on the tutorial like twice and that was enough to make me uninstall again.
  8. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I almost cried. I'll never forget the day I read ole' fagget mountain
  9. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by totse2118

    So basically like Rust in RL?
  10. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I was working out carrying weights down the road when I saw a couple loading a couch in their front door. I asked if they needed help and a females struggle showed it was quite a heavy couch. "Gday! Couch is a bit of a thing eh!" or something like that in a thick Australian accent. "Dude your from Australia aren't you!" and then I spoke of some people from Australia I follow and we eventually got the couch in we had to take off these screw on bottoms. I awkwardly even said some things in an Australian accent but I couldn't help it. Something in the heat of the moment like "Cripes! Couch is roight stook in there aint it!" (I say cripes regularly).

    Anyway, I carried about 90lbs for half a mile, then 30lbs for a mile.
  11. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator Yknow

    I've never actually played them buts it's 700% for the people who can't touch anything without washig there hands or the type that open door with socks on there hands.

    Like Minecraft or starfield

    What happened to games where u just shoot people and u save the world?

    (I joke really I liked fallout)

    Cells (The mobile game where you be havin to tap to level up n sheit)
  12. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    This is almost a gluttons and gourmet thing tbqh, and I was saying the same about original Sun Chips not long ago, probably in a thread in gluttons and gourmet. Perhaps you could have expanded on this "original flavor" in a crossover of sorts, a pringle - sun chip crossover. Holy fuck I'm hungry
  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny TBH I'd be down for a NiS rust enclave. I'm not sure we could manage the coordination necessary to make a rust run really work though, but fuck it, might be a beautiful disaster. I don't have the time to sink into it ATM but if you get it going at some point in the future I'd be there for it.

    tbqh I'm not sure it can fail, depending on server just having 1 extra competent pair of hands is a game changer, a village of 5 or 6 nigga bases casually logging in throughout the day and watching each others property. I know there are some videos on villages but they are definitely not as common as just big ass clan bases. I will let you know. If my game stops looking like shit I might play regularly and always post my current base coordinates and server in a thread. But that could be unwise as well.
  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Whoa Im in a cult sweet

    or prolly not there is probably a deeper level where the real cult shit is and I'm being made fun of for not being in the actual cult πŸ˜ͺ
  15. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I recommend it. Especially to someone like -Spectral, who might have totally been uploaded to the metaverse by now.

    I'm not going to go into detail why I had to start blasting Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml, but since I have I have felt pretty great, and back to my old self aka when I was 18 browsing totse waiting for registration to open, waking up with a severe erection every morning that will not go away unless I beat it the fuck into submission.

    My BP is a little elevated, and history of definitely dying from cardiac issues, but I never go on an actual "cycle" so far, just keep my levels what I've heard is optimal, between 800ng-1200ng, injecting 50-75mg usually every 2-3 days.

    I've lost about 80lbs, and gained about 15lbs of muscle in like a little over a year, can run and jog again everyday, etc.

    And I don't believe I'll always run my test this high, but with my family heart issues I don't expect to live long long, but since it is a quality of life issue, I feel as though keeping my test around the 1000ng mark is like running my engine slightly hot, but as long as I eat somewhat healthy, exercise, and take bp meds and keep levels from staying sky high, I shouldn't do much damage. Like I overall feel much healthier mentally and physically. And since I had to start after Covid f'd me up, I don't know I feel like it was a reset on my system.

    Anyways get your levels checked. Doctors are idiots if you are below 400ng and they say you don't need it, you still might. (I did medically qualify for test after Covid weight gain, although I always wanted to try it from a bodybuilding perspective, I said I wouldn't shut down my nuts unless I had a reason, and being fat and having 2 tests under 250ng was reason enough to try it out)

    I've always wanted to make workout journal posts but I hate my body too much to post updates to progress, but it would be a good motivator.
  16. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I'm in. I've got millions in ReplayPoker. My FPS skills are still above average, and with Counter Strike 2 currently downloading, might see another 1337spree. I represent SPK(Savage Patch Kids) and ZHG of course.
  17. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny Rust is fun and all but it’s not all about muh graphics (not that rust is really a graphical marvel, but definitely better than 7derps to derp). Honestly the jank is part of the charm and you end up exploiting it a good bit in base building which is fun.

    Also the absolute monke level of petty rat fucking, a war of every man against every other, red in tooth and claw, merciless and mindless, unthinking and unending aggression that characterizes rust is fun for a bit but really wears me out after a while.

    I agree, it is tiresome but so are the vicissitudes of fate, Lanny. Although I never say I'd never blame someone for not wanting to play a game for just those reasons, when playing similar survival I just feel like everything else is on easy mode in comparison. But yeah for casual playing and stress relief, you have to focus more on building and less population but its still there.

    "Not all about muh graphics" nigga I mentioned I'm tryna play Dwarf Fortress alongside Rust you think I give a fuck about graphics good thing you don't play homie I'd be outside yo do'

    EDIT: It don't have to be vs every man if there is a NiS fren village. Damn Rust looks like garbage on my monitor for some reason.
  18. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Bruh see my other thread, who in the fuck, had they played both, would EVER choose to play 7DtD over Rust. Even if does want more PvE, the engine alone.....
  19. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    My doctor suggested some sort of hoot ass daily journal, and to write how I am feeling about things and people down, and keep record and just be overall more aware. Do you guys do this, or do just consider making posts like what I am talking about?

    I should just post my bitching and moaning that I'm doing anyway on here lol
  20. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator I just came out of the Β£1 shop (dollar store for to the americans) took a right turn and I'm getting something out of my wallet and I look up and see this dude who I was in jail with last year, I've no idea what his name is but he recognises me calls me by name and asks for a light I say no I don't smoke and the he asks me "what you saying" which is basically slang/nigger english for "what you up to and how are things"…..and I'm not really doing much apart from being as sober as I can and spending time so I say "fuck all really mate…same old shit and he just shrugs and goes to walk away and I do the same but as I walk away i shout out "you're looking well though" which is true cause he usually looks like a strung out junkie who sniffs subutex all day…and he just shrugs and walks off…

    and that's about the only face to face to conversation I'll have today.

    I'm not even bitching or moaning
    I guess people really don't talk do they unless something is in them for these days.

    Correct. I was thanking an older friend who I've been working out with lately, thank you for good conversation. Because everyone is either stupid, has an agenda, trying to make themselves sound awesome, or don't see the point of general discussion. I know a chick who literally, if you are not talking about ways to get her money, sex, makeup, some benefit, she is like "Wait what are you saying? And why are you saying it? What does that have to do with me?" God damn I hate people.
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