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  1. #1
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Does anyone have experience with this? I did see "propranolol euphoria" as one of the search options.

    Not trying to get crunk or even take any addition medications to lower my blood pressure (I'm already on amlodipine and olmesartan) but I'm down if it will keep bp steady and not effect performance when working out.

    The last time I took a "blocker" of any kind it was like an beta blocker or bladder muscle relaxant, apparently this is like benzo without being a benzo or something I kinda don't get it I might need to read up on it more but its probably not that interesting. Still love BLTC and find it interesting even though I think no meds and only natural shit like kush is healthy tho.
  2. #2
    Kafka sweaty
    It doesn't make you high it just slows down your heart, given to people with anxiety.
  3. #3
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    It’s a blood pressure med, NOT for anxiety 😵‍💫🤤

    It’s definitely a beta-blocker that works by lowering your blood pressure and heart rate. The most common side effects of propranolol include low energy, cold hands and feet, and nausea.

    But the more rare adverse effects of this drug are mania or euphoria, delirium, and hallucinations, this may be the “euphoria” you read about and are related to the drug's effects on the central nervous system.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    It's also prescribed for anxiety.
  5. #5
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah since I started testosterone I don't really get anxiety, but since I still don't risk drinking, benzos are one of the only drugs I still kind of miss from a recreational standpoint. So I'm naturally more interested in taking this, but every time 3rd med added I feel like shit (As one should, as that is far too many meds. I strive to only take herbal supplements like kush). I diet and exercise enough to combat it almost as much as possible, but I've always had high bp and runs in family. Its the main thing I have to combat health wise, and almost definitely what will kill me.

    I took it for a few days a while back and felt really heavy during cardio and didn't see benefit so quit, but might try again. See if I can squeeze out any of this "euphoria" mentioned during the Canelo fight.
  6. #6
    Kafka sweaty
    I used to take testosterone tablets because my voice is too high-pitched. Just stuff off Amazon. If it does get rid of anxiety I might start taking it again. Turns out my voice is only high-pitched when I speak English.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Kafka I used to take testosterone tablets because my voice is too high-pitched. Just stuff off Amazon. If it does get rid of anxiety I might start taking it again. Turns out my voice is only high-pitched when I speak English.

    Yo they sell test on Amazon? Wtf lol
  8. #8
    I get prescribed it bc i asked for it. Never noticed euphoria tho. Maybe i gotta eat a bunch
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Fox Yo they sell test on Amazon? Wtf lol

    there was a trend where bodybuilders were ordering it from shady suppliers

    "I'm transitioning from male to ALPH'A MALE"
  10. #10
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    also isn't that the stuff that killed michael jackson? mixed with demerol from memory
  11. #11
    Thats propofol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I get prescribed it bc i asked for it. Never noticed euphoria tho. Maybe i gotta eat a bunch

    Yah gotta eat a bunch

    Yesterday I don't know if I accidentally ingested 2, but I got tired as fuck. I did one of those "I'm going to eat crackers so I don't ingest on empty stomach *pops pill between crackers* did I just take the pill during my cracker eating?" And then went over, possibly for a second time, but it might have been the first time, and ingested.

    I did feel euphoria, but perhaps it was just because I had read about it causing euphoria. I also got tired as fuck, napped for like 3 hours, woke up for main event, went back to sleep. EDIT: I also took immediately before having to do some yardwork, so maybe that added to the euphoria (because who doesn't like yardwork)((I can probably tell you who)). I have slight nausea now, not good for working out, so might hold off on any more. Surely the shatter will help combat this nausea.

    Why would one ask for this? I ask for good things, but I am never given them.

    Originally posted by aldra there was a trend where bodybuilders were ordering it from shady suppliers

    "I'm transitioning from male to ALPH'A MALE"

    I would have lol'd at that back when my t levels were normal. Now I just have a fucking disgusted look on my face. Pull your fucking poorly attached no doubt USB keyboard as hard as you can, snapping off the dongle in the fucking port, you fucking piece of shit.

    This was a joke reply brought to you by Propranolol, have a great day!
  13. #13
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    I think I got prescribed it once before the jail days it does fuck all for anxiety you might aswell just exercise and sort your head out.
  14. #14
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kafka I used to take testosterone tablets because my voice is too high-pitched. Just stuff off Amazon. If it does get rid of anxiety I might start taking it again. Turns out my voice is only high-pitched when I speak English.

    that explains the hairy arms and manly looking face. Maybe you should try arsenic.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator I think I got prescribed it once before the jail days it does fuck all for anxiety you might aswell just exercise and sort your head out.

    YOU might as well exercise and sort YOUR head out, and learn to READ, so we can put forth better EFFORT in our POSTS. /proots
  16. #16
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Yo heads up it made me feel like shit after a few days and I had to hop off. I don't know why I was started on the 60mg extended release, probably more appropriate for once a day bp lowering, but after day 2 you feel like shit. BP was an almost perfect 125/80 which I rarely see, but its not worth it if you're nauseous and it reduces cardiac output enough where you can't run and exert yourself fuck that.

    I haven't taken this shit in a week and I still feel like dogshit
  17. #17
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Originally posted by eBagger YOU might as well exercise and sort YOUR head out, and learn to READ, so we can put forth better EFFORT in our POSTS. /proots

    Take your meds you'll cause yourself a brain clot.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by eBagger Yo heads up it made me feel like shit after a few days and I had to hop off. I don't know why I was started on the 60mg extended release, probably more appropriate for once a day bp lowering, but after day 2 you feel like shit. BP was an almost perfect 125/80 which I rarely see, but its not worth it if you're nauseous and it reduces cardiac output enough where you can't run and exert yourself fuck that.

    I haven't taken this shit in a week and I still feel like dogshit

    lol twice a day?

    i was only prescribed 10mg x2. I took 4 the other day (for science) after i read ur post and it did indeed make me tired as fuck.
  19. #19
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    less droogs and laws
  20. #20
    eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked lol twice a day?

    i was only prescribed 10mg x2. I took 4 the other day (for science) after i read ur post and it did indeed make me tired as fuck.

    1 - 60mg extended release 1X a day. After day 3 became unbearable.

    Yeah back in August, left arm kept going numb/tingly/chest tight/traditional heart attack symptoms, but docs tests keep saying my heart and arteries are great

    But yeah that shit definitely works, like its probably going to lower bp effectively and if you take enough your body won't be able to take any sudden exercise. I got back to jogging 5 miles no problem (intermittent not entire 5 miles) and the day after ingestion I was dragging ass walking after 1/2 mile and retired at 1 mile mark. Stay aware of subtle symptoms, as aware as one tries to be, cardiac symptoms often don't present themselves until it's kinda blatant. Woke up with numb left arm prior to this very post
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