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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    Gadzooks wants so desperately for someone to acknowledge him.
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    I always imagined mmQ's name to be Gustave, specifically with an e at the end.
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Can someone explain the whole Indian packed train hanging on the sides of it thing? Is that really how all the trains are there?

    Basically because of underserved routes. Nobody wants to wait another 4 hours for the next train so people just try to get on the one that's there. As I recall, it's illegal to ride like that. So it shouldn't be happening where it can be enforced.
  4. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny did you fail geography ?

    Inb4 Benny realizes that Punjab spans both Pakistan and India, and was divided upon partition.
  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by aldra


    Lol, jedis.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    Ann Cunt
  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by GGG What kind of sauce bitch

    Depends. I just made some chicken with buffalo sauce.
  8. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Punjabi?

  9. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny amoleds are lcd too.

    only an illiterate paki would fall for the marketing jargon.

  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny white text on black is extremely gay.

    theres a reason negros dont tattoo themselves with white inks.

    Found the poornigger with an LCD phone.
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He's an American Paki, unlike Dfg, who is a homegrown Paki.

    I'm also a homegrown Paki. I'm just also living in America.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
    I don't like them to be drowned in sauce, I just brush the sauce on and get a lot in the slits.
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Xalaxar666 I killed a random faggot in a park one night when I was 17. It's not like the united states where it would be a big deal, where I live everyone hates faggots and wants to kill them so the investigation went nowhere.

    I want to lure a bunch of gay people to a house for an orgy, board up the doors and burn them all alive.

    Lotta self loathing, huh?
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Your mom must be the world's biggest masochist then.

    No, that would be whatever pair of parents that stirred up your genes.
  15. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks There's being gay, and there's being a faggot.

    §m£ÂgØL is gay (or bi, I dunno).

    You, however, come off as a faggot.

    Gay or straight, anyone fucking you would have to be a masochist.
  16. Mahmoud Houston
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    I want to stroke §m£ÂgØL's hair
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks You can miss me with that gay shit.

    No one was talking to you, ugly.
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    §m£ÂgØL and I are retiring to Pakistan to smoke weed with the pashtuns. He is Mexican enough to pass as a Paki, and his language skills will allow him to pick up Urdu/Hindi.
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by GGG 9 months before you were born

    Does your vagina still hurt? Keepo
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