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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL And Bernie just found out the Democrats are booting him out of the 2020 primary, just as he's announcing his run for another new house for himself.

    Bernie is a jedi, he wants the big money, the kind 9f money you get by being prez. He just needed a new crib for campaign side pussy first.
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Dean45 Not near as fun though as watching you fucking dumb fuck liberals imploding. Between Sanders and Cortez i think the world sees just how fucking stupid anyone in the democratic party is.

    Mad because the Bernster is an beta dog.
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    What are you asspained about now? Did you get banned from Kik again?
  4. Mahmoud Houston
  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I only eat fresh wings, but I buy a lot

    I've started just cooking whole chicken pieces when I feel a hankering for wings. I cut slits into the flesh and get the sauce in there.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Sounds like you need a gay support system.

  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by mikeyagain Sissy boy holdin a cartoon gun pic..

    Mmq is a nice man, it pains me to see you fighting.
  8. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by aldra What sort of Islam do they even practice

    THE FAG KIND, where you can have massive parties with IG hookers, er, models, booze and drugs, and gold plated Lamborghinis while finding Wahhabist fundamentalists to kill people who recite a different Qalima in Iraq.
  9. Mahmoud Houston
    Yeeeee my nigga. Also it would be cool if the images were off like Bibkiotek.
  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Me neither. I tried to make one by inverting the F values but apparently you have to do other stuff for it to work.
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    Mobile Chrome doesn't support extensions, pretty sure Safari doesn't either on iOS, and I'm asking for an AMOLED theme for mobile. It would be easy on desktop but idc about desktop. I highly doubt anyone is using an AMOLED monitor.

    Conversely, most modern mid to high range phones have AMOLED displays that can fully take advantage of black pixels by turning those pixels off. It'll be easier on the eyes because you'll only have a couple of white pixels turning on for text and separators, rather than the entire background being white and raping your eyes.

    If Bibliotek is more geared for desktop, this would be more geared for mobile purely by having a black background and white text.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
    The jedis are responsible for all the wars in the world.

    Yes I'm bigoted against the jedis. They are a disgusting rat people and so are the Saudi royals. I would burn them alive if I could.
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed

    lol, Muslim solidarity.

    Saudi Arabia is basically a jedi state. The royal family is literally a bunch of inbred retards who have control of oil tapped in the 1920s, I hope someone does a Breaking Bad style coordinated shanking on everyone who could remotely ascend to the throne.
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    I honestly can't believe Uighur internment is taking place like a modern holocaust, and countries like my native Pakistan, and others, are scared shitless of saying anything because big daddy China is holding the purse strings.

    Hey, nice solidarity morons.
  15. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed Vaping seems to have no negative effects worse than drinking coffee. It's about safe to say the modern man who has a mentally taxing job should be vaping, drinking coffee and doing modafinil.

    1. If you are addicted to something, you are a faggot and literally being compelled to action by an inanimate substance.

    2. It displays the constant need to suck on some vapor cum from your plastic cock. I may be gay but that's pretty faggy.

    So it is a negative trait to me, and a habit worth kicking.
  16. Mahmoud Houston
    Hey man learn to bake yourself, it is really ez, people always talk it up but it's literally just following basic instructions and not being a fucktard. Then get some lemon essence, learn how to properly rind a lemon, you don't want to get to the white part because then it'll be bitter, but if you do it right, you can use both the find and the juice and make really delicious lemon stuff no problem.
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    Just invert Bibliotek pls. White text on black background rather than the other way around.
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by aldra last time I tried reading on LSD it was one of Lovecraft's stories and I must've read the same paragraph 30 times in a row before everything got tentacly

    I can't even imagine reading anything on acid. Letters always feel like they have a tenuous grasp on their surfaces, like they're just about to float off into space. I'd just be looking at the letters.
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box this entire universe deserves destruction

    To The Creator did Beauty one day complain, why did you make me of that which wanes?

    The world is a hall of mirrors, answered He: a tale told to pass the long night of eternity.

    With the hues and colours of change it is made, it is the essence of beauty that it must fade.
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed I guess you can take the Pakistani out of Pakistan, but….

    In Pakistan I could have cut your head off and mailed it to your mother. This one is American as apple pie.
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