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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by GGG Yeah okay, but it's still not a cry for it's mother. This is a female koala being attacked by a male koala, which is probably wanting to rape her. That's a cry of anger/upset it's making, like a scream. Female koalas are just high pitched. Babies will make a sharp yip when they are calling for their mothers, not this screaming, which is a common noise when being attacked. Males make the noise too, but its deeper and more rumbling. Adult koalas don't make that yip noise. Go watch some actual baby koalas and you'll hear what the noise sounds like.

    Source: Years of watching Animal Planet and Nat Geo.

    This doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about koalas to dispute it.
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    Is this what happens when you remove "nigger" from Huckleberry Finn?
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Who Ouch

    Yeah I winced at the iIIiteracy too. Sad state of affairs for the educational system in this country.
  4. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by ohfralala

    The real crux of the issue is you see people doing what you can’t do anymore and it pulls at you and pisses you off. You see people fucking off with jovial banter and it nags at you for some ridiculous reason. Probably because you’ve allowed yourself to become a major faggot (albeit a highly intelligent one but still a major faggot).

    Stick to the meat thread and circular arguments about the objectivity of morality. Your personality is no longer dynamic enough for anything else.

    Major literacy issues with Mr Frolo it seems. If anything it further supports this point: you people have the big gay. But I don't expect the inmates to detest the asylum.
  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist Man you really turned out to be a piece of shit §m£ÂgØL. All I’ve seen Gad do is be nice to you, and help you with coding. He just gave you a site to practice on the other night.
    Did your man say, you better stick up for me? I bet he did. Can’t fight his own fights. You could have just kept your nose out of it, but noooo, you had to stab Gad in the back. What a piece of shit.

    Anddd, NO ONE gives 2 shits if you have a dick in your ass or mouth, NO ONE but you two. Adults keep their sex lives to themselves, oh yeah, forget it, look who I’m talking too 😏

    It is a scron/ghost alt, lul. I guess even he can troll morons.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    ^ Scron is clearly triggered hard.
  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Lol it's like he's crying rape.
  8. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks It's because I have enough respect for people around here that even a complete and utter waste of mere bytes worth of data such as yourself will get at least some of my attention.

    For the record, and for prosperity, YOU, and YOU ALONE, are the progenitor of all this BS. I straight up don't care if people on the Internet dislike me. But I'll always give them the benefit of the doubt because, unlike you, I consider other people to have value.

    Maybe you just write other people off as NPC's, but that's because you are, in all likelihood, a psychopath, or at the very least, just a plain old run-of-the-mill dick.

    I don't see other people that way, though.

    Have fun being a miserable prick with no friends your whole life.

    I'll be good.

    Triggered, and obviously upset that trying hard can't make people like him.

    Originally posted by ohfralala That's not true.

    Also, this is DH tier troll and I am disappoint.

    You have literally the exact same pathology of desperately needing approval, I was pretty much expecting you to band together to jack each other off.
  9. Mahmoud Houston
    S U P E R P O W E R

    B Y

    2 0 2 0
  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny We don't know, why don't you ask that indian next time he lays you out at the table?

    He is talking about the Washington handsome and well tanned individuals, not the Redskins.
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks At least I respect the people I post with.

    They're not just NPC's to me.

    Anyway, carry on with your faggotry and unbridled assholery.

    I straight up do not care.

    You are obviously upset that no one cares about you lul. That's why you jump like a puppy.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Dude if you're so fucking useless that you affect nobody's life in any way whatsoever, why even post anything on an Internet forum? You might as well just write in your fluffy pink diary you keep tucked under your bed.


    This place is my fluffy pink diary, faggot.
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'll bear that in mind next time I'm at the 7/11 and one of them gets upperty.

    You have to start with their stubby toes so they scream louder.
  15. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..and then there's the smell…

    Absolutely revolting. You know when you walk into an Indian store and that smell of taint sweat hits your nose? It's called "heeng".
  16. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson And yet my garden is a beautiful lawn of green grass…

    I would suggest using a blowtorch next time one pops up.
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lol, an aggressive Indian…like being savaged by a dead sheep

    Yeah it's not common, there are a billion layers of social customs and stuff regarding politeness and respect. Not that everyone follows them, but "culturedness" includes a lot more things in the subcontinent than it does in the west.
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Weeds in the garden grow faster than grass…it's just a case of spreading lots of weed killer though before it takes over the garden.

    Good plan till you realize there are like 80 different kinds of weeds that all adapt differently.
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by aldra and stockholm syndrome

    I.e. when Sweden becomes a Muslim state due to fucking
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Indians have a problem with eye contact…very furtive and untrustworthy.

    It's a social thing. They don't hold eye contact unless they're being aggressive.
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