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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny they cant and statistics dont lie.

    Of course they can. Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth due to fucking.
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the reason his election hold was because he had the support of the military.

    Lol wut.
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats simply because they have yet to reach the required critical mass, which is roughly about 40% and above.

    Then they could simply wait and outfuck the locals till they are 51%.
  4. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he can be if he wanted to.

    he could have told them to curl up like a bitch.

    If the PM had any direct authority over the military, so many of them wouldn't have been ousted by the military. In Pakistan, the military is the strongest power in all respects, the civil government has to work with and around them, not over them.
  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny not just india. its everywhere.

    from as far as southern phillipines to southern thailand to southern burma to as far away as some african countries which names i forgot.

    anyway, the native religion of the region is hinduism or some variety of it.

    Some insurgencies are hardly representative of entire Muslim populations in these regions. It's like saying European Muslims are trying to secede because there are terrier attacks and ISIS says so. In reality, there are many minority Muslim populations around the world that have no problems integrating nationally. Canada is a good example.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he should have offered another cheek instead of shooting down their planes.

    what im concerned is that china might get dragged into this thing and the whole korean thing falls apart.

    He didn't shoot down their planes. It might surprise you to find out that the Prime Minister isn't the CIC/COAS.
  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny post #11 proven.

    You're not wrong in the specific case of India. Religion is a major political force in the subcontinent, and religious persecution was a major part of India's history. After like 800 years of being ruled by and warring with the (Muslim) Mughal Empire, then like 300 years of British partisanship, the bad blood runs deep.
  8. Mahmoud Houston
  9. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny blame imran.

    none of this would happen if hed just take it like a bitch.

    and dont worry about your parents, india isnt the USA. they cant afford that many bombs to waste on your parents.

    He is taking it like a bitch. He's offering full cooperation in any investigation that India wants. Realistically, a chopper and two pilots isn't enough to start a war. But this is a political maneuver by BJP, what Pakistan says is mostly irrelevant, it will come down to how much popular support they can garner for a war effort.
  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I assume both countries would like to control both parts of Kashmir, and realistically for that to happen one or the other is probably going to have to stop existing

    To elaborate, Kashmir is massively important because the major water source for Western India and all of Pakistan (the Indus and it's 5 major tributaries) come through greater Kashmir.

    In the past, the two nations have had many disputes over the water in particular, such as the Chenab damming by India. Whatever affects the Indus and it's 5 tributaries will affect all of Pakistan, because it will affect agribusiness in Punjab, which is the core of the Pakistani economy, as well as Pakistan's major food source.

    Honestly, Kashmir should be independent. I wish international bodies would step in on this issue. 13 million people are living without any political self determination.

    I would prefer if Kashmir was annexed to Pakistan because it would bring long term political stability to the region by removing the constant threat of a water war, and actually allow Kashmir to he added to the production and consumer base of the Pakistan economy. But my biggest priority is getting these people out of their hellish limbo, and allowing them to get along as a nation. I don't give a fuck how that happens.
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    I've been worrying about this shit since this morning. The major airports have been shut down so I can't even fly my parents out.

    Imran Khan is trying his hardest to negotiate peace rn but India is raring to go because it will help the BJP politically. Fuck Modi. I have many friends on the other side of the border who say that this is exactly what the BJP wants, and about half the nation is holding their heads trying to convince their neighbours to not be retarded.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Just call this whole thing off.

    It's dumb.

    You insulted me, so I naturally felt the need to insult you back.

    Who the fuck cares?

    You, apparently. You explicitly said so. "Making an impact" LUL.
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Nah, you're just boring.

    I have yet to see anything other than cliche coming from you.

    You throw cliche, you get cliche.

    So, to reiterate, "k".

    Oh, I'm sure you'll give me a prior example. But you won't cuz you got pretty upset at being called out, my dude.
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Says the faggot that changes username every few weeks because he has managed to make literally ZERO impact on anyone with each iteration.

    You're the definition of a wallpaper personality.

    But worry not, because Ghost's quarrel with you has brought you to my attention.

    You will live on in infamy (for perhaps a few days, at least… not too shabby for a nobody).

    Originally posted by gadzooks k.

  15. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Mahmoud Goddamnit jedibase/coinjedis.

    16 day waiting period on a fucking active account because I have to reverify? How about suck my fucking dick?

    Originally posted by Mahmoud What should I use instead?
  16. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i didnt know ghandi was into gay orgies and riding men train.

    Getting trains run on him*
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Fret for your latte and fret for your lawsuit and fret for your prozac

    Fret for your bass neck
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Says the faggot that changes username every few weeks because he has managed to make literally ZERO impact on anyone with each iteration.

    You're trying to "make an impact" here? So I'm right?

    You're the definition of a wallpaper personality.

    There is great irony in you saying this.

    But worry not, because Ghost's quarrel with you has brought you to my attention.

    You will live on in infamy (for perhaps a few days, at least… not too shabby for a nobody).

    I literally have no idea what the fuck you are babbling about, retard.
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    What should I use instead?
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Goddamnit jedibase/coinjedis.

    16 day waiting period on a fucking active account because I have to reverify? How about suck my fucking dick?
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