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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I get that they both just retired and don't want to die of covid but how hard does she eat up this propoganda?
    Literally the dumbest thing anyone has asked of me this year yet I was nice about it and said okay because I do want to see my dad.
    I'm not getting vaccinated anytime soon nor do I care as it is a bunch of made up horse shit.
    A news headline in bold print reading "OMNICRON CASES DOUBLE IN 24 HOURS. NATION IS ON THE BRINK OF TSUNAMI!" and yet the actual cases jump 2 to 4 isn't anything but scare tactics and oppression in my book.
    There will always be something new and at some point enough is enough.
    Covid has been in the news for over 2 years now and I have yet to fall ill even though I have been around thousands of people.
    Even if I did get sick I wouldn't be freaking out as I'd be happy to let my immune system do it's job and if needed I'd go get some horse drugs and take care of it.
    The gullibility of some people makes me sick to my stomach knowing they won't do their own research which puts us in these types of situations where whoever owns the printing press controls the thoughts and minds of the masses.
    Anyone else dealing with stupid shit during their holidays?
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Have you done any focusing on coding or developing yourself to make your FU money and live the lifestyle of your dreams?

    I haven't done any coding in a month. I got way too caught up trying to make "gotta survive money" and also way too caught up with the holidays. I have no regrets as it is just how things go sometimes. I plan to restart my coding courses in the very near future (probably next week) as I would like very much to go into the New Year making progress on a long term goal.
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good Monday morning to everyone.
    Hope you are all doing jolly this holiday season and enjoying yourselves as we wrap up yet another year.
    I know I don't post much these days but I wanted to stop in and say hi.
    My life has been going good lately and I've been spending time doing things I haven't done in years and years.
    There has been a lot going on and a lot not going on at the same time.
    My full time job is more part time at the moment so last week I started some side work to make up for lost income.
    Worked a lot last week and am looking forward to continuing more work later on but as for the next couple of days I am waiting on contractors to finish up there part before I can get back in and continue my part.
    I still am thinking switching to a more stable job is a good idea and have been keeping my eye on several while I wait out the holidays.
    This coming weekend is Christmas and I plan on enjoying my 3 day weekend with family and friends.
    This year I got all my shopping done in good time and am not anxious about rushing out and buying last minute gifts as some previous years.
    I don't really have much new news as everything is basically the same just a little better.
    Going to keep my eye on the prize.
    Have a great week.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    He has been dead 8 years I think.
    Never asked him much about his time in the war.
    I knew photos had to exist but I never saw any of them until just the other day when I found a stack of them in a box shoved way up under the stairs at my dead aunts house.
    I have uploaded them all for your viewing pleasure.
    Never did I think I was going to find myself holding an original photograph of Hitler but here I am holding an origional photograph of Hitler.

    As for what my grandpa did in WWII all I can say is he was in all theaters and worked as a map maker.
    Here is my grandpa and his pet monkey.

    And here are the rest of the photos.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Looked at Credit Karma today and saw I had $8k open balance at Lowes.
    I couldn't ever remember opening an account there so I called and after 10 minutes of going through an automated system I got ahold of customer service.
    The lady on the phone kept questioning me as to if maybe I had just forgotten I had opened an account with them.
    I simply asked if they usually give 12 year olds credit cards as the account was opened nearly 2 decades ago (damn I'm old).
    She said "uhh... nope".
    And with that it was quickly resolved.
    Now I'm waiting to see if taking that off my credit report will actually hurt my credit as the account looks as though it has always been paid on time.
    Wouldn't that be a bitch. LOL
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I'm pissed off.
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    Needs couching from multiple sources and emotional support as well.
    Such a simple task made so hard because the trainee obviously doesn't have the heart to try.
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson All work and no play makes fona a sad boy, you need to get get your a regular woman to focus on and take your mind off work all the time.

    I already did that.
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Hello guys.
    Today is off to a cold and sluggish start for me.
    I slept until noon and woke up mildly confused.
    There is a lot on my mind that mostly is centered around my job.
    They announced last night that they were going to end our 3rd shift and have asked that anyone on that shift either move to 1st or 2nd by the end of the year.
    I already made the move a while back but the issue arises from the fact that when they started 2nd shift (which is when I switched) that they swore up and down that they had no plans to eliminate 3rd shift.
    Basically it is just another lie my company told it's employees and although it doesn't appear as though it will affect me I can't help but wonder when they will pull some bullshit that does affect me.
    And now that we are merging shifts together I am sure we will soon find us overstaffed and some people will be let go especially now that we have slowed down.
    I have slowly begun looking for new employment as I'm not very optimistic about the direction my company is going.
    Hopefully I won't find myself out in the cold as several of my co-workers already have as they just can't work a day shift due to family or other reasons which is why we questioned if they were planning on eliminating 3rd shift to begin with.
    I managed to get a lot done at home yesterday before work and am pretty proud of myself but today feels off to such a slow start it is almost the exact opposite as I haven't achieve anything yet.
    Going to get some food in my belly and get ready for work and just see what happens today.
    Hopefully I will find myself working by myself all day and I can avoid any stupidity.
    Ready for Spring time already. I don't enjoy the cold weather.
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I voted best year ever because not only do I still get to have memories of all my past years but also all the new memories I now have of this year.
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
    I had a really nice and enjoyable one.
    Spent time trapping a squirrel.
    Went shopping and got s little for me and a little for others.
    Had some yummy food.
    Saturday night I went to the company Christmas party for the company I quit earlier this year and I got to see a lot of old co-workers, most of whom seemed happy to see me.
    Started watching "Princess Bride" but I fell asleep...
    Sunday I ran a couple errands and then went to the mall and people watched while spending time with those near and dear to me.
    After all that was done I tried to finish watching "Princess Bride" but fell asleep again...
    Woke up today well before the sun came up which seems to be taking it's time rising.
    Going to try and get an oil change and go to the grocery before work.
    I need to get ahold of this buddy of mine about doing some side work and see if we will be starting it soon or if I need to look for other side work to keep me busy.
    Work is slow and I'm not trying to cross my fingers when it comes to having money.
    Anyways, I really hope you all enjoyed your weekend and would love to hear what you did.
    Please post about your adventures.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I've got basic hand tools, a cat fishing pole, a cat, and some weed.
    Please help.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Trying to make spaghetti here and I forgot to start the dishwasher before work.
    I'm looking for an alternative method to cook my meat on account of my pan is unavailable.
    I also have a toaster and a crock pot if anyone has any ideas.
    Please help.

    Do I even need to cook it or is that just more liberal bullshit?
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Paying $5 for a card with someone else's words on it always seemed like a disgusting choice of expression to me.
    I only ever liked cards that had either hand written notes in them or money.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Started looking at possible jobs the other day and went back to it this morning just to see who is hiring and what places are paying.
    It is alarming at the number of jobs available that don't pay a living wage but on the other hand that is why they are probably available.
    My goal is to keep moving up my hourly wage and even if I can't make a big leap in regards to that right now I'd still like something new to do.
    There are a couple of jobs I would like to apply to but at the same time I would feel a lot better waiting until after the holidays are over with.
    As I have a little time before I'm comfortable switching again I think I'll spend my time making profiles and resumes for the jobs that do interest me so when the time comes I can be prepared.
    Anyone else looking to try something new next year?
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I noticed a couple already overpriced things got very slightly cheaper but still are over priced.
    Have you bought anything for anyone this holiday season?
    I seriously woke up and immediately started shopping but my cart is empty as everything looks molested by Bidenflation.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Incessant And it goes away when you’re distracted?


    It is worse at nights but Ive been distracting myself from scratching more.
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Fungal infection? We called it swamp foot in Florida. Get some tough actin' tinactine (or off/store brand) and spray the shit wherever you itch.

    Fungal infections can be very persistent and itchy.

    I don't live in a pallet house in the swamp shooting heroin and bitching to doctors about needing my arms cut off so I can get a script for pain killers.
    ^you do that. Not me.
    I'm just an itchy mess right now.
    Seriously couldn't have been a worse person to reply to me offering me health advice.
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by G Says the hourly drone whom can't even keep a middleaged recovering addict under his wing lol.

    Your wife left you 10 years ago and took your 2 kids with her.
    Last time you tried to flex you bragged about your rented jet ski and totally forgot to mention that you had a part time job scrubbing bird poop off boats.
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