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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by G Finna get draped in jedielry & saunter about my cul-de-sac nude w/ the goblet of gods. Just realized a lot of my jedielry is in my safe deposit box since I had contractors here.

    Muh mancave dresser lit right now son lol.

    May do a cherokee wind dance to clear the cloud coverage for the event.

    Pot metal and fools gold.
    Aren't you in your mid 50's?

  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    We are not actually niggers and we don't want your rubbish knock off Nikes.
    Get fucked.
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Work owes me money from my last 3 paychecks because they keep fucking them up.
    My hours have been cut to the point this job isn't worth me wasting my time with anymore.
    And they went out of their way to keep employees from having anyway of contacting anyone up the chain of command.
    All of the supervisors have moved their offices far from where we work and hide behind locked doors all day refusing to cooperate.
    I was going to wait until next year to switch jobs but that doesn't sound like a good plan either anymore.
    All I want is my money and I'm gone.
    Fuck that job. I wouldn't mind finding out it went out in fire.

    In other news I am infected. Currently I have a headache and am sore and feel generally grouchy as fuck.

    That being said I hope you all get your fingers smashed in car doors today.

    I don't feel much like going to work tomorrow only to work a few hours and be sent home especially with the looming thought they won't even pay me right next week because the accountant is a drunken raspy old cunt who needs punched in the face.

    Maybe I'll just sell off my material possessions and start fresh working for some other cunt next year.
    I really don't like any of this but things are not working out and I have to get real with it now because it's not going to get any better.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Been busy as fuck learning code, living life, and working.
    Finished HTML and CSS courses. Now tonight I am beginning to learn Javascript.
    Yesterday I went out and saw family for Thanksgiving who most of I haven't seen in over 10 years.
    Work is going good and I'm at $20 an hour right now.
    Everything seems to be paying off decently.
    Not interested in prolonging my cyber life on NIS to be honest with you all.
    This shit is lame as fuck and I really do not like most of you.
    The ones that I do like know it.
    The others can get fucked.
    Sorry but I'm doing me and most of you are not doing anything.
    I feel my posts may come farther and farther apart as I continue to focus on what really matters to me.
    Right now NIS just is not doing anything to tickle my fancy and to be quite honest I feel as though it has disgusted me long enough.
    I wish you all the best.

  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Between constant jackhammers at home and constant stupidity at work I am feeling level 4 agitation.
    Was really hoping to come home and find some sort of healthy distraction to get lost in but I'm spent from today and have no further will to continue with staying awake.
    I made spaghetti today but it tasted like cum and I'm alright with not eating any left overs of it.
    That's what I get for buying only store brand ingredients.
    Fuck inflation...
    I'm probably more poor now than I was last year and don't even know it.
    Fuck my dick fuys, I got gas and it cost me $40 to fill up.
    I felt like someone was calling me a nigger.
    Some how I have got to become a professional programmer and be done with these shitty labor jobs that never ever end well.
    The only reason I'm still awake is to see what deals has in 27 minutes when they update their stuff.
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Hi fuys.
    Everything has been good lately.
    Haven't posted much as I've been really busy with work and life.
    My job has finally gotten around to training me on the things that mattered to me.
    Now my pay has increased to the point that I don't see anyway I'll make much more money there except for waiting around and collecting regular raises.
    Not going to lie, I am actually sort of bummed out that there is nothing left for me to learn to do there or at least nothing that will put more money in my pocket.
    It does feel good finally reaching the goals I had set for myself at this company but now (sort of like my last job) there is nothing left for me to do except wait for people to quit, die or just find a way to be okay with stagnating in my current position while I wait for a raise to come which by the time it does won't even be worth anything with the way inflation has been going.
    I know from experience that the holidays are not a good time to look for new work so I'm going to stagnate until after New Years and then maybe see about jumping into something else.
    I was really hoping to somehow find a way to be making $20/hr but I did know from the get go that it was highly unlikely I would find myself making anymore than $19.50/hr at most.
    It's all good as I did hit the realistic pay rate I sought for which is that $19.50/hr.
    If I chose to stick around I could probably make a few dollars more with time but that time would be better spent finding a job that out right pays more to begin with.
    Once 2022 hits I am sure I will set a new goal of $x/hr and chase it whether I actually have to or not.

    Programming slowed down the last week or 2 as my personal life took an upswing and I've been enjoying living life in ways I never foresaw myself doing.
    I never really took more than 2 or 3 days break from it and even then it was always in my mind. I'm still coding and learning more and more every chance I get to sit and focus.
    Currently I am finishing up a CSS crash course and it is going very well.
    I found a set of tutorials on Youtube that I have been following along with and they just make sense.
    My goal is by the weekend to be ready to move on to learning Javascript.

    That upswing I was talking about in regards to my personal life has got to do with friends, family and taking time to get out and do things. It feels so much better than sitting in front of my computer stoned all day making cobblestone dumb shit in Minecraft.
    Maybe now is not the time to break it all down to you but I do want you all to now I am happy and am looking forward to the future.
    I'm sure one day soon I'll be updating you on more details but right now it is more of a privacy thing and would rather just keep it to myself.
    A lot of you already know more than what I've said in this post.
    If it wasn't for the fact there is such a large fraction of pieces of absolute shit here I'd probably say more.

    With that being said I am trying my best to get through the holiday season and make sure everything goes well.
    Even though my job is going very well I haven't got a 40 hour week in over a month and I'm not sure if I will this week either.
    Side jobs keep getting postponed and I've even considered making crepes with a French woman on the weekend at a local market for extra money. I don't even know what the fuck a crepe is...
    Really I'm not too worried about money as I know how to work and get a job but it is more about not over working and killing myself.
    I need to ensure I have enough free time to continue pursuing the growth of relationships and continuing to advance my skills programming so that I can live an easier life enjoying more of the things that matter to me.

    I highly doubt you'll be seeing me making daily Fona threads for a bit, unless of course I get pissed and need to vent.
    There is more out there than what is in front of my eyes on a damn computer screen and I'm enjoying living.
    It is as simple as that. I want to be a person and not just a username.
    That does mean if I ever do get a chance to meet any of you I would love too but interacting on this shit posting, troll inhabited, waste of a site has done little but hold me back from going forth and taking control of what I need to.

    Feel free to message me but do know I haven't been reading any threads lately and by lately I mean I've only ever read my own the majority of the time to be honest.

    I'll be busy doing me. I hope you all find time to do you too.
    <3 Fona
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    A fire.
    Our products will release cyanide gas so no one will escape because no one knows this but myself.
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I will never unplug my dash cam again.
    I am so pissed I didn't capture it on video.
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Grylls Do you own anything that isn’t fucked up? I bet you didn’t replace that microwave yet

    Wait, seems like you and ratboy are related now

    I bought a new one 2 months or so ago.
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Update: Im just going to keep driving it until it dies. Not interested in investing anymore money into it.
    I've already secured a car loan and feel id be better off with something that doesn't leak more than the Exxon Valdez.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    I really hope all you Biden supporters get murdered for putting this dumbass in office who immediately ruined the economy and destroyed all law and order and who also is completely ignoring the fact thousands of mexican rapists are illegally entering this country.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    Spewing shit from both holes now.
    Fucking LOL
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Then you don't know anyone who is serving.

    Serving who?
    The only being anyone should be worried about serving is the Lord.
    Man is sin.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Kids these days will jump up and down to try and avoid getting shot like it's a video game.
    I doubt that the generation that is of fighting age can really accomplish much.
    You can give a man a flack jacket but if it is hot outside he won't put it on.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Grylls Why do you care about who managed to stop posting here and how they did it?

    The bottom line is they did and you didn’t


    Apparently insulting Legos really sets you off.
    Sorry, Legos are cool but you can suck my grandpap's dick you EU fag.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    The lifestyles they promote are so fake and yet so ate up by the black community I can't help but laugh in disgust.

    😂Somebody son has found me oh😂
    Nollywood actress Tessy & elivs❤

    Which Me do you prefer??
    Poor OR Rich

    ^Blacks make it when they own retarded slippers and post up on 30 year old couches at the landfill.

    Money fall on you, banana fall on you

    Fucking apes and their ape shit.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Grylls I’m that strong I managed to fix my gambling addiction and that’s just about as addictive as alcohol

    Yeah but only because security kicked your brain around and caused you to be hospitalized which in turn led to a Lego addiction...
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Grylls Lol pussy

    ain’t strong enough to stay away all by yourself

    How do the majority of those who quit posting manage to stop?
    Not doing that...
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Meikai Wild idea, I know, but maybe just don't come here for a week.

    This isnt as easy as gender reassignment.
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