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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by 🐿 I know a lot of relationships that would make this false.

    Sure but anecdotal evidence doesn't top hundreds of years of social history. As I said, exceptions to every rule but it's best to base a generalized opinion/statement on the majority rather than the minority.

    Just because you might know a 32yr old milf than banged an 18yr old it doesn't make the general rule false...just means she was a filthy filthy dogwoman.
  2. Originally posted by Archer513 Boo 👍🏻

    A sense of grandiose moral superiority.

    Yup. Archer said it nicer than me.
  3. Originally posted by HTS I mean… it's ignorance of the value of a human life.

    There really is no value...we've got plenty of them...self interest doesn't really mean it's valuable.
  4. oy vey
  5. Originally posted by jer3552 well now….the Zulus killed more Brit soldiers in one battle than any other army on earth….dilly dilly

    Um not even close...never heard of the Battle of the Somme?

    More than three million men fought in this battle and one million men were wounded or killed, making it one of the bloodiest battles in human history. ... The first day on the Somme was, in terms of casualties, also the worst day in the history of the British army, which suffered 57,470 casualties.
  6. Originally posted by apt Can someone explain the psychology behind SJWism and the west's current obsession with diversity and identity politics?

    Yeah, the basic premise is that being "socially aware and sensitive to others plight" means you are better educated and a better human than those of us who want anyone that's a fucking weirdo dead.

    It's "cool" to be kind to faggots etc...that's they mentality of your average's all really based on self promotion.

    "Im better than you because I care" etc.

    Bunch of faggot shit.
  7. No bagels either...that's a deal breaker.
  8. Originally posted by apt How easy is it to get on disability in this country?

    Just get yourself over 400lbs.
  9. Originally posted by benny vader what if your a citizen of a utterly corrupted, oppressive regime who just want to bitch and moan about rampant corruption ????

    what then ???

    Public execution would be a great solution for that.
  10. Maybe this guy

  11. Originally posted by CandyRein LMAO!

    I loved my phone.. I took it over my friends house so they can talk to guys too 😋haha

    The guys said phrases like::

    You wanna go to the movies tonight

    Let’s meet at the arcade after school

    Imagine what type of messages they would have today...
  12. Originally posted by Red_Woman Correction. Men want to date younger, after a certain age. ;) Even then, I know many who likes to date older women, say +40 and 50s.

    Exceptions to every rule...generally though that's they way it goes, even in school the girls all dated older guys. as a 15yr old we boys had to date the 13yr olds as the 15yr old girls were dating 17yr olds etc

    It's human instinct.

    The men are drawn to younger women as they see them as stronger/healthier for child bearing (and more controllable) and the women see older men as better providers for said offspring.

    The old bull gets all the young cows in the field while the snot nosed young bull has to look on in disgust.
  13. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Omfg! I haven’t seen Chad in so long ROFL 💖

    I’ll order this right now with no regret lol
    Fuqn Chad ol’ Heartbreaker 💖

    Teaching kids how to be phone hors for over 20yrs.
  14. Originally posted by Red_Woman LOL

    Thankfully I never been there. I've always been against having a relationship with younger guys than me. Even the same age I was always iffy about it.

    It's the natural order of things, men like to date younger, women like to date older.
  15. Neither were tough if you soaked them in brine for 24hrs then slow cooked them in a smoker for 14-16 hours
  16. They'll be no asses left at this rate what with them all being laughed off.
  17. How do you know she was 23? maybe she was 25 and lied to you.
  18. Feeding of children should be discouraged be it from a tit or a bottle....especially if the child in question is dark skinned.
  19. 2x Atom powered notebooks from Goodwill, $5 each.
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