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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by HTS You don't have to make good arguments to argue.

    You do if you want me to accept it as an argument and not me simply ridiculing your lack of knowledge and 'care bear' views as I have been doing.

  2. Originally posted by HTS Except they can save their sperm from before they cut it off and have in vitro fertilized babies. Despite being what should be a dead end, they aren't. How… unnatural.

    Well again nature gave man the brainpower he anything he is capable of doing, is natural...even if man himself is too dumb to understand that and attempts to misuse it.

    Again though...long term nature has been around a few seconds on the clock of history...
  3. Originally posted by HTS I can't believe I'm arguing

    Well you are not, you've not really offered anything up that is a valid argument....just the usual ignorant self absorbed and self serving fluff.
  4. Originally posted by joerell Like TGs…they are not a product of nature. Flawed genetics or mental illness caused the abnormalities. Like how massive abortions which goes against nature has affected normal birth and created enormous medical problems in women.

    Well they are, they are mutations...sometimes mutations are good, such as a mutation that creates an immunity to a disease...other times they are not so good, such as a mutation that results in a dude chopping his own tallywacker off...that's of course is a dead end...literally and figuratively.
  5. In the mean time while we wait for man to evolve and stop creating tiny dogs...THE NATIVE AMERICANS CAN GO THE FUCK BACK TO ASIA.
  6. Originally posted by HTS Yeah, what part of nature dictate's what man willed in this case? It wasn't hunger… a desire for a strong family unit… it wasn't for protection, or to serve one of man's needs.

    What part of nature? Again, you're using nature almost religiously, as though nature itself were god.

    I just told you, the part that resulted in man creating domesticated animals (and crops). Now obviously man took the "gift from nature" and used it not only to create good food sources but also to create cute little companions to make him feel better and so his hot wife could carry it around in her handbag..thereby strengthening the bond between male and female which gifts do...and not just among humans but in the animal kingdom too where "gifts" are often offered to mates, food, shelter etc etc.

    Simply because the rat dog has no use by nature doesn't mean it's not a product of nature. It's a product of the process nature put in place.

    Again, try it with a giraffe and's not going to work because nature never intended for that to work... now animals of the same species? of it creates genetic diversity.

    Again, nature is full of dead experiments...some things work out...some things don't...obviously and when man is eradicated or evolves into something else...then the selective breeding of dogs will stop and that dead end will come to a natural stop.
  7. lolz
  8. Originally posted by HTS Yeah I elucidated a bit on that - if the decision to breed those dogs was "nature", what part of nature. Because you seem to use nature the way bible thumpers use god.

    The part of nature than gave man the brainpower and will to cross breed...the ultimate goal being for example making his life easier by domesticating crops and animals for eating purposes...securing a good food source.
  9. Originally posted by HTS So they bred because they couldn't resist their natural urges (being dogs, and all), but who they bred with was chosen by humans. Do you think mommy dog and daddy dog would have bred or even survived to breed without the owners?

    Um we are back to the fact humans are part of nature...whether humans chose the dogs partners or's all a result of nature...

    If the humans chose a Giraffe and hamster I doubt they would have been successful, nature has to "allow" and set the parameters of human involvement.
  10. Originally posted by HTS Any doubt whatsoever precludes you from believing something? Did nature intend for you to be this fucking obstuse?

    No the dictionary did.

    A belief is a conviction in something...if you doubt it, it's not a conviction/belief.

    ...and again to seed doubt there would need to be a seed... there is ZERO evidence to the contrary that we are a product of nature...aka no doubt, no seed.
  11. Originally posted by HTS The chihuahua is a product of nature? Tell me, how so?

    Well mommy dog and daddy dog were put in a pen by mommy dog and daddy dogs owners....and they fucked...this was repeated multiple times resulting in the dog you are looking at, it's a great demonstration actually of evolution and how certain traits can be emphasized by selective breeding.

    Nature has many branches of course that are dead of natures dead ends might be giving the animal known as "humans" the ability and brain power to cross breed dogs so they can carry them around in handbags.
  12. Originally posted by HTS Skepticism means questioning your beliefs.

    No it doesn' means doubt. If you question your beliefs then they are not your beliefs...
  13. Originally posted by HTS PS: evidence to the contrary…

    Um it's a dog, a product of nature.
  14. Originally posted by HTS There needn't be. It's called skepticism. Maybe you've heard of it?

    Well yes there does need to be for it to be a valid argument/idea.

    Yes skepticism, a man made construct set to serve a human agenda...still needs evidence to be considered realistic...otherwise it's just fantasy.

    ...and again nature doesn't care about such petty little things and the fantasies of man.
  15. Originally posted by HTS There's the disconnect. You're a zealot. You can't even fathom doubting that proposition.

    There is no contrary evidence to seed doubt.
  16. Stupid fucking game! grown men kicking a ball around!!!
  17. Originally posted by HTS If we're all a product of nature

    There is no "if" about it...we are a product of nature. lol.

    then the ability to resist nature is what nature intended.

    Um non sequitur....
  18. Originally posted by HTS Again, we have freedom from nature. You could make the argument that the drive to survive/self-preservation is natural, of course, but:

    "I'm going to be eliminated by this 4 mile wide asteroid about to impact with the Earth! I don't care. Fuck life."

    Is just as human. And unnatural.

    You clearly have no intelligence if you think humans are not as much a part of nature as a fucking goat is...and are equally at it's mercy.

    Freedom from nature would mean immortality...

    Thou art dumb as a rock.
  19. Originally posted by HTS We have the capacity within us to overcome such base instincts also.

    Um no we don't.. base instincts are survival, eating, caring for your offspring and "family unit" and reproducing...Sure a few weirdo individuals can stray from those base instincts but they are anomalies and NOT what nature intended or intends...(who again runs the show here, not humans).
  20. Holy mother god.
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