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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by apt Not until the US collapses, which will probably take at least another decade

    lolol pretty sure it's a global/human problem. Not limited to the US
  2. YAS!!!!
  3. Originally posted by Lanny What do you think a right is?

    Nothing. I just said they don't exist...just as a god doesn't. I understand the human construct but they don't really exist.

    Any right you think you have can be taken from you at any time.
  4. Baskingstoke
  5. Rights (including fundamental ones) are much like religious deities...sure it makes you feel better but the reality is they don't exist.
  6. Originally posted by stl1 Now that we've established exactly what your mother is, I suppose it is now time to haggle over her price.

    Boo, did she give you the friends and family discount?

    Can I tell her you're my good buddy for a better price?

    She's long gone.
  7. Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Will there ever be an end to this type of corruption?

    Silly question, no. Just like there will never been equality or an end to racism. The sooner the SJWs realize that the sooner they can move on with their lives and be productive members of society.
  8. Originally posted by mikeyagain Got some stories bout her…

    Me too! Skank!
  9. Yep I caught the first half on my cell phone at have to watch the rest on web updates
  10. Originally posted by Archer513 Vanilla is a complex and intricate spice

    *credit jiggaboo johnson

    Ah you remembered.

    And the 2nd most expensive in the world.
  11. Cliffnotes bitch.
  12. 2-0! halftime. Another possible upset.
  13. Originally posted by jer3552 soccer players always turn to cannabilism ……soccer should be outlawed or players should be required to eat lots of meat tenderizer

    I'm sure this will result in a movie at some point...even more so if they eat each other...though as food is being given to them I don't know why they would.
  14. She said to ask you.
  15. Benny any exploitation stories you'd like to share with us?
  16. Daily Mail..lololol
  17. If they do get out the adult with them should be charged with 3rd degree murder or manslaughter for the dead's his neglect and stupidity that lead to his death.
  18. 4. Safe Space for Transsexuals and their lovers
  19. Originally posted by tee hee hee What is it about that country that produces so many ladyboys??

    The American sex tourist industry creates the demand.
  20. $250 on kiddy games...lololol
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