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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by -mal- Why is his thread in trips? Do all the DH spawn just hang in here or something? Christ. I can barely stand to be here anymore.

    Is that you in those videos Bill Krozby keeps posting...the chick living in the car etc?
  2. If you are in the UK then the BBC Iplayer app will no doubt be showing it and free.
  3. In the UK just pull over go in any pub, there are pubs every 10ft and they will all have it on.

    the foxsports app is the best bet though...or like I say your cable/satellite companies app.
  4. Originally posted by joerell Trans women are not women…

    Well it depends how you interpret that...a woman who trans-ed into a man is still a woman..and being a tranny that would make her a trans woman...who thinks it's a man.
  5. Jesus...
  6. Originally posted by joerell What's the best website to see the final game free and live for the final game…I'll be on the road. Do you or Cawk know.

    If you have a cable (or satilite) sub at home you can stream it on the appropriate phone app (i use the xfinity app to stream it on my phone for example)...if not telemundo will have it on for sure...if you are in a motel/hotel, they'll have it on foxsports....failing that kodi but you have to know how to set that up etc.
  7. Originally posted by S6x necro bump

    remember the NYC blackout right after 9/11

    like 2003? the entire east coast and part of Canada? I think 2-3 days. it happened in the 1970s as well. the blackout that caused a surge in child births some 9 months later.

    My guess.. EMP knocking out huge blocks of grids. I'm curious why it didn't hit the west coast or central US as well.

    Eh 2003 isn't right after 9/11...
  8. Originally posted by Lanny ITT: circle jerking

    Welcome, take your place next to benny
  9. Originally posted by tje2607 As a guy, does liking trans women make me gay?

    Women who want to be men? no because they are still women.

    A trans man wanting to be a woman, yes you're a faggot.
  10. Originally posted by tee hee hee So Belgium will…

    Run along to your stupid what are you wearing today threads...this is REAL talk in here.
  11. Can't beat a REAL bagel, not those fake ass American bagels that places like Panera bread and Starbucks have. Hard to come by a real bagel which are smaller and chewer but damn they are good. Of course I don't eat carbs no more but I encourage other filthy bastards to seek them out.
  12. Originally posted by S6x what will you guys do when you find out that God might not only be a jedi but Black as well?

    Set him to work in the cotton fields.
  13. Originally posted by benny vader it takes a genuine SJW to hate SJW from the other side.

    Well no it's not social justice to want faggotry and such tomfuckery deaded, it's more leaning towards a fascist mentality...which of course is the best way to run a country/society. Keep the fuckers in line etc.

    I don't think I've ever attended a protest in my life either and wouldn't waste my time doing so.
  14. France Vs Belgium.

    France to win.
  15. Phew!
  16. Originally posted by 🐿 That was an ignorant comment.

    My mom is 55. My step dad is 36. They've been married for almost 12 years. that's 1 set...

    You missed the thing about majorities when generally discussing a subject..right?

    btw...I give that marriage maybe another 5yrs tops...
  17. The hard and fast "rule" is: men should date women half their age +7yrs.
  18. Nothing gayer than Tennis these days. Back in my day it was a manly sport...then the faggots took over it along with the women that look like men.

    It's an outright outrage.
  19. She needs to wax her chin.
  20. Originally posted by apt Move to Canada

    Not sure moving from one 3rd world country to another 3rd world country will help...
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