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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by tee hee hee What is it about that country that produces so many ladyboys??

    The American sex tourist industry creates the demand.
  2. $250 on kiddy games...lololol
  3. Originally posted by mmQ It's gonna happen. It might just even be one kid taking one little bite out of his friend's arm toward the very end just because hes mentally fucked at that point and find the idea of it so hilarious that he can't resist. Then maybe it tastes horrible so he makes a funny face and it sends all of them into a maniacal laughing fit, causing them to use all their remaining energy and and with their gasps for breath they collectively die of asypxhiation, piss and shit in their pants and little deranged grins on their faces.

    I'd die of starvation, I can't stand Thai.
  4. Originally posted by tee hee hee Right so they can breathe with their machines…/eyerollllllllll

    Um well obviously when they are stuffing their faces they are off the machines...duh.
  5. Originally posted by tee hee hee I don't think you have much of an appetite when you can't breath!!!

    Those 600lbers on breathing machines still manage to shovel down their necks in 1 day the same amount of food the entire population of North Korean eats in a week.
  6. Why wouldn't one want to be on the bandwagon!

    It's like a hardcore hay ride.
  7. The face only matters when you introduce it to friends etc...or when you go for dinner at your parents or with your boss/colleagues/etc. Behind close does all the face is for is slapping if it doesn't do as it's ugly one just makes that easier.

    Think positive folks.
  8. Again it's not about the face, it's about the body and if that pic of her is real then I'd give it a length
  9. "The Tham Luang Nang Non caves are known locally as off-limits, a dangerous place where parents warn their children not to go into, especially during monsoon season."

    Let the idiots dieeeeee....fucking foreigners!
  10. I wish I was an apple on a tree
    Oh I wish I ws an apple on a treeeee
    'coz if I was an apple on a tree
    all the pretty girls would take a bite of me
    I wish I was an apple on a treeeee.

    I wish I was a donkey eatin grass...
  11. France ahead, 1 zip
  12. The cold hard light of reality is life is a struggle...learn to deal with it you weak drug addled idiots.
  13. Is going out staying in to a homeless person?
  14. So the quarter finals begin today.

    We have:

    Ur-a-gay vs France. France to win 2-1

    Brazil vs Belgium. Brazil to win 1000-0

  15. Oversight of society needs to be done by competent regulators with pro-social interests rather than nebulous, antisocial, practically unaccountable, profit-motivated, multinational internet companies

    No such thing...again you are pretty naive if you think any authority is free of corruption. Ever read animal farm?

    Can't believe I have to spell this out but you are a Trump supporter so probably not too well endowed in the IQ department

    More naive thinking...surveillance has been around a lot longer than Trump, the internet, me and you...and will continue on until the last 2 human's die.
  16. Here is an example video of single celled organisms waving their little tails. If you need more evidence I can certainly produce it for you...

  17. Originally posted by Rivotril Flu is a jedi curse.

    So are big noses.
  18. Originally posted by HTS I didn't "leave it somewhere", they took it from my thumb under pain of death/imprisonment depending on how hard I'd hypothetically fight back.

    Well you are shedding skin everywhere you yeah you leave it everywhere...and didn't you leave your willy at the hospital??
  19. Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover He's Uncle Idiot. That's his M.O.

    ^ My transgender nephew.

  20. coming from someone on a website

    Actually I'm in my office.

    you obviously must be a special kind of stupid.

    And you are just the regular kind huh...don't be jelly.
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