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Posts by WE SMOOTH

  1. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III suicideboys above and beyond sample <3333

    i've been on a pouya kick lately though i guess i can add that. my life has been going pretty shitty but its all the good "levelling up" kind of shitty in that last push towards 30. major work/relationship changes going on right now. my life is feeling like it's about to be real uncomfortable for a while so i'm kinda half assedly trying to stop smoking weed, get my skillz up, and get in better shape. & stop wasting money.

    That's my diary entry.
  2. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Juicebox really kicked it. I will pm you his obituary but I ask you do not share it. It's quite obviously the same face as his pictures he posted. His last post was about drinking a lethal dose of sodium nitrite. According to his friend who posted his obituary, his family believes his body just 'gave out' from the drugs. He chose this painful death because he didn't want anyone to know it was from drugs.

    So it would be pretty shitty if it got shared and the wrong person linked him up and ruined the purpose of his painful suicide.

    :/ This sucks to read along with the PoC shit. I have nothing else to add
  3. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost CRIPPIN

    this song hits different when its really true

  4. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut

    never realized the wisdom in this song.

    in the past week i've lost my scripper, got her back, lost her again, and now she loves me but she all MAD
  5. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
  6. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut


    (i always win)
  7. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Nigga I'm literally Morris Day AND Jerome and you're some dirty half beaner who used to cut himself to screamo and MCR wears leopard print blouses and smells girls shoes after they pass out at his house after drinking flavored vodka and listening to them bitch about their coworkers and family all night

    Every time you have ever ejaculated it has been premature. Even on meth it was several standard deviations from the normal amount of raw meth bonin. You have anxiety attacks at little league games

    You have no car and ride the bus with half a black and mild on you stinkin' shit up.
  8. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo you're a salty little faggot who measures their life along mine because you have more female characteristics than male

    I'm like Prince and you're like some 5'6 dude in a Tapout hoodie with a half smoked cig in your ear and a stack of $236 from selling drugs in your pocket fucking the lowest tier bitches thinking you're awesome.
  9. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Nigga she fucked 4-6 guys since you couldn't get hard and if you don't fuck her like you mean it she's never gonna be anything to you. You don't have hos if the basis of your relationship is talking about gender politics and eating heavy food.

    Strippers fake intimacy. It's literally their job. Fuck her like you own it or keep it movin mang

    I mean, kinda facts but also not really. I knew you would have some wack input but this wasn't too bad as far as your shit goes.
  10. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Teach me your ways, weese. Teach me how to get a UCLA educated stripper to fuck with me for my personality instead of bc I got the most fire H on deck.

    I really need to be talking to a woman right now, but I don't seem to care until it happens. HOW DO I MIRROR YOUR MAGNETIC PERSONALITY? PLZ CREATE YOUTUBE TUTORIAL?

    This was from bumble, i was about to go to sleep on a weeknight and I got a message from this mysterious profile saying "I think it would do me some good to get laid right now and I want to save us some time" so I risked the potential catfishing to meet up with her and then we hit it off.

    It's really been about making my dating app profiles better over time as i do more shit and get good pics of it. Also i try out new funny bios every so often. Meeeting girls at bars sucks. After meeting the first 10ish girls off the apps I don't even get nervous anymore, it's either gonna go well or terrible but i just be myself each time. Oh well. Lol.
  11. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Cause, I was just playing it super cool but when I started having ego loss and shit I figured I would drop her a line

    I'm glad I just didn't keep waiting forever lmao
  12. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    women like that only exist to hurt your feelings though and since i accepted that i've been much happier. still stings though.
  13. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    i surprised myself with that one tbh. ever been fucking a bitch so hot, that fulfills every one of your fantasies, that you just are bored with the situation? like there's nowhere to go from here .

    Her conversation was actually better than that experience above. Mind blown, nigga.
  14. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    if i posted a pic you guys wouldn't even believe me anyway.
  15. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    might as well, but yall are some hating ass niggas who would make me regret posting her pics. also, im secretly hoping she'll reconsider when her period is over. we were good together, man!
  16. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    So I didnt wanna come here and brag about my life like Sudo but now I have a good classic funny/shitty story.

    I've been seeing this stripper for like 3 weeks and talking about gender politics, just politics, dating, life, love, loss, etc.. like i met a woman who was beautiful and surpassed me intellectually for the first time since logic (LOL niggas still deny this happened. anyway. this girl was actually way hotter too duh.)

    But anyway she was a dancer and shit and told me on the first date that she hated men but I was cool and had a good energy.

    it was cool as fuck that she was just fucking with me off the love cause she's had sugar daddies, rich bfs, huge stacks of cash, etc, but she was fucking with the personality and I was just being myself and she was fuckin with it.

    Today I ate 4 gs of shrooms and thought I'd ask her if she was ghosting me for real this time since it had been like 5 days since we texted (I was never sure with her, busy, distant bitch. I would think she'd be ghosting me then she'd hit me up and in person it'd be all warm and shit.) and she goes into an emotional rant about the last time we hung out, me BEING UNABLE TO GET HARD.

    It was because we ate all this heavy ass food the night before and I felt this immense stomach pressure. Also, I was falling in love hard and thinking about how this was a bad idea. and also, no sleep. i digress.

    She thinks I'm shady or hiding something, like that I'm not attracted to her in the daylight, or i'm secretly doing meth because I couldn't get a boner. one of the two options. i tried to explain myself but i was peaking heavy LMAO and didn't do a good job. she seemed cool about it in person. She also on her period RN.

    And she was explaining this to me over text as I was peaking on mushrooms. It hurt my feelings but it was also funny as hell. I hit up an old girl friend of mine and vented for like 2 hours until she went to bed now I'm talking to this other girl about it. I feel like I sound like Bill Krozby, sound like a lying ass nigga. But I got hoes now.
  17. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    this site sucks now lol

    my lifes good now but why brag to you guys, i'd be like SUUUDOO. Which is GAY as fuck.
  18. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash What are you trying to say?

    That it doesn't bother me

    Pi redocted.
  19. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CountBlah Those miniature reeses eggs is where it's at. Got a grip of em in my fridge I picked up half off at the dollar sto in the hood.

    Pussy be good and shit but I hate when it's out of order for one week a month. Bitches be yellin bout needing pads and shit.

    Out of order?!?

  20. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER My Tweedle Farms weed just came in the mail.

    1/8 of Cherry and 1/8th of Secret Sauce, 1/4 of Lifter.

    This is seriously perfect. Just packed a bowl and vaped .2-.3. Ground it super fine with just a tiny pinch (.02?) of Wedding Cake on top. Almost no physical effects. No tightness in my chest. I started singing some gay song under my breath, and thats when i realized i was feeling something and started laughing. Muscles dont hurt quite so much as they did an hour or so ago. The pain in still there, but now its more like a tightness or a muscle that needs to be stretched- rather than a throbbing pain.

    I dig it.

    Rip Malice lol. I remember when he got introduced to marijuana and would vape 0.0001g and wait an hour for the effects 😂

    Poor sweet boy.
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