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Posts by Sir slappy the sea turtle

  1. Why the fuck would those japanese fucks make the nes classic in such limited supply. I wanna impulse buy that peice of shit because im a spoiled American and i cant. Fucking nintendo....and there dumbass new pokemon..idiots
  2. Go play sports and stop being so god damn queer
  3. Didnt notice he left
  4. When i was a teen i was degenerate trash. Constantly wanting more. Trying different drugs in various combinations to maximize euphoria. Reading compulsively. Now that im 25 i have no urge for more. I no longer yearn to get shit faced.. maybe once a week tbh after a shit day at work but i just wake up wishing i hadn't. i know longer care about how the world works i just like living my life the best i can. Is my brain just fully matured? Assimilated into the world.. This would explain sploo and roshambo they just have undeveloped brains.
  5. I was thinking about starting out with oyster mushrooms and growing them in fresh used coffee grounds. This will be next weeks project. I to love the taste of fresh mushrooms. Its a cool hobby at the very least. Plus you could grow psilocybin mushrooms along side the gourmet ones maybe that would get you off the hook because they'd (the powers that be) would just assume there all gourmet
  6. My shits moving fast ordered it two days ago and its 4 hours away. Started in arizona almost to the tip top of michigan bordering canada!
  7. Whats to cold?
  8. You want karma on your side bruh..empty your mind yo
  9. Been thinking about this. Growing thems pretty easy and you can sell them to grocery stores and restaurants. Even if you cant make good side cash its still tasty, cheap, healthy ,and plentiful food
  10. Originally posted by Dissociator also wat do till mail comes on monday

    Im waiting for mine to come on monday to wtf is the a trend. Beware of phenibut
  11. The color format is tasteless. Spice it up a bit
  12. Originally posted by bling bling the earth already in space

  13. Originally posted by the holy ghost I get membership because I'm total level 1,910

    Originally posted by the holy ghost I get membership because I'm total level 1,910

    Your a noob
  14. Where theres a will theres a way
  15. Are people with houston under there names not space
    Niggas? We're still on earth.
  16. I bet if you had skills you could make a fortune off burglerizing houses. Staking out rich neighborhoods biding you time. Waiting to slither and strike. Theres a part in my town thats out in the country and the houses there look like celebrity houses. I can only fathom the divine riches that lie within
  17. Originally posted by the holy ghost >just got out of ER
    >dosing phenibut powder in random amounts with a teaspoon


    Dont do it kid you'll get terrible withdrawals
  18. All that i know is that i know nothing
  19. I finished my phenibut about 4 days ago and had absolutely terrible withdrawal symptoms be careful with the stuff. I had a bottle of 60 250mg pills used em up in two weeks
  20. Waffle
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