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Posts by Sir slappy the sea turtle

  1. This is how i feel in
  2. I blew my asshole out a month ago from puking so hard i dont think i limped. It was just painful sitting down
  3. I have a samsung galaxy core prime and its the biggest piece of shit 70$ can buy
  4. Originally posted by Lanny samsung does indeed make freezers. What a strange world we live in

    And microwaves
  5. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump lol you are surrounded by idiots…

    but tell me.

    Are you alone?.


    We're all alone
  6. Even ifthe bible was right would it even matter? Life is a strange mystery either way. If theres a god it just opens up more questions there can't be answers to
  7. What if im crazy. A paranoid bipolar that thinks everyones out to get him
  8. Mahhhgerrrd im such a hypocrite ooh noos
  9. Originally posted by Lanny

    Yeah whats your point
  10. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump You're a fucking retard

    This is a perfect example! a degenerate meth head that gets high off of otc drugs and had his meth shack burn down is throwing out the word retard
  11. Dont cuck me cat fucker. Im not saying im smart im saying the majority of people are terrible and im nicer then they are that would be my drunken post simplified. You guys just dont understand sir slappy. If you swam with my flippies you'd understand..because of my job im forced to interact with like a hundred people everyday and ive noticed probably 80 percent of them are douchbags. Judgmental entitled fake douchbags. You guys probably all live in cities. I live in a small snowbilly college town. Its like the whole town is a 1980s highschool portrayed in movies. Girls here are terrible they dont care about love just money and how they look in the eyes of everyone around them. All the males are obsessed with being beta they're main goal in life is to own a big truck and they call you bud in a condescending manner. You just don't understand...sniff..sniff
  12. I got my beer and an old hooker to beet

  13. Originally posted by Lanny How do people write these things without getting the irony here?

    Who gives a shit? Not me of course fuck grammer im glad it bothers you.
  14. I just really do not like people at all. They disgust me and theres so many of them its ridiculous its trippy to think about it. I wonder if eating magic mushrooms acid and reading philosophy/psychology when i was younger did this to me...made me realize how stupid things are. Id say the world is just filled with stupid children but its the opposite of that children are empty open and mystified by everything. The masses are filled with bullshit and are sure about everything. There boring predictable and grey
  15. Originally posted by aldra people would rather feel like they're right than actually find out whether they are

    enhancement bubbles and echo chambers

    Thats exactly what it is but why are there so many of these terrible people
  16. I dont think you just "make" friends its kind of a gay thing that just happens. I moved to a new town 3 years ago and i made friends by just asking people to get me weed then we hang out and laugh. I made a girl friend off tinder recently we bond over playing guitar and i fucked her once. I made aa real good friend at work hes an actual friend like one you'd make in childhood. Tbh friends are overrated i think maybe its because im getting old at age 25 but id rather just be by myself its nice having a girlfriend partner though to love and bond with on a deeper intimate level. Unless your a likeable sociable type that can walk up to strangers to befriend them your not gonna have much luck. Its really just that simple but your not that type obviously
  17. I feel like im surrounded by idiots like im the only person with a brain that i interact with in life. Small things bother me for example ive been asked my age at work like 5 times every couple of months and ill say 25 then a month or so later the same people will ask the same question. When i go on facebook to refill my hatred for humanity i see the most disturbing things bitchs whining about "simple" people when they themselves are dumb and trashy as fuck. Girls take selfie pictures of themselves then put it through 5 layers of enhancements so its like its a whole different person. This fat douchbag whines about trump all the time and acts like hes the pinnacle of intelligence hes one of those athiests that are more annoying then worst Christian fundamentalists. I know im not very smart but how can i be more intelligent then all these people around me. I wouldn't even use the word intelligence its more like everyone in my life is fake insanely narcissistic and just ignorant like there living inside some stupid litte box. Im genuinely kinda scared of life now. i have a dream where i find a girl thats not like these fake people and we run away together. You cant really run away but i mean live in the country where its quiet and escape into each other where you can just forget about all the horrible degenerate retards in the world fighting over what they think is best.
  18. This forum is the most interesting part of my life. I love space.
  19. Originally posted by Bill Krozby taste is subjective, just like my whole point is people like what they like. some people like russians, some people like cats (like malice), some people are like little girls. America has a much more selection of different options than russia.


    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2016-12-22T02:35:20.327017+00:00

    Taste is subjective but you like the 99 cent milwakuees best tall boys of women when theres nice tasty imported beers out there. Your preference of taste is icky.. the majority would agree
  20. Didnt you make this post months ago or am i just having deja vu
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