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Posts by Sir slappy the sea turtle

  1. Theres a spice isle in walmart just follow the signs
  2. Its getting harder and HARDER to get off. A few days ago this girl was giving me head and at first i was like ooooh gawd yus but then i slowly just lost feeling i had to make her give up after 15 minutes because i felt bad. She was all like im so sorry baby please forgive me but i felt bad. Wtf is wrong with me. It must be this T-PAIN shit. I hate when you cant get off so the girl jerks your dick off really fast so its uncomfortable making it even harder to cum because it breaks your horny concentration. Your fingering and slapping her ass begging god please cum for this girl but nothing ever cums. Your left dissapointed dissatisfied and less of a man
  3. Originally posted by HampTheToker Bonus gif

    If this makes me a pedo then so be it. Perfection
  4. Let the hate of this community flow through my cringe statement
  5. All of you are whiney whimper bags constantly fighting one another. At least Bill Krozby doesnt whine and goes about things in a humorous sort of way. Hes a man with a simple dream like me and that i can respect
  6. I hate people you make one little post and people fight like stupid...well...humans i wish i could say animals. Why am i here amongst all of you.
  7. Also years ago prolly when i was like 15 i remember about to go to bed and i closed my eyes and saw this demonic creature looking at me he kinda looked like the jeepers creepers y on with scales and sharp toothed large crooked smile i jumped because it was like he was right in my face
  8. Slept like two hours was up all night feeling good on a pain killer high but when i slept that last hour or so holy fuck did i ever have some crazy dreams. I went through a door anf there were all this tall stick men with no eyes just a big toothy mouthes and they were pale and bald there was like a ceremony going on and there was one creature that was kinda like the rest but only really fat and he it recognized me. He lowered his face down inches away from mine and was casually saying so you went through the door. He might of said something else but i dont remember. It was in the setting of a large dark hall i think and i had the impression that there was gonna be a celebratory feast. I didnt feel scared just disturbed especially after all these tall creatures started dancing around and shrieking. I think they looked normal before and then changed that way. The fat creature that got in my face creeped me out becuase his face resembled my grandpas that passed last year. Just woke up so im trying to get down as much as i can remember brain is still in a sleepy fog...need coffee
  9. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger My stupid what?

    I believe anal scratch answered that for me mr stupid pants
  10. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger thats stupid

    And ugly muahaha
  11. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger thats stupid

    Your stupid
  12. Imagine seeing a tree for the first time or the stars in the night sky. Science has taken the magic out of life with the illusion of labels. Im not sure exactly how to explain what im saying ill try a different approach when you drink vodka you get drunk and we know we know how our bodies get drunk through the ethanol and the process of fermantation but forget all of those labelings imagine if the spirits of the natural ingredients in that create the alcohol are making you act the way we call drunk.theres a belief i believe is called animism where everything has a spirit such as trees grass the ocean
  13. Thats kind of like how it feels im not to sure how to explain it except it feels like your completely disconnected from your body and reality. My first time experiencing it was sitting in church when i was very little like 7 probably blown away by how crazy life is. Then i got it in my 20s probably because i got out of highschool moved away and didnt know who i was as a person yet combined with lots of pot and booze. Now im 25 and somedays i feel little glimmers of it coming back while im at work. My guess is because my jobs stressfull and im stuck in the same room for 9 hours. There are some people that feel depersonalized 24/7 that would be horrible
  14. Anyone ever experience this? Its the worst i get it from time to time. When i was 20 i had it real bad for a month and didnt go outside. Im afraid it might come back and ill lose my mind completely
  15. Keeps saying must be 13000 bytes or some shit...fuck you technology sir slappy does what he wants
  16. I hate to admit this but i got 99 magic when i was like 17 high on cough syrup. This place is like a gathering space of retards that i hate to admit i have things in common with..arrgh still drunk talking a shit on the toilet
  17. Runescape is so horrible now it used to be so much fun like 7 years ago
  18. Originally posted by Dissociator Updated delivery day: Saturday, December 10

    out for delerium
    its on the cuck truck

    Mine updated to oh joy i shall be high before dinner
  19. Thank the gods! My package is arriving to day! Merry christmas niggas
  20. Thought id get my T-PAIN today since it was only an hour away but i checked right now and its in traverse city it went like 2 hours Backwards. I have to wait till monday just like stupid splooooooo agggghhhbbhbbb stupid holidays
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