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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS It's probably the fact that no matter how much you do, you can never be a natural woman. Not because they "get over it, it was just a faze" - they don't get over it, even after they've done the most they can do with modern medicine, and have no further recourse. It's like having an incurable disease… eventually after you've tried all the treatment options… you lose hope.

    everyone wants to be something or someone else, but you just gotta get on with life and accept it for what it is. you play the hand you got dealt by life, and just thank your lucky stars you never got the hands that some other poor fuckers got dealt in life, like mentally handicapped or thalidamide victims and shit. know what i mean? life's a bitch yeah, but it always has those sweet moments here and there that makes it worth living anyway. imagine getting malices fucked up hand, and finding yourself caught up in some defective "hey, autismsm spectrum" loop function. it could always be way worse man.

    look at jill the jedi jar ffs, imagine being whatever that is? coz i really don't have any idea wtf it even is.

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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 It got me a date with a sweet girl who has a mutual interest in me. Not hitting up randoms at McDonald's doesn't mean you aren't putting yourself out there.

    i'm just trying to help enter out a bit. he seems to have gotten his mind in a twist when it comes to picking up chicks, which is obvious from his posts. it doesn't surprise me tho, considering how we live in a world where the media and the system literally shape your mind and opinion on things our whole lives. then force feed everyone these ridiculous ideals of the opposite sex one moment, then you get all this shit now about age of consents, when no means no and all manner of sexual misconducts being waved in front of our faces in such a way that guys feel guilty just have natural urges and desires for women. plus you got all this sexuality and gender shit being blurred to the extreme. its a confusing world out there now.

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i tell you what tho, if they could make you into a proper fit woman and then turn you back again a few weeks later, absolutely perfect tho, i'd give that a go for sure. that would be one hell of a trip.

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by D4NG0 You will always be a man no matter what surgery you have. All teasing aside, don't lop your balls off bro. You can't get em back.

    fucking hell man, could you imagine doing all that and then finding out a year or two later that it was actually just a faze you were going through? that would be the absolute definition of cucking yourself. shit man, that would be some top-level tragedy, omg fuck.

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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i'm currently doing something very similar, setting up a website for a business. we're going with paid protonmail accounts which will enable us to put the company web domain as the part and keeping all the smtp shit very simple indeed. i can't remember how much it was now for the protonmail accounts but it was fucking cheap. like $6 a month or summing silly.

    anyway, i'd be interested with which solution you put in place, and when i put the company website up i will be more than happy to let you know what we decided to go with and why. ours is simple like yours, no ecommerce solutions or anything. just giving the company a simple web presence for now. you know, so they don't look like fucking amateurs and that.

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    the systems of control, including the worlds media, have been hoodwinking so many fucking sheep herds for so long now, and pulling it off so easily , they often don't even bother trying very hard anymore. i mean tbf tho, you got like over 99% of people now a days just take anything they ever read in a newspaper or hear on the tv as gospel. i mean this story for instance, many people will read or watch it, they will even take the information into memory and even tell it to others. they'll do all that, yet will barely put any logical thought process into processing the information. they certainly won't question it at all. now

    how the fuck can you live like that? accepting information as absolute truth so easily. they've become so used to and trusting of the system that they've effectively removed all enhancements from their brain relating to intake of information from certain 'official' sources.

    that's a phrase you hear quite often from these idiots, 'yeah, its true, it was on the telly'. or 'yeah, its true, i read it in the paper'. that's their logic, that anything on tv or in the newspapers is absolute 100% accurate and truth, without a shred of doubt. how the fuck can you live that way as a human being? we're supposed to be by far the most intelligent species in known existence. how are we capable of such intelligence and ingenuity that has been demonstrated countless times over the years by so many individuals, in so many different fields. and yet capable of such staggering moronity at the same time. the human psyche is such a crazy and puzzling thing at times.

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Xlite I see u didn't git it. If i knew everything i would also know my goals.

    he hasn't figured a lot of things yet. he lives in this strange little headspace where he see's everybody else as the idiots. i'm wondering if one day it'll just suddenly occur to him. i dunno if you guys ever got mitchell and webb, the comedy sketch show. i'll get the scene off yt, i'm imagining him having this sudden realization, like the nazi does in the clip, and it will just spin his whole world completely upside down.


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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS It's possible to be intersex. It's not possible to be interspecies. This is silly.

    ya thunk?

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Vizier Of course the comments are disabled.

    i know, wtf is that all about? why wouldn't you want to give the world's biggest racists a platform and opportunity to totally insult, humiliate and degrade your kid? what's wrong with these fucking people?

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by A College Professor
    3hrs later

    lol, smart people don't use google anymore, you mug.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    its just the same joke repeatedly with this thing. i really have absolutely no idea wtf it^ is. did someone put a really shitty faggy comedy dvd in and it got scratched and is just repeating the same joke over and over? and somehow the computer is just returning the joke here as the result of some glitchy if/else statement, or summing?

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i think yours and my idea of the definition of gangster are two totally different things pal.

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Yeah its kinda entertaining when its happening to someone else tho. Especially when they keep whinging and wining about it.

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Neither. It is a "blow" hole for a reason, it generates cocaine. What do you think that white mist is when they blow? Cocaine. Blow.

    one of these days, when i got a few extra quid spare, i'm gonna buy you a decent sense of humor pal.

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by A College Professor daddy/large?

    it stands for 'daddy dom/little girl' its all this age play regression shit. i'm pretty certain most dudes into it are total fucking pedos. but i've started to figure that most of the chicks into it are completely batshit fucking cray cray. so its like a goldmine of crazy chicks. i fucking love crazy chicks, they fuck like nothing else, most will let you do absolutely anything. this one is like 200 miles away but is a good 7/10. i should have a car in the next few weeks so i could be setting up a good thing. just gotta try and ignore the fact that she's sucking her pacifier and cuddling a teddy bear and calling me daddy while i'm balls deep tho. i can do that, fuck it, lol.

    in fact her being 200 miles away is prolly good. i can go up there and fuck the shit out of her for a weekend, then dodge back and leave her up there. so i get the mad crazy sex without having to deal with all her other insanity while my cock isn't stuck inside her. the more i think about it, the more this sounds like a good idea, lol. also might be just the thing i need to help get that hooker chick outta my head.

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    obbe, why are you bothering to have/partake in this discussion? when according to your theory there is absolutely no point or reason for partaking in discussing anything. what is the point in humans developing language and forms of communication in the first place? it makes zero sense, you fucking imbecile(not my actual thoughts). the best i can fathom of your theory is that you're pretty much saying the entire human race suffers with some kind of tourettes syndrome.

    its like think about it tho. if i had an opinion on something, but you're saying that i'm not thinking that, so that's not really my opinion. then that means my opinion on the matter is something else/not that. which means i still have an opinion. even if i don't know what my opinion is on something, i will still have an opinion about it. so if i have an opinion, then i have free will/thought.

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i'd be trying my hardest to get those burgers and my cock to meet somewhere in the middle.

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ I think it's fair to say that nobody thinks we have absolute free will, in that we can't make ourselves invisible if we willed it, or turn the moon into a big butt.


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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i've had my fair share of strife, prolly double up what mmq listed at least, but i am older. altho my dad didn't die. well my adopted dad didn't, my real dad was some local gangster back in the 70s/80s who got blasted through his front door with a shotgun, but i'd never met the cunt. my real mom was a total fucking piece of shit that would make anyone on this site look good. i was taken into care before i was even 1 year old battered and neglected. child services weren't so sharp in them days so over the next few years i was sent back to her and taken away again about 4 or 5 times with the same shit happening. her excuse apparently was that she was getting a neighbor to babysit so they must have been beating me. but what kind of a mother gives her baby to somebody after they came back all beaten, even once tho? obvious bullshit, and doesn't explain the neglect and me being half starved and shit all the time. my earliest memories are being there in a cot in a bedroom and all i can really remember was this overwhelming feeling of fear and nobody coming. i'm guessing having a baby was just too inconvenient to her lifestyle at the time. i guess it explains my attachment disorder, altho i don't have it severe, i just won't allow many people close to me until i've weighed them up somewhat.

    of course there's many people had way worse than me.

    the way i see it is life is just a series of good and bad events. that's how it is. fairy stories and shit that we're fed as kids set us up for a fall. we grow up with these ideas that life is gonna be like a fairy story and go all nice and smooth. the glitzy side of the media constantly showing the rich and famous living their fabulous lives on a minute by minute basis also doesn't help with peoples expectations of life.

    life is a series of problems to solve. just get on and solve them to the best of you're abilities and try to be ready to deal with the next one, but without getting paranoid about every possibility, like viewing the media would make you believe.

    its all worth it for the sweet moments anyway. the bad times are just the price you pay for the good times.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Fox Paws That was ages ago I don’t have it anymore.

    I lost almost all of my PI file as well

    actually i totally forgot about these. is this them?

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