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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Holy shit is this for real. What the fuck Mark. People from this community die an awful lot.

    Also, Come on TDR, you're entitled to your opinion but most of us liked mark and it doesn't matter how he died, the fact is he's gone and it's pretty gay enough as it is.

    Straight up man nof troll, I know you love your opiates, and I hope you know I kinda hope it don't kill you. But if it does I won't say anything kinder about you. I live in a world that can not suffer the damage aa junkie can cause just to get the monkey off of their back. Saw that monkey take those who I counted as as brothers, teachers and teachers before SpectraL tied NirvanaNET.

    What a long strange trip it's been.
  2. Lolz holy ghost would slap the shit outta u with his dick
    Shut up you and your signature can't even slap your sub-malice peen.
  3. [h=1]toothless (U+9F73) Font Support[/h]
    [FONT=Open Sans]This is a list of fonts that support Unicode Han Character 'toothless' (U+9F73).[/FONT]
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    [FONT=Open Sans]The default image is using the Arial Unicode MS font[/FONT]
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    [TABLE="class: table table-list table-striped table-auto, width: 100%"]
    Font [/TR]
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    [TD="bgcolor: #F9F9F9"]Arial Unicode MS[/TD]
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    [TD]BabelStone Han[/TD]
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    [TD]WenQuanYi Zen Hei[/TD]
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  4. I have 6 Thanks. You only have 1.

    Congratulations on your fantasy sense of self esteem and oral health.
  5. -kid

    I'm 46 nigga
    Still a kid in my crew.
  6. lol @ this music
    LOL at greenspastic from greengreasygrevil.
  7. Die and let your parents out.
  8. Lolz holy ghost would slap the shit outta u with his dick
  9. -kid

    I'm 46 nigga
  10. The molecules that we consist of were much more recently the shit of thousands of animals and humans than stars. From this I conlude everything living = shit, and this is obviously science here so it's true whether or not you believe it.
  11. lol @ this music
  12. I could slap you around with one arm tied up behind my back, my ankles tied together, and wearing a blindfold.

    I could slap you around with two arms tied behind my back
  13. I never liked him because he was a willing part of the Fun Bunch which killed Totse, but I didn't wish this to happen to him. But at least he's in the Long Sleep now, and the troubles of this world are over for him, for the moment.
    If by Fun Bunch you mean those who have fun at your expense that would pretty much everyone but you and your Barbie Dolls.
  14. TheDarkRodent is like a kind of vampire. They feed their own broken-down and tattered egos by ceaselessly trying to diminish the role of others. They're like mindless parasites always trying to suck the blood out of their hosts. They can't help what they are any more than a bottom feeding, sucker-lipped, scum-sucking parasite can help what it is. It's a natural for them, and they don't even have the ability to understand anything otherwise.
    At least vampires have teeth.
  15. Its got shitty formatting. No one wants to read a massive wall of text with shit formatting. Get better formatting then maybe someone will actually read it.

    Until then still dr
    Shove it kid. It's a VB 55 issue. Try help and suggestions.
  16. Its got shitty formatting. No one wants to read a massive wall of text with shit formatting. Get better formatting then maybe someone will actually read it.

    Until then still dr
  17. ^that
  18. haha tdr you've been waiting so long to post that haven't you? ;)
    Nah, it was never a matter of if, it was simply a matter of when.
  19. yeah the only site im not banned with becaye no wuns can understand the realz me
    Correction, no one online gives one fuck about the "real" you.
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