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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Dude its a long and hard road to understanding nothing. Existence and non existence are a bit easier. I mean lets consider the existence of the universe. Humans did not exist during the entirety of earths existence. And the earth and its system is likely far younger than the galaxy in which it resides. So we could say that in this moment there is existence, or all the physical things that make up this particular moments. We could even apply this to a set of moments and get the same outcome. That outcome will be that there are objects in the realm of existence and objects outside the realm of existence. Therefore in order for some object to exist it must rely on objects and events that existed at some moment but does not exist in the present moment. Like dinosaurs.


  4. or the admin can fix it if he gave a shit, but she doesn't

  5. Needle dick* Needle dick* Needle dick*
  6. I wonder how feasible it is to use directional microwaves as a murder weapon, whether you could literally cook someone's brain in their skull, or at least their eyeballs. It would be pretty hardcore.

    There's this, which is a similar concept, except it isn't intended to kill people:

    Dang, well, eyeballs, maybe, which is still pretty cool. I'm not knowledgeable on this subject, I don't know whether using a lower frequency would allow you to penetrate deep enough. I also don't know how difficult or expensive it would be to acquire something to generate them and the kind of directional panel needed, along with the power requirements.

    But, my god would this be a magnificent terrorist/serial killer weapon for striking fear into the hearts of men and causing societal panic. Imagine random people in a crowd, even entire groups, suddenly shrieking and collapsing in pain, then their eyes literally bursting.
  7. Find a way to have them put you into a medically induced coma until they can cure what ails you. Or even if it's only for a short period, week/month, maybe it'll act as a hard reset for your brain. I wonder if there are any studies on this.

    Or, if you want to live, you could try one of the potent and readily available antidepressants I've recommended multiple times. Don't give me the money excuse, the vast majority could easily scrounge it up if you stopped pissing it away on non-necessities and sold some things, it's because you don't want to.
    The only thing he could do that would be more fucked up than anything he's ever done is take medical advice from you.
  8. all I know about shia lebouf is some family guy jokes and then in the news the other day I saw how he got arrested.
    Yeah same here, until I Googled this ass I didn't even realize he was in Fury.

  9. I renounce any non-Whit blood that is in me and pledge allegiance to the White race. To support the White race is to support Western civilization.

    Here we go again...
  10. No thanks
  11. [FONT=Arial]Yall mother fuckers gonna get loud?[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]My land lord keeps asking me whats with all the noise. I used to tell him it was a sports thing but I think he's getting suspicious. What should I tell him?[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]anyone ever try trading off huffs of air horn and silly string?[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]The BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP of the air horn really compliments the silliness of the string[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]IMO silly string MAX is the best brand

    Do you think if we tried we could get facebook parents worried that their children are abusing airhorn? You know like those chain letters that go around.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]>implying air horn isn't a real drug[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]>2015 not getting loud[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]I stayed in a Russian hostel once. I could hardly sleep from all the BRAAAAAAAAPS. This is where I first learned of gettin loud. Russians know how to party.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]They call it "Вдыхaя бaнши", or inhaling the banshee.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]They started doing it because they weren't allowed buy glue and key board cleaners any more. But there was no ban on air horns.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Russian air horns are much more potent than any thing i can get state side.

    Did you really do it? Yeah bro, you don't just jump into gettin' loud. Most people start out with silly string and move over to horns latter. You gotta level up your skill man.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]Try doing short bursts and holding the horn directly over your mouth a few millimeters away. You loose alot of gas and the BRAAAAPS are louder but it'll get you where you're going.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]If you want to stealth it, try like i said, stuff cotton balls in your mouth and press it on your lips. The cotton should muffle the BEEEWWWRP.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]Three guys in Missouri went out on the lake to do some fishing and drink a few beers, then one of them decided to blow their emergency air horn just for the hell of it. It was an imported Russian horn, and everyone in the boat got high as fuck, fell in the water, and drowned. Since then, the US has had a ban on all Russian air horns.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]Also I'm deaf. Mark of a well proper loud bloke.[/FONT]

  12. I can't wait to see sploos parents finally kick him out and him die in the streets.
    While it could happen why would you anticipate it?
  13. HE STILL IS FUN YOU MOFO! lumpy gravy is a greeaaaat album and weezles wiipppped my felshly!!!! ahahahrhrhakrlelakls
    He's dead...
  14. Rome was Pagan.

    Then the Christians had a revolution and it became Christian.

    Also, evil spirits exist for Christians, and those can be compared to ghosts.
    It became Catholic.
  15. It started writing shit on the dry erase board

    You're fucked
  16. Slipped on an eyeball.
  17. What I do is jump onto its back, then I hook my arm down under its soft throat and grab it in a headlock of steel. Then I wrench back on the head while squeezing its belly like a vice with my legs, squeezing all the air out of its lungs using only my thighs, and finally, I slowly force its head onto its back, eyes down, breaking its neck like a walnut in a nut cracker.
    You watch a lot of television huh?
  18. The reason for this; PERSONs-economics-voting-clueless-kids-these-days/374427/ is that for three generations the public "education" system has been purposely miseducating young Americans.
  19. No, let's consider the considerer of that source of endorsement.
  20. But have you ever been involved in meth manufacturing or transport? Just curious.
    Before I answer that answer this. Have you ever been involved a in a serious committed relationship?
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