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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Well you guys are as old as the moon so I wouldn't expect you to know who he is.
    Or maybe we aren't star struck little fagboys who are sucked in by the spell of Hollywood.
  2. Was not scared.
    Was not funny
  3. I've never so much as held hands, nor have I wanted to.
    The answer to your question is no. But man you are damaged goods.
  4. I am one of the people who coined the term. Face it, kid, you're green. Green as they come.
    We already know how stupid you are. But when you post a load of horse shit like this it only serves to illustrate how stupid you truly are?
  5. You deserved it, I hate people that don't mind their own business and feel the need to fixate on and harass others. Really, can you imagine how incredibly annoying it would be if someone repeatedly did this to you over the course of a year?
    You got picked on a lot in school huh?
  6. For some reason I tend to skim right past things.
    I just wanted to see what your avatar looked like biggerized.

  7. 11 goddamn years ago. I still find it kind of sad I remember my Totse join date, 24/10/2004 (or 10/24),
  8. I swear that thread about the mirror in the water was one of the first threads I read on Totse RIP.
  9. Op is a faggit cunt
    As much as I hate having to admit this, Bill Krozby is actually right.
  10. AngryOnion is something you'll never be.
  11. Well, the shitbag who used to be my husband is leaving tomorrow to Washington. Im pretty apprehensive about it. I have my baby, 11 dogs, a macaw and a couple cats to care for by myself, my grandmother is still AWOL (she left saying she was going to the pharmacy and to get money to have the well repaired- she took her two dogs and has been gone since the 16th). I also dont have a vehicle which is going to be a bitxh, but Im working on fixing the truck my sack of shit could never be bothered to work on. Honestly, I dont know where my grandmother went and I really dont care, I just hopes she doesnt come back. She has been exceptionally delusional with alzhiemers and said my husband kidnapped her the monday before she left, told the pharmacy that and the cops came and everything. I dont want some idiot around who would risk my child being taken away by DCF over her spiteful dumbshit. I havent ever lived alone in my life. Im not going to lie, Im scared as fuck, though I am happy the negative people in my life are gone or will be soon. It wouldnt be so scary if I didnt have so many lives depending on me though.. oh, and living in a house with some superfucky paranormal activity thats been extremely active this week.. thats going to be fun. Talk about seeing people walk across the porch, front gate bell jingle, hear footsteps in the house, hear them go to the garage with all the dogs barking like my husband got home only to find no one there. Also the voices when he has been gone has been troubling to say the least.

    But at least you have §m£ÂgØL tho, right? ...Right?
  12. Trauma is sexy.. stab me again my sweet lil murderer

    its so much more fun to pick up the pieces =)

    Gothiq Chic
  13. Promethazine was first employed as an early antipsychotic due to its antagonism at dopamine receptors, and this effect while shitty in execution is still evident whenever I take that awful shit goddamn I hate it

    'It makes me less schizophrenic, hate that shit.
  14. worth it
  15. So, regarding the paranormal activity going on at hydro's place- I didn't believe in anything paranormal until I came to live there earlier this year. Like many, I was open to the possibility but I had the mentality of "I'll have to see it to believe it". I was leaning more towards the side that paranormal things like this were just bullshit.

    I saw it. Me and hydro both saw floating, glowing, moving orbs of light at the same time. I've seen objects move to places that they just couldn't be, like there's no way anybody could have moved them to where they were. I've seen things move by themselves. It wasn't until the glowing orbs of light that I started to believe. Stuff being moved can be explained, even if you can't figure it out. It's just stuff. Shit moving well, I do hallucinate you know, just not quite like that. But the orbs? I've never hallucinated anything before or since. I have zero explanation for them and the way that they made me feel. I want to be a skeptic, I really do, I don't want to believe these things are real and sometimes I start to believe that maybe it was some shared hallucination or even a false memory, just about anything else seems more plausible than seeing glowing balls of fucking light dance around and follow you.

    I don't have a doubt in my mind anymore that there are things out there that science can't explain, things that people consider paranormal. I don't know exactly what it might be and to try to guess would be stupid, I just know what I saw. Normally my hallucinations are voices, things shifting or 'breathing' or moving, foot steps, figures, not once have I ever seen anything remotely close to what I witnessed.
  16. I don't think I could... he'd judge me
  17. I drink alota spirits
  18. Wherev bruh
  19. I think I can...I think I can...
  20. its definitely the beer. i tell that to everyone who gets in their mid to late 20s and then starts going around inquiring as to why they are getting fat when they are drinking 3+ nights a week. no one listens though because they already know its the alcohol, they just dont want to admit to themselves that it is because they dont want to quit drinking. alcohol is just a shitload of empty calories, also lowers your tesosterone and raises estrogen, and makes you lazy and way less likely to work out
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