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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I've written myself many, many fan letters over the years.


  2. When I woke up. the room was still spinning.
  3. I got drunk enough to want to inhale keyboard spray

  4. too many ski accidents make you stupid?
  5. that would be your mating call
    I bet you though that was witty.
  6. Why would you get an infection from honey? Honey is crazy good for you. I mean sure its probably not most comfortable thing to put in a pussy but it actually wouldnt be THAT problematic.
  7. What was the patreon hack? What did this nigga do?
  8. I really like this idea. But my return address will be

  9. Or just poured honey on your dick first?
  10. Someday I might pick a person at random, get some intel on them...and write them a letter about how great they are and praising their achievements, good traits, etc ...
  11. I had a stroke

    lol noice
  12. Bottom line is Lanny is just too lethargic to bother making this place into anything but a large scribble pad. It may be an unpopular opinion, but it is the truth.

    Bottom line is everyone except you is absolutely fine with that.
  13. All three of us should "join" and show up drunk at every meeting, come back here and report the stories.

    Get really shitfaced where you're blackout and can't walk normally or talk straight
  14. For the past 3 months or so, I've occasionally been using MPA, a meth analog. I went through only maybe 2 to 3 grams during this time period. At first when I would take it, I would get really good highs and then after I would feel pretty irritated and disengaged for a couple hours, before I would come back to being sober. After a couple times that I did MPA 3 or once 4 days in a row, I developed a little tolerance, but the high was still pretty good, and when the tolerance developed, I also noticed that during the comedown I was generally in a much better mood, and it seemed to end quicker.

    But for curiosity's sake I picked up some shardz from a friend who does it and tried out sniffing and smoking some, and it felt way different from when I last did it, like 8 years ago. I remember there being an extremely powerful euphoria and urge to redose and then afterwards being burned out and depressed feeling. But this time it seemed like it followed the same effect as the MPA, it was less intense, and I didn't really have a comedown except for being tired from being up all night.
  15. Why are you so scared Spec? You always put on this tuff goy persona being all "Im not scared" "You dont scare me". Well guess what boyo, after over 10 years on the world wide web, not once have I been scared by it or those I have conversed with through it. So I take your "You dont scare me" and raise you an "I never get scared on the internet".

  16. Has anyone had experience or know somebody that just packed up and drove to south America to start a new life? Would border patrols stop you if you were on probation for feloney drug related things?

    lol fuckin seriously? Boarder patrol only really inspects incoming people. Honestly if you are worried about it just hop the boarder to Mexico. You will be fine at non-us boarders as long as you have a passport. The only way you will get in trouble with US law is if you try and come back.

    Though the better idea would be to wait out probation and move there when its more feasible. Why do you want to move? Got some heat on ya? Just sick of the old grind? Think things will be better there?
  17. Because you are in a public library. About 45% of library goers are disgusting antisocial people who are just trying to get out of the house.
  18. The Temple is dead.Just ask Spectral he will tell you all about it.

    Don't even need to ask. As a cultivated &TOTSE historian SpectraL simply cant help himself from giving his revisions of the communities history.
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