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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Haha what a little bitch. The site is broken as fuck. Deal with it faggot.
  2. Thats a pretty wild assumption considering the fact that he fucking WREKT you throughout the entire thread and never stated a change of opinion. Stop living in a fantasy land.
  3. Semiazas, and last i heard he's fine.

    That's the one. I knew it began with an S. How unforgettable he was apart from his drug upped antics.
  4. Do American's observe remembrance day with a red poppy?
  5. Make Psycho or TheDarkRodent a super mod and watch them clean the place out and turn it into a ghost town in six months or less.
    Nah, I'd just randomly ban and unban you repeatedly for cheap kicks.
  6. The Temple never died. It's still out there. Every single one of us is out there somewhere (minus the few who dieded… RIP train man). We're sleeper cells now, that's all. &Temple of the Screaming Electron is a thing that can never truly be killed. The spirit lives on.
    Fuck you and totse
  7. hjahahahahahah wtf

    are you huffing duster out of a plastic binder sleeve


    Last night I was all like "I'm going to die...I'm dying...this is killing me...." 10/10 hangover
  8. Jesus christ, I think I gave myself alcohol poisoning. I drank/huffed until I blacked out, next day I woke up shitfaced, that night I had an 8 hour panic attack, fell asleep, woke up STILL drunk, couldn't move for half of the day. It's been two days and I'm still affected. Have you ever gotten that drunk? Alcohol is so shit tier.
  9. I've received many, many fan letters over the years.
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  10. How cute, you thought of me when you wrote your post. But nobody cares.
  11. Maybe if Lanny breaks it just a little more you will stop typing anything.
  12. Ill be cutting down probably. Mostly using it for news/happenings, shitposting here, connecting with fam on fb and resources for info and shit.

    In all honesty, I dont think I quitting the internet would help. I think its less a quiting mindset i need and more a proactive one which i am hoping to cultivate.
  13. Oh I get it. You're trolling. For a minute I thought you might actually be that dumb.

    Being this much of a metatroll makes you a betatroll.

    Color is merely a perception. Animals can't even see it.

    Oh I get it. You're trolling. For a minute I thought you might actually be that dumb
  14. Well fellows, its time for me to grow the fuck up. And its been a long time coming, I'm 22 years old and I have been smoking weed every day for about the least five years. I have been a smoker for that time as well and its gotten pretty heavy. I literally don't even know how much debt I am in. I know it can't be much more than $5,000. My sleeping patterns are terrible. A regular time for sleep is 3:00am and wake up at 2:30pm. I get horribly depressed to the point it affects my jobs. I have had 3 jobs in the last 4 months all of them menial to the point that I simply stop caring and say fuck it. My life is falling apart and its barely just begun.

    And now its time for something completely different. I have concentrated myself on things that are of little value and because of this my value has diminished. It is time to change these behaviors and I'll be updating this thread with my progress. I have this plan to cultivate myself physically, mentally and spiritually. It may not seem like much, but to me it will be a crucible. I must melt and forge a new self. An Iron self. The general plan is to morph my physical existence by exercise, diet, and proper sleep habits. My mentality will be molded through meditation, education and practices in observation and deduction. And my spirit will be cultivated through the practice of Lectio Divina. This practice is fourfold, reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation. This practice is proven to form a close personal connection with God.

    Its time to get shit in shape.
  15. Too bad none of them are programming languages or you'd at least have some useful skills.

  16. Thread title couldnt be more accurate would thank if I didnt want to ruin my 0 thanks count
  17. You're not going to ban me 30,000 times again, are you?

    if only...
  18. Nope. You have absolutely zero evidence.
  19. Stop being such a high octane retard. You need to learn many things before you make stupid assertions.
  20. Yo hollandbro, help us expose shillary.

    Here is the pasta info I got:
    One of Greenburg's clients is Tom Daschle he is a member of CAP
    God Tier findings:
    Pastebin info:
    All and everyone PAC that was investigated is funded by Soros. Some of them with over $1 Million.

    Cant Stump the Trump just made the Video: [Embed]



    Luke M. is already caught 100% on several things.
    Currently people are looking for a monetary connection between Hillary, Luke and his PAC

    The SwissBro accountant is currently looking at PAC financial statements from Hillary that have been filed with the FEC and has found obvious money shuffles that implicate David Brock. However, he resigned a few months ago over the exact shame shit the SwissBro found. So that tells us that SwissBro and others are looking at the right financial criteria.

    DeportRacism is collecting email addresses from purchasers and adding them to the list used by BillForFirstLady2016.
    Not only is this a violation of the CANSPAM act and can be subject to fines by the FTC, it further proves a firm connection.
    also Check this out:
    Hillary Clinton has two banks on file with her FEC submission. Bank of America and Amalgamated Bank of New York.

    Original Site archive:
    This video link was hiding in the source code of the slanderous anti-Trump website.
    The links to the website connect to Bernie Sanders websites,
    but this site is hosted and maintained by a Hillary campaign shill and the same man behind the FckH8 campaign.

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