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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I lived a life like yours once.

    Was on the GI Bill, was in college as a transfer student (sophomore) at age 21. That meant I was old enough to have confidence and bang hot girls but not so old that I was out of my own league. I just got out of the military so I was in good shape and worked our on the reg. Always had the best drugs and whatever. Had good grades because I wasn't a retard (getting good grades in college is like getting stickers in kindergarten - nothing to brag about). Yes, even in engineering. It's mainly about time management.

    The thing is that having money, smoking good weed, and fucking hot girls is cool in your twenties but you get over it if you grow up. Granted, I know a lot of people who never grow up and they spend their whole life trying to preserve what they had in their twenties, but these guys are usually very anxious or pathetic "Tucker Max" types that are usually idolized by young people but make grown-up adults cringe.

    Basically, have fun while you still can. There's nothing wrong with what you're doing (so long as you're using protection and you're prepared to get HPV anyway). Just don't get arrogant over thinking that you're accomplishing anything or that this will satisfy you.

    I mean, haven't you read Faust?

    also, what is your ideal life now that you have outgrown that phase?
  2. I lived a life like yours once.

    Was on the GI Bill, was in college as a transfer student (sophomore) at age 21. That meant I was old enough to have confidence and bang hot girls but not so old that I was out of my own league. I just got out of the military so I was in good shape and worked our on the reg. Always had the best drugs and whatever. Had good grades because I wasn't a retard (getting good grades in college is like getting stickers in kindergarten - nothing to brag about). Yes, even in engineering. It's mainly about time management.

    The thing is that having money, smoking good weed, and fucking hot girls is cool in your twenties but you get over it if you grow up. Granted, I know a lot of people who never grow up and they spend their whole life trying to preserve what they had in their twenties, but these guys are usually very anxious or pathetic "Tucker Max" types that are usually idolized by young people but make grown-up adults cringe.

    Basically, have fun while you still can. There's nothing wrong with what you're doing (so long as you're using protection and you're prepared to get HPV anyway). Just don't get arrogant over thinking that you're accomplishing anything or that this will satisfy you.

    I mean, haven't you read Faust?

    how old are you now? your past sounds exactly like where im at now, except im there later in my 20s. also i got the hpv vaccine and most the girls i know use the pill. but yea i dont really think im accomplishing more or less than anyone else, its just what gives me enjoyment at the moment
  3. hella gross lolz
  4. You..... you.. took a selfie?! With a bloody ass and a nasty hoe.....
  5. I don't know what to post here. I'll have to let this one sink in first...
  6. i can SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not a 14 year old who keeps up with stupid fucking memes. Where I'm from getting dome means getting head means getting your dick sucked.
  8. Hmm.. I haven't read Faust in English so I just looked up some quotes and stuff in case I wanted to post here. Fuck languages.
    ​"So this then was the kernel of the brute". I have no idea what that' supposed to mean but in the German version it says "So das also war des Pudels Kern" which describes Mephisto's deceptive nature by comparing it to a poodle. That's one of the most quoted lines here. A kernel isn't a poodle, though, right? Isn't it a big dog? That would totally miss the point. Is it even a dog? Wut?
  9. I wonder who he is???? ... Haha, yea, you're right.
  10. grabs me some popcorn....
  11. Fight! Fight! Fight!
  12. thiamine makes it my bitch. I drank 3 or 4 shots of tequila and 1 beer and I don't even feel buzzed because I drank that while consuing a full rack of ribs with macaroni and cheese and corn bread. Maybe I am a nigger. I was 2 peoples birthdays. I shall drink no more tonight. Today I fucked my girlfriend 4 times until I felt I made a positive impact in her emotional well being because I'm emotionally retarded and don't know how to make people feel good without substances or penises. '

    Bill Krozby is not a real drinker because he pukes lol what a faggot, thats your food saying your body is too gay for it.

    This is the most retarded post I have read on this website. Ill break it down for you. 1. if you drank 4 shots of tequila and a beer without feeling drunk its because you didnt drink 4 shots and a beer. It has nothing to do with eating a large amount of food as you should feel at least a slight buzz. Though with your alcoholism I would wonder if being drunk is so normal for you you dont notice it. This isnt to say it has no effect on you but rather you need an extreme inebriation because a slight one isnt enough. 2. You are a nigger. 3. If you want to make a positive impact in her emotional well being stop fucking her and actually talk to her. Its obvious bullshit because you think that after the fourth time she was happy. If you havent fucked her happy the first time round then she isnt going to be fucked happy. 4. Bill Krozby is a real drinker BECAUSE he pukes. I have had the same situation with other drugs. Sometimes you just gotta vomit. Not a damn thing wrong with it especially when you learn the sneaky puking skill required to keep up that bullshit.
  13. I need to trip my asshole off. It is calling.
  14. Would you kill TheDarkRodent or Psychomanthis if you had the chance?

    Has TDR even posted here recently? I feel like he ded.
  15. 1. This is a clear and gross violation of the 4th amendment. What's terrifying is that judges are already immediately dismissing appeals that the searches and seizures were unconstitutional.

    2. It's an oppressive tactic that basically allows FBI agents to be above the law for the sake of prosecuting people. I mean, ironically, the people that they're arresting are in less violation of the law (viewing CP) than the police (hosting CP). I can't help but wonder if the people who work in these departments are actually pedos themselves because they basically have unrestricted access to child pornography that other departments don't. In case you didn't know, when police officers come across child pornography, they're expected to destroy it (with fire) after it's used as evidence and never have access to it when they're alone. If the FBI is literally running the servers for two weeks and literally just has techs hanging out on the site, it basically makes them immune to the law.

    3. People are going to have their lives destroyed for potentially just visiting a site. For those of you who use or have used TOR, websites don't have catchy or descriptive names like on clearnet. The website url is basically gibberish, and it's uncommon for people to troll each other and give misleading links. Furthermore, the FBI is trying to set a legal precedent that just visiting a CP website is enough for a conviction as opposed to actually possessing child pornography. The reason that this is dangerous is because there's a shift from "innocent until proven guilty" to "having to prove your innocence once you're under suspicion." There's also the slippery slope as to whether or not an IP address is a person, which has come under scrutiny. I know not everybody is from the US here but, even if you just get accused or investigated or something like this, your name and photo are printed in the newspaper and you have reporters banging on your door. If found guilty, you're put on a public registry that anybody can look up at any time, you'll never get a job, and if you're ever around children they can arrest you. This registry is usually indefinite.

    There are some huge implications with this story that are going to be overlooked. Not to mention that it is basically entrapment which is illegal. I cant believe that our FEDERAL government thinks its okay to host child porn with our tax dollars. Imma go write my congressman.

    There's no laws against the feds hacking computers. They can do anything they like. Feed you a trojan, install a virus on your machine, kill your device, basically anything. They use 0-days just like all the other hackers, and they usually have the 0-days in hand well before anyone else.

    But thats wrong you dummy. The fourth ammendment has many times been ruled to apply to electronic devices. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
  16. my life is amazing but now I wanna add to the awesomeness and start shooting up opiates again why am I so stupid and why is it that the better my life becomes the stronger my urges are to use…hmmm

    You pretty much answer your own question here. Your life is good right now and you remember how good opiates feel so if you shot up you would feel REALLY good. At least until you find that all the real good things faded away and you are only left with the opiates.

    Dont do it Slappy. It just aint worth it.
  17. If he starts the Euros, England WILL win it. And then after the final, when a commentator asks for his thoughts on destroying Spain, Germany, France etc, he just shrugs and says "chat shit get banged".
  18. Have I told you about this one time when I saved Christmas?
  19. I've rescued Zanick's dad in a similar situation but when I was doing it I was surrounded by a petting zoo of baby animals I've rescued from slaughterhouses and science labs. I think there's a statue of the incident somewhere and U2 made a song about it.
  20. Don't worry, I hate your life for you, too.
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