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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Nah, he made the screencap while he was still a mod, when he got demodded he posted it so i banhammered him for 6 months. The main reason he got demodded was of course due to his many failures, however at some point panny was completely tired of his shit and said this stops now. He respionded with :umad; and got demodded that instant. Then he posted said screencap and the rest is history.
    You're right, I didn't remember the order of events there because it happened outside of my direct sight and it happened in pretty quick succession.
  2. Im very healthy looking I have an amazing sexy girlfriend a good job I eat like a king and I wake up to bong rips bacon and blowjobs and I found Jesus…my life is amazing

    opiod receptor damage
  3. No, I don't, trust me. You know but one fraction of an iota of a speck of my PI-detective-and-blackmail skill. That one thing you helped me with, was something I did in about 4-5 well placed PMs. You just need to know how to play the game.

    Also, I'm talking about "yum".

    fucking losers lol
  4. Wrote this on NONET:
    We are talking about a movement that takes individual forums and links them together to make information and communities available on whatever topic or subject someone may have interest in. It all starts with a central site. I plan on launching this as an all topics board + archive of other boards and resources that may be of interest to a wide range of individuals. This sit will also direct to smaller sits such as this that house communities and information that specialize in certain subjects. The plan is to make your presence along with many other capable and knowledgeable communities known and accessible to the web.

    It works thus, a user is browsing my boards in a sub called something like "Bad Ideas". They stumble across a thread about "night ops" . He gets inspired and goes outside and sees the night for what it is. He comes back and wants more. When he goes back to the board he finds a link directing them to this community where they can make an account and immerse themselves in night ops with knowledgeable people who have been doing it for years. And sure this is a fantasized version of events but it is more or less what may happen. The central board acts as a hub where it can direct users to other hubs such as this or uer with a more specialized and knowledgeable user base.

    Is this what you are thinking of?
  5. I don't remember what i helped you with we talked a lot on Zoklet.

    yum is unstable matter though and i'd kek if you dropped his PI.
    I kind of figured he was UM from how instantly butthurt he was (and also because nobody else abuses the word "cringe" as a zero effort insult like he does). I was talking about the "getting Unstable rekt" thing. All the story is in my other thread, if anyone is interested.
  6. Fat cripple?
    Unstable has spinal problems and has titanium implants. You can literally paralyse him by thumping his back the wrong way. His handicap restricts his movement and is part of the reason why he is so obese.
  7. Yeah but then he leaked your PI and everyone was too pissed off at you to do anything about it so it stayed up for like six and a half hours.

    That is, if I remember that correctly.
    Lol, correct... To some extent. It's a fun story, so I think it deserves to see the light of day.

    What Psycho is talking about (more to the story) is that I made Unstable basically shit himself and took away the one semblance of power and control he had in his life. Here's the events:
    The very first fact to be noted is that Unstable is a tremendously insecure individual, and it's justified. He is mentally subnormal so he tried to feign intellect. He is physically hideous (crippled, fat and his face is just disgusting) and handicapped, so he tried really hard to cultivate an image of being edgy and tough. And of course, he was on house arrest so he had absolutely nothing going on and no life whatsoever, so he tried really hard to act like he didn't care about his image on the forum, and for his mod position. All three of these traits were enough to grind him into dust, because he did all the work himself.

    The setup was to constantly point out his inadequacies; he kept posting big words that he didn't understand (something like calling himself an anarcho-capitalist communist or some shit) and I poked how retarded he sounded. He kept trying to assert himself as some kind of master criminal, so I pointed out that he got was currently on house arrest for petty drug charges. Then came the push:

    First I got my main banned on purpose for "hacking" by running known vBul exploits and got Zok to banhammer me. Then I created a sockpuppet account to set everything up (Meigakure) which of course popped up a week or do after I was banned. I left one common thread, a third account called Harpo Marx and logged into it from separate proxies, one which I also logged into from my main, and the other one with Meigakure. This caused the Alt detector to trip on Harpo Marx with both accounts, but neither account was associated with the other except by that third account.

    All of this was through multiple proxies I.e. not conclusive enough to ban me or even conclude that Meigakure was me (for any sane mod anyway). I knew I had trolled Unstable to the point where he would latch on to this information and act on it anyway, though it was inconclusive.

    Then I "leaked" my "PI" in a forum that Unstable modded, because I knew he wouldn't remove it, and then my main account was unbanned at the same time (how convenient) and I made a giant stink about it because Unstable didn't remove the "PI" for like a week, fueled only by how butthurt he was with me constantly shitting on him.

    This of course set him up to antagonize Panny, Psycho and the rest of the crew, who were already getting tired of his shit. I knew this would happen because he tried so hard to act like he didn't care about the forum; he would rather talk back to the admins (and be extremely antagonistic) than shut the fuck up accept his mistake, and remove the damn post.

    As expected, Unstable threw a hissy fit (because this fat cripple on house arrest wanted to seem "hard") and posted Sophist(Psycho)'s personal medical condition on the public forum (a giant violation; mod forums are supposed to be secret from the userbase) to try to be edgy and act "tough".

    And this of course lead to the payoff i.e. him being demodded (of course) and then banned.

    This was all fun because I took away the most important thing the fat confined cripple had in his life, and he did all the work for me with just a few small nudges.

    And this, my friends, is why " yum" is so butthurt to this day.
  8. Nobody is surprised.
  9. I KNOW, RIGHT?!?

    Fucking shitty parenting, that's what.

    I've never rescued anything
  10. The data on retirement is actually pretty depressing, the amount of time spent watching television, what percentage don't feel adjusted to it, social network, sense of fulfillment/meaning etc.

    That's why I asked him how he sees retirement. Because if he's never going to retire: sure, that sounds fine. But if he's looking forward to it like so many other people are, he can't really say it's depressing. The sad truth is - as far as most people are concerned - work is a depressing chore, and they can't wait to never have to do it again. Or they can wait... because they do wait... but my point is, if someone is looking forward to having my lifestyle in 40+ years then they can't also claim it's depressing. Unless they want to be depressed in 40 years, for some fucking reason.
  11. dick slanging comp guys.
  12. I love you…

    I miss you…

    Are you the real reject?

    Am indeed buddy, the one and only. 13 year old me had a good choice of usernames.
  13. So what you are saying is you put a highlighter up your ass and had to get it surgically removed?
  14. You call me a dummy, but it's you who apparently doesn't know that the feds are above the law, and that the Constitution isn't worth the paper its written on to them, and they will do what they please whenever they please, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. When it comes to online activities, the laws are "murky", and that's straight from the jackasses' own mouths.

    You are just a misanthrope who thinks the ebil gubment is going to get us all. The reality is that its not a perfect system but there are enough checks and balances to make sure it doesnt fall to complete and utter shit.
  15. Let us talk, then.
  16. I actually went there because Rab told me about it.

    He told me he was an equal partner, clearly not…..

    Rabb and I were all for helping out, but it was Xip's site and both of us were there to mold our own community, without drama and bullshit. I think everyone realized that we had no "unique selling point" over something like Reddit. We tried to do play-by-post versions of tabletop RPGs, like D&D, for a while, but it didn't work out. So I think everyone just abandoned it.

    So I just wanted to say I was really happy to see Capt. Falcon come back.

    That is, if it is the real captain falcon.

    Real as ever. I don't know who you are under your new nickname though, pardon my ignorance.

    The real Captain Falcon is downright ornery. Lots of cuss words, insults, disrespect and other assorted colorful slanders. This one seems tame by comparison.
    So bottom line is, we have a softer, kinder, gentler version of the Captain. I'm not sure how I should feel about this transformation.

    My default level has always been mellow as a mushroom, but when people take themselves too seriously, I can't help but abuse that. I'm like a kind of cross between a sponge and a mirror, I love to match their escalation pound for pound till the other person is boiling, and their pot is about to boil over, then I pull out and reveal I don't really care, and then they troll themselves for me, no more effort on my part. Look at what I did to Unstable, lol.
  17. You underestimate who you're dealing with, trust me.
    I have no intention to fight CF, just saying he'll have a hard time doxing Breivik, because i know the guy and one does not simply dox the person in question.

    No, I don't, trust me. You know but one fraction of an iota of a speck of my PI-detective-and-blackmail skill. That one thing you helped me with, was something I did in about 4-5 well placed PMs. You just need to know how to play the game.

    Also, I'm talking about "yum".
  18. One technique I've used successfully begins with writing it all down and using it to develop an effective disciplined budget. When you can account for your income and expenditures, you can break down each individual outgoing purchase. Think of your shopping list, but with prices added. Now look for frivolous items which can be eliminated, and then anywhere you can downgrade from brand name to generic, purchase in bulk, etc.

    Once you have a total for that list, be it grocery or entertainment or professional expenses or clothing, round it off after accounting for taxation, and put that amount of cash in a dedicated envelope that will be used for nothing else. Put relevant coupons inside with that money, because once that envelope is empty you're done spending in that area for the week/month/whatever increment of time you've allotted.

    Surplus is good, better when put into a strong APR savings account. I use because it lets me set a savings goal and the amount which is withdrawn from my primary account, as well as how often that transfer takes place, and they make it a bitch to collect my savings before that goal is met.

    Individuals, like cities, states and nations, don't simply pool all of their money willy-nilly, it gets distributed according to purpose and ranked by importance. If this system is unmanageable with appropriate effort, overspending isn't your biggest issue.

    That's a good set of ideas, Zanick! Do you have an IRA or multiple IRAs yet?
  19. I found out my old benzo dealer is still selling, so that's good to know.
  20. dont do it man, 2 years is a long time clean and you know if you go back to that shit all your bongloads bacon and blowjobs are gonna be gone in like 2 months
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