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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. If I typed out every fetish I had, just loading my post would be like DDoSing this site.
  2. GOOD
  3. how was it?
  4. I've decided to quit gabapentin. It's been about three days without it and I feel fine. Maybe one day I'll feel the need for it again but as of now I'm good without it. It caused me to be extremely hostile as well, found out later that hostility is a common side effect.

    On a different note, does anyone have experience plugging drugs? Of course IV is the ROA of choice but sometimes it's not possible. I've heard mixed things. Like, it's better than oral, same as oral, not worth the trouble, amazing, didn't work at all. Anyone have experiences here they'd be willing to share?
    Depends on the drug. Must be watersoluble. Serotonergics often cause nausea which can be prevented by plugging because it bypasses the stomach. I've done all kinds of drugs anally and it's pretty nice.

    Upload some pictures of your asshole so I can give you further instructions.
  5. everything
  6. orientals dont like being called orientals…its offensive to them.

    that…and asians behave the way they do due to societal conditioning. there is no promotion or encouragement for masculine behavior. ffs…anyone seen the latest trends in japan? the wannabe-fags dress like women, for chrissake and worship faggy cartoons. they have no ability to think for themselves…its all about serving or making someone else happy.

    that…and they have like…zero testosterone. ever seen a slant-eye with chest hair? eggzactly.
    They used to have great warrior cultures. Ghengiz Khan. The Samurai. Ninjas. All the old school martial arts, really. They invented gunpowder and had Kamikazee killers in WWII. Vietnam gave a whole generation of your people PTSD. I dunno, they are pretty badass.
  7. i thought that was a new rc at first
  8. And a rooody poo to you sir good day m9
  9. Brightly painted fingernails
  10. You wanna start the chicks on 22% than either. 14% or 16% lay or poult they also need #2 sized grit and corn oat barley wheat called "scratch" and when the eggs come out you use a finished or you can get 18% protein and mix it with 100lbs grain for a 16% and lots of oyster shell. My chickens always had the best eggs they were MASSIVE can't even close the lid on the carton of eggs. Big green and brown eggs maybe a few with white specks. Also nobody ever suspects a meth lab with chickens running around. Also slaughtering and defeatherin is fun as heck, you throw the chickens in 500°C water with alkaline and it melts their feathers off
  11. The atom bomb is the greatest example of human evolution ever created next to the space station and aeroplane. Thank you Hitler, Enrico Fermi, einjedistein and Oppenheimer and everyone at Manhattan and all the bench chemists that cooked their pitchblende into a fucking nuke m9.

    "Denuclearization" is a backwards prehistoric term. Only the great civilizations have made it far enough to master the elements, the atom bomb leads to space travel which leads to cold fusion engines and synthetic suns.

    India, Pakistan , Iran, Chiner, Russia and NORTH KOREA are the most powerful , evolved smartest people, these countires all have space travel under their belts. Were less than 100 years from fusion power and clearly western powers just want to slow everyone else down under the guise of MADD cold war safety.

    Any against nuclear power is a retard, if you are Green and believe in windmills and solar but NOT nuclear, fusion or microwave power than FUCK YOU

    Legalize nukes, radium was awesome. Radiological agents will kill all the unevolved humans while the evolved humans gain immunity to cancer and master is space travel and synthetic Suns. Nuclear power and methamphetamine and the universal galaxy is ours for the harvesting.
  12. 5 or 6 maybe
  13. You need to get help, Bill Krozby. Stop watching conspiracy videos on Youtube, bro. It's not good for you. I was the same during some phases of my life. Very paranoid. The gang stalking stuff you have posted over and over again. Fighting not to become a "demon seed". You are a schizophrenic, pure and simple. Don't feed your illness and try to work on it instead.

    The videos you post sometimes aren't even produced well and believable, just crazy babble by some clearly mentally ill people you wholeheartedly agree with. C'mon, man. You'll end up killing people because you thought they were demons who were after you. No joke.
  14. I have tiny hands
    Don't worry.

    This gun

    would literally look like this gun

    in the tiny baby hand of the dude who's mad at you.
  15. Im implying that you look like an idiot in that picture to anyone who actually knows a thing or two about guns.
    Even the American Sniper would call you a fucking faggot for taking this so seriously you fucking faggot.
  16. Take one right before it hatches and experience feelings only a mother can have.
  17. Bill Krozby propably has a star tattoo on the inside of his lower lip or some uncreative shit like that.
  18. I actually have, on syncans, I tried replying to some shit but I got disorientated as fuck and had to lay down with my eyes closed.
  19. What a faggot ass facial tat, does he not know that's a puerto rican thing?
    I thought it was a nasty mole at first, lol.
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