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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. ^handsome and well tanned individual


  2. /thread

    Fuckboy. /thread
  3. And that makes sense - if you're talking about a short camping trip. Remember, I was out there for like a year. Also, the idea of survivalism isn't that you get to pick and choose whether or not you just "stay home." The idea is that something happens that disrupts the way we're living life and you have to adapt to it.

    No. I'm talking about being caught out in a situation where you don't have your entire neckbeard zombie survival kit with tactical dildonics technology. This is about surviving with a small pack you can keep under your car seat or in your trunk. You're not going to have your shit on you. And you're not going to have to survive a year on camping gear. Here's the type of situation you can in fact be faced with; you are driving interstate through mountainous terrain. Your brakes fail or you are a little sleepy. Your car tumbles 40 feet into a ravine. You are barely conscious. Your cell phone is busted and there is no safe way to climb up to the road without walking for several miles. You need to stay alive for 2 days so you can make your way up to the road and get help. Good luck not knowing how to survive without an air conditioned tent. Or you could have a complete but barebones kit that you know how to use and make it.

    Granted, I went out on my own fruition, but you wouldn't last a week with just the stuff you stated. To be blunt, you don't even have a way to reliably purify water from what you listed (assuming you even find a clean water source in nature).

    3 steps to purifying water to an acceptable level:

    1. Find water. Put it in a pot

    2. Start a fire and boil water

    3. Pour water through some fabric to remove particles of lint and bugs and shit. The more layers the better.

    That's it. Drink it.

    Also, even if you somehow could make a trap out of the little you had (which you could, but you'd end up destroying what few supplies you had), you wouldn't get enough ammino acids. You also wouldn't be able to build a very reliable trap.

    If you have a couple of clif bars in your pack (covered under "some food if you can't catch your own"), you will have the calories necessary to survive for at least a couple of days. For anything longer than that, learn how to kill a bird or a rodent, or stop being squeamish and learn to identify and eat some bugs, and at least a couple of types of common wild plants that are safe to eat.

    As for making a reliable trap:

    1. Find a big rock, a stick to support said rock and something to pull the stick away (you can make some pretty reliable string by knotting together strips from springy twigs).

    2. Set it up to easily fail.

    3. Find a way to get animal under the rock (many ways to do this, but looking for tracks is a great one).

    4. Pull the stick away.

    Congratulations, you have meat.

    The video you posted is a great point of my original post. Namely, you've got thousands of people liking it, but the guy in that video is kind of full of shit. Pouring your water through a cloth will enhancement out really big pieces of dirt, but it's not enhancementing out any pathogens. You could of course boil it as well, but that's still not reliable if it has traces of pollutants in it (which it probably does, it's 2016).

    Alfie is awesome but as I said, less extreme survivalists. This is for the kind of person who wants to go camping with minimal gear, and unrelated to my point, which is that the highest chance you have of getting into a "survival situation" is one where you won't have a tonne of shit. You're going to mostly be trying to stay alive for a couple of days until you can make it to a road and a car comes by, for example.

    Trust me, I'm on your side about most "survivalists" being a bunch of fat guys who have way too much gear, but that's not what's going on in this post. My point is, if you want to last for more than a few weeks, you're going to need shit you can rely on. You'll also probably end up needing things you didn't realize you did, like mouse traps.

    I don't think we disagree on that tbqh. I'm just saying that what your "kit" should be is your wits and the amount of stuff you can reasonably get in your car, because the only people who seriously prepare for a TEOTWAWKI-SHTF situation with thousands of dollars of gear (which could reasonably lt you live for weeks if not months) are fat neckbearded wannabe commandos who will buy the kit, maybe go out into the wilderness twice and then go back to playing the videogames that put them on to the idea.

    That's the thing, actual survival situations are a struggle to survive the first 48-72 hours so you have time to get rescued. You are not going to become Grizzly Adams and be capable of living out in the wild for months, fighting your way back to civilization with your trunk full of goodies that you took out to do groceries and didn't bother putting back in. It is "dig a hole with your car headrest's prongs so you can pull a root out", not "pull out your Xuandong Chinese Military Survival Shovel and scale a cliff".

    While learning how to trap shit is overall good advice, anyone who makes blanket statements about what's always bad in survival scenarios is retarded.

    There will literally never be a survival situation where you will have or have use of, a bow. You are not shooting 6 point bucks or keeping your bow under your car seat.

    It always comes down to your situation. If aldra is in a position where he has to worry about self-defense a bow is going to serve him in ways that a trap wouldn't. I agree it's helpful to trap, but bows are great because they can have multiple purposes and you can reuse arrows. I don't know if you've ever tried to build a trap out of things you find in nature after it has recently rained (I have), you're going to have a really shitty time and almost nothing is going to be outside.

    See, the clear difference in our points of view is that you're preparing for Mad Max or The Walking Dead, or some sort of planned trip in the outdoors. That is no more survival than taking a cruise is sailing.

    I get your greater point that you want to travel lightly, and it's a point that's well spoken. However, not every excursion is a two week long camping trip, and if you don't bring the right stuff or know how to use it you're going to die.

    If you can plan for exactly where you are going then sure take whatever you want. I am personally saying, if you want to actually get functional skills that will help you live where others would die, then you have to learn how to survive without reliance on carrying WalMart with you.
  4. Funny how you'd like to give a failure 20k *cough faggot cough*

    lol i do have accountability, I have accountability over myself. I don't need your fake help dipshit

    basically all this thread has proven is that I have a bunch of petty hecklers that act like women
    Kiss my ass faggots

    I'd like to help a failure get on his feet. All you need to do is post a business plan and...

    that's it.

    If it's a sound plan, I will fund your plan to become financially independent. That's all it will take. You are on Shark Tank and I am your VC investor. Just show me that it will work and I will finance it for you. I am going to die soon and I can do some good. Now stop trying to act "hard" and do it or admit that you've got jack shit.
  5. autism out of control

  6. I read the OP but skimmed over the gear reviews, is interesting.

    how would you feel about using a bow or crossbow instead of the air/rifles?

    Anyone who tells you to take a bow or crossbow into a survival situation is retarded. Find out how to trap shit.
  7. While my approach was humorous, my point is very real. Take as little as possible.
  8. Next up on the MMA fighters I would like to fuck, The Karate Hottie Michelle Waterson. He got a Miesha Tate ass on a strawweight frame. HNNNGGG
  9. This guy has a good video for a more moderate survivalist:

  10. I had no idea you had such an aptitude for this.

    I have some aptitude for it. Not a lot but I had to live out in the steppes for some years in my childhood and learnt a lot. I can make a snare to trap stuff, as evidenced by my mongoose trapping thread:

    You would be surprised at how little you need to survive.

    My own recommendation would be some good clothes (you can already guess this), a big (emphasis on BIG) knife, a small metal pot or two, some disinfectant and bandages+bandaids because you don't want to fuck with infection, and a way to start a fire (matches are good, ferrocerium rod is better), maybe food if you can't catch your own.

    My own opinion is that the more shit you carry, the more you are defeating the point. If someone is carrying a tent, a pantry, the entire water supply of los angeles and so on, you might as well just stay home.
  11. This is a lie since CF most likely still lives in his mothers basement.

    This is a lie, since I actually live in her attic.
  12. just did
  13. bundy feels dirty and shitty to me but i love doing some mxe and walking around outside and night. everything feels so fucking weird and hostile, but in a cool way. i always feel like im in the twilight zone or some shit
  14. 1000mg bundy trip report:

  15. I don't have the VB script but do they do:

    - lazy loading
    - exceptions?
    - transactions?

    I've never seen their script, they may, but I'm JW... can anyone give me a sample of a model/controller? or w/e they do?
  16. That man was a fuckboy who caved to peer pressure.

    you're trying too hard
  18. My dads girlfriend came back from Cuba lastnight and now I'm really sick. Its not the drugs either because I'm sneezing a lot which has nothing to do with pills. DPH should make you sneeze less not more. I have fucking ZIKA and also puked blood last night
  19. 5:00pm lastnight I ate 40 15mg bundy robogels and 4 25mg DPH and also smoked a gram of weed, drank 2 beers and a shot of rum, smoked a cigar and ate some fries and drank water.
    I almost gagged swallowing all those pills with beer but once I did a shot of rum I was okay. I started to get really hot about an hour lafter.

    Then the fractals and triangles showed up and I ran to the bathroom to violently puke about 6 or 7 times before I broke out in a cold sweat and had to take my shirt off, I gargled some water and stumbled back to the living room. While this was going on all the colors lit up and I saw rainbow swirls in my peripheral vision.

    I laid on the couch for 2 hours with a pillow over my head seeing cool triangle formations and getting lost in a rainbow space station and floating in zero G.

    Then I went back and hugged the toilet for a good 10 or 15 and puked up some red gunk that was either blood or gelcaps. After this I sat on the couch and had a telepathic uplink and hung out with the CCC screw in outer astral space for a bit

    Then I smoked 5 solid bong hits and finished a gram of weed and went for a walk, sat on the sidewalk on the corner while cars drove by and I felt invisible and like I was melting through the concrete

    I heard some old woman talking on the phone say "Goose Meadows? ITS UGLY IM NOT SENDING MOM THERE" goose meadows is the local retirement home. I love walking around at night on bundy

    Then I shitposted for an hour and went back to my dads and sat there glowing until 2am. I watched Metalocalypse dethklok and CNN.

    I have a really strong bundy hangover, still gloooooo∆oowing and can only drink water and hardly eat but feels space ships man
  20. Gear:

    1 big knife

    1 red bandana

    1 camo tank top

    1 pair of green cargo pants

    1 pair of military boots

    1 pair of granite balls

    1 set of bulging muscles

    That's it. If you cannot make it with this gear, you don't deserve to survive.

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