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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. do you still collect iq tests

    Yes. In fact, I am so attuned to the objective quantum shape space of reality that I create my own when I'm bored. Also I have mutiple 99's in RuneScape and I didn't even no-life it that hard because I am an efficiency expert.

    My old IQ tests:
    My newest IQ test:
    A beginners collection of other's IQ tests:
  2. Everything Is Here
  3. this dude's fuckin gay if his song's just a list of drugs
    No, it's one of the most accurate portrayals of the mind of a drug addict I've ever seen.


    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]Acid, heroin, coke lsd, valium[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]Pyramid, crack, crystal meth[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]Cocaine, mescaline, smack[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]Alcohol, xanex, mepragan[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]Speed, heart attack i can[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]Be what you are why can't[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Whitney][SIZE=18px]You be who you are who are you[/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. I give no fuxxx
  5. mmqs post was accurate

    keks post was applicable, but almost irrelevant

    ill clarify somewhat but this is as basic of a primer as it gets. this shit is really complicated and the terms have very broad definitions used by the individuals actually using them instead of just reading about them on porn sites.

    - open relationship

    the couple is in a relationship however they are individually allowed to becomen involved with others. it is a very broad term and most of the time the couple has rules on how it is conducted. ie, no kissing, no sex, only sex with condoms, becoming involved with someone only upon the approval of both parties, etc., etc., ad nauseum. the most common use ive seen is where the term is used amongst those who are in a dating/marriage relationship but meet others outside of that relationship for sex-only. ive seen it apply to gay couples (men and women) and straight couples, ive seen couples that have sex with others because one partner cant/wont have sex or because theyre only staying together for the kids, etc.

    i think i made a post on RDFRN or skankery about a date i had with a chick in an open relationship who was married.

    to a woman.

    thats another reason for an open relationship…lesbians that like dick, or fags that like pussy

    - swingers

    related to open relationship but from what ive seen swingers are in an exclusive relationship however on occasion will swap partners for sexual purposes. generally sex doesnt happen unless all four parties agree, the participants are in a relatively close proximity (same room…same building…etc)

    - 'cuck'

    the term 'cuckold' was originally designed as a term to define a male whos wife had a child through another male against his knowledge/will. the word was derived from the cuckoo whos reproductive habits involve communal nests with unknown parents as well as a habit of laying eggs in the nest of a completely different type of bird who then hatches the egg and raises the baby bird as its own while the cuckoo has nothing to do with it. a wife having a child from a different male other than her husband due to the husbands infertility, genetic/hereditary disorder, etc, does NOT fall under the term 'cuckold'

    in modern times where all kinds of new sexually-related terms are becoming common (babydaddy for one) the term 'cuck' defines a male who derives gratification or stimulation from his female companion having sex with a different male while in a submissive position. ie, hes being forced to do it, as in hes forced to watch her do it. from my own observations the motivation is related to masochism

    there is another 'paraphilia' that is somewhat related however instead of the male being in the masochist role hes in the sadist role where the motivation/stimulus is the wife being in the submissive position. ie, raped, forced, harmed, etc.

    and…monogamy is an unnatural human invention and the practice should be removed from society

    literally multiple paragraphs about getting cucked
  6. I thought of this first
  7. Y'all niggas REALLY think I'm gonna let 10 minutes of effort on my behalf go to waste???? That would be too ironic in the context of this thread.

    Instead of thinking of this thread as shitposting think of it as a philosophical doctrine and develop your counterarguments through text.
  8. This is music you blast out of a subwoofer set to turn treble into bansheedust shrieks while driving at 1.5 speed and doing every drug listed consecutively at 1.5 speed and listening to it at.................................1.6 speed
  9. Also my 7th grade GF liked it so you could use it to lure in fledgling schizophrenic hebeamajeebs
  10. whimpy wimpy whimpers

    Lol, are you trying to put your sounds into text?
  11. Yes, I am quite the flirt with the ladies. I'm charming but I use comedy sometimes. Just the other day this girl that works at the bar across the street came in and she's really cool, she looks like natalie portman. She was like hey doug can I get a slice, and I said "only if i can get a slice of that ass!" and she started laughing and said "oh giad doug you are so bad"
    $100% true story that actually happened.
  12. Even triple triangle speed.

    What could you dislike about it though? 75% of the lyrics are droogs, the guitar sounds like black metal, the song structure is like grindcore, the repitition makes it hypnotic. The guy says "HEART ATTACK" after he lists all the drugs and the song comes to a pause. You could totally skate to this at 1.5 speed too. Might get beaten up if people can hear it out of your earphones but still.
  13. ^yes i do
    Prove it, or no you don't faggot.

    Inb4"you'll steal the top secret plan of opening up a hotdog stand in Texas".
  14. -Hallucinated the entities Bass Yun and Figyarnus which are benevolent and malevolent, respectively. Spice overdose.
    -Experienced the 12 tone fractal bar song which constitutes All, as the reality matrix which enables Bass Yun and Figyarnus to coexist. Also known as the Ouyieh Hyuienas. Starter fluid.
    -Read this, which is basically every philosophical paper ever written in about 2 or 3 pages
    -Became a triangle. bundy and spice
    -Took so many IQ tests I am becoming enlightened to the underlying logic patterns which govern mathematical induction and reality, i.e., this is a transcription of the Ouyieh Hyuienas
    -Took so many IQ tests that I know what triangles are the REAL 1's and 0's of the binary reality.
    -Plugged a 4loko and shit all over my kitchen floor when I was 14. Crib Leg Bag.
    -Found the artist who created not also the best song ever made [1], but also the cutest music video ever made [2].
    -Took so much bundy (which is gliogenic) that I have infinite glial cells. Einstien had 7x more glial cells than the average person, I have oo times more than an average person.
    -Dated a 13 year old (the official status symbol of someone who kicks ass, especially when your 4 years older. Not molest, date. There is the distinction), then got to troll the fuck out of her for 8 months and breathraped her while she was sitting next to her mom, and she let me do it because she felt bad for breaking up with me. Told her "I want to strangle your dog and cut him open", then the next morning messaged her "Now u should say sorry 4 making me sad", and my dad took me to an amusement park because I was sad that same day.
    -Have the objective optimal ratio of autism quotient to psychopathy checklist score to schizotypal personality score.
    -I never leave my chair but I'm still skinny and sexy AF.
    -Have never been locked in prism.
    -I am the producer and exporter of 90% of the world's keks are 19/20th of the world's Apex Keks.
    --I am currently eating pork chops (cuz Allah is a chump) seasoned with sea salt and Worcestershire sauce, along with soba noodles in a pork broth and green garden peas.



    I will never die.

    It isn't narcissism if a god has self-awareness.


  15. Your music is bad and you should feel bad
  16. Psychedelics are for homosexuals trying to get in touch with their feelings and shit

    Starter fluid will make a man out of both you and your nervous system
  17. EVEN DOUBLE SPEED????????????
  18. 1.5 speed for Apex Kek

  19. A+

    F minus [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=14px]∆
    [SIZE=12px]Pill Popper[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [SIZE=72px][FONT=helvetica]Actually C+ is right between success and failure, so then if C+ is mediocrity and F is failure, D+ is right between failure and mediocrity. You are wrong but I see you are willing to put forth effort. I'm the leader of this forum and also have the highest IQ here (and in the universe). I am 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of the reason anyone comes here. Welcome.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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