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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. There are 3-4 at first glance I'm confident I have right, I want access to your mothers charitable organization though.
  2. No but the thread started out as a joke but then I was like Wow This Thread Is Great and then people tried to say I'm not a demigod so I was like Let's Argue About Bullshit, and on the second page it becomes a serious philosophical discussion on why I may be a demigod so maybe I always was or I self-actualized myself into a demigod by constructing a logical system in which I am one.
  3. The only thing close to that is hurting a 13 year olds girls feelings

    It does doesn't it lol
  4. just put huge positively charged magnets on the bottom of your kraft and on the top of the water
  5. Well, you fail out the gate because none of the things you listed are attributes of a higher POWER. The only thing close to that is hurting a 13 year olds girls feelings and a god doesn't need to qualify himself in the eyes of a 13 year old girl. God affects change and all the things you listed are basically solo activities. There's nothing really godly that you posted, just stuff you think is cool about yourself. It's ok, both me and your mom think you're bretty quewel 2. As I've been saying for years, your so called "attributes" are fucking useless unless you extrapolate onto civilization as a whole, that's exactly what a god does. This is basically a list of things someone somewhat eccentric, autistic or introverted would do. Not saying you're not on your way to a fulfilling career in triangular taxidermy, just that your autism isn't a gift from the stars, it's something that needs to be compartmentalized or else you'll be plugging 4loko for the rest of your life
  6. It's not autism it's morphisploo syndrome
  7. I wanna fuck the guy singing. He seems really strung out.
  8. Your autism is showing, you act humble to improve your standing with people who appreciate humilty, acting humble doesn't mean you actually are humble and constantly saying how awesome you are just makes you look like an insecure tryhard.

    And in this case that would mean the admittance that one is a demigod would automatically obsolete itself because it would be betraying humility. But if one was to share information of being a demigod on a semi-anonymous internet webforum the narcissism serves as a distribution of information and is thus beneficial to reality.
  9. But if it doesn't matter to you what your standing with people is then your humility is an illusion
  10. No, it's a contradiction you pleb schmeb. And either way, I sent this thread to a bunch of people on Facebook because why not asking everyone if they thought I was a demigod and one person said "wouldn't a demigod be more humble?" and my response was: If you think of the Egyptian gods there was Ra the Sun God who controlled all and then there were many demigods who had their own personalities. Not all gods are humble. Satan is an example of a god who is not humble but I'm not him either. I am a Black Sphinx.

    From the hierarchy of gods I have discovered during drug overdoses --which makes as much sense as any other mysticism by the way, in fact, it could be considered MORE REAL than any other religion, because it is a result of a drastic change in neurotransmitter levels effecting brain cells without provocation, which immediately discern different elements of reality that are not typically perceived. You could say that in which case all religions are also the developments of neurotransmitters processing reality, and they all must correlate in some way as a neurological basis for reality.

    Since my contact with the gods occurred WITHOUT any external influences, in fact, in a state of complete dissociation...rather than fanatical beliefs created by famine and desperation, it could be say my system of religion is the most objective and euphoric (*tips fedora*) of any religion. To found a religion, first, you need to have a divine experience, which I have had, then the religions need to be viewed in an objective viewpoint and compared to one another to see which is the most logical.

    In that case, since mathematics is logic itself, and neurotransmitters function to process the binary reality, without ANY cause or implication my binary reality was shifted to meet Bass Yun, Figyarnus, and the Oyieuh Hyuienas. Unless you say that those perceptions are limited to the structure of my nervous system, but in that case even if the names aren't perfect I met THE ENTITY in one of it's facets, and being an emissiary of an entity means you are a Diviner, a branch off in the hierarchy of gods, making you a demigod.
  11. It probably gave her a woman boner anyways
  12. feel superior by being more humble

  13. tbh fam
  14. D'aw, were you thinking of me when you made that third option?

    Any statement is worthy of a counterstatement, but you provided no rationale, so it is null. At this moment, I am still godlike until proven otherwise. Innocent until proven guilty.
  15. sometimes a kek is just a kek mannnnn
  16. You spend mad hours trying to crack file archive passwords for CP because it gives you something to do, might as well try to score a 6/12+ and get free access to a garl with a darg
  17. Anyone who gets over half of them right will get exclusive access to Ashley's facebook

    This offer is still up Sophie.
  18. How could anyone possibly dislike Sploo?
  19. Gun Lover's "I b& sploo" post was the most thanked post in Zoklet history. That was bretty hilarious, also funny you saved a screencap kek. Good jerb, i'd feel pretty bad if i got banned and the mod that did the banning got over 9000 thanks for it, lel.

    I'm wondering what I must've had going for me back then to be able to be the most despised poster on the worst forum on the internet. How could you feel bad about that? That takes mad skillz. But do you have any idea what I must've been doing then to piss everyone the fuck off? My theory is since I started posting when I was 12 everyone got butthurt that a 12 year old had more cool points on them and made them feel that their lives were worthless. Then when I was 16 I was about the threshold age, got addicted to the worst drug in the worst which gave me kudos with the BLTC crowd, and got the usertitle "Lovable Resident Shitposter" which was affirmation for self and others that I am indeed, not only worthy of love, but a glowing rift of love to be siphoned for transcendence and euphoria.
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