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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. 1NiggErTE3Vzy35jWxAKvJJfA3dhoNEw4y
  2. cause im the best cum dumpster rhey never gotta keep, they always wanna cum but hey never waana leave
  3. It was the most addictive drug I've ever tried

    Sometimes you'll smoke a small hotspot in the bag where the chems are concentrated and you'll get blasted into space in a horrifyingly intense trip that feels like it lasts 400,000 years.
  4. Lel trlk him to remove the pants ;)
  5. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Enjoy playing nothing alone

    i was playing fable, tomb raider, and counter strike last time i had one before i pawned it for spice. it was fun
  6. Its pronounced sahh oriccfee
  7. Originally posted by the holy ghost I'm getting an xbox :D

    Enjoy playing nothing alone
  8. Lol wut
  9. Originally posted by Zanick It's weird to think about it like this so far, I've never abstained willingly from drugs for mental health and almost had the suspicion that others did so out of some perceived nobility. It's totally different from that, though, it's a measure of self-preservation and although I know I'm doing it to be more free, it feels more frustrating than anything else.

    Can you say that your mental health problems aren't substance induced? I can't for sure. Drugs cause mental illness. They change your brain and neurotransmitters.
  10. Originally posted by mmQ No

    chat with me in group im bored
  11. koff gels
  12. I try to keep myself sober due to mental health reasons like anxiety, depression, and severe OCD. Dissociative hallucinogens fucked with my mind more than any other, so I'm avoiding those for a long time. I relapse frequently on other drug classes because of the boredom and lifestyle I live, but whenever I do my mental health nosedives, so it's reinforcing to me not to. For example, recently I've been staying sober for weeks at a time but always end up going on some retarded, dangerous drug binge for a few days which resets all my progress, then I spend the next few weeks after that hoping to feel better again.
  13. I hate Christmas too. It ruins half of my favorite season every year

    My only tip is only take one small hit and wait a few minutes. If you smoke a bowl of it or roll a joint you'll probably flip out. It's a lot more like crack than weed.
  15. I'm getting an xbox :D
  16. Originally posted by bling bling or how fix gpu

  17. I hate christmas. It's the worst holiday there is. It's always cold and miserable and there's barely any daylight during the winter anyways. I hate christmas songs and movies, shopping, the christmas spirit. It's all a bunch of straight up horseshit and I can't wait until like February when I don't have to deal with winter or holidays anymore.
  18. does anyone remember that girl showed up to zoklet and just posted all the time about her bf who sold mxe online and how they did mxe together and shit, then someone found out who she was and doxed her then her supposed bf showed up on the forums bragging about how they do underage roleplay and are just general florida scumbags? that shit was funny af though i have my doubts about it being real
  19. Cos they were 30mg's and I was being lazy. I've probably done more cwe's than days you've been alive
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