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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I always liked the name Rashmananashan Gupta tbh. If I ever needed a new name it would probably be that.
  2. And correct them in saying you are a conspiracy analyst. Point out the broad fact that "conspiracy" in itself in certain contexts is a crime which means that "conspiracies" do happen. If Jamal and Dayquan sit outside the seven eleven and one says to the other "Man we should rob this store" these individuals are conspiring to commit a crime. Likewise if a bunch of arabs hiding out in the mountains say "Takim, we should crash some planes into some buildings in America" a conspiracy is born. If the DNC were to overwhelmingly favor a candidate regardless of what the Primaries indicated the voters choice was they are consiring against all other candidates. Of course, it is no secret that the majority of the western world in fact conspires against their children by telling them magical stories of a fat slave driver who flies around invading our houses, watching all year to figure out if he should leave you the item of your hearts desire, or nothing at all but a lump of carbon. Santa is a fucking conspiracy.

    Every law enforcement agent is in essence a conspiracy theorist. The ATF specializes in conspiracy regarding alcohol, tobacco and fire arms. The CIA specializes in domestic and international conspiracies. Who watches the night watchmen? Are we banned from considering that these organizations themselves may actually conspire to commit an act?

    To conspire is to make secret plans. There are absolutely negative connotations around the term conspiracy theorist. But the negative connotation should not be because of the term theorist or ideas of someone being a crackpot. The negative connotation should come from the word conspiracy itself as secret meetings are usually serious and perhaps harmful to those they are keeping their meetings secret from. This is why the label is so well manufactured. Because it takes the disgust that the conspiracy might invoke and moves its perceived source to the "theorist" who has conjured up such awful and damaging stories.

  3. I'm a satanic theist/.
  4. Temperature wont affect the reaction as much as water.
  5. what a nigger
  6. play ss13 man
  7. Theres a scheduled one I know of recommended for mescaline tripping. The name escapes me.
  8. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger Can you elaborate on this principle? I would imagine they would be more thorough because they know there are probably drugs around. Though perhaps they will be less thorough because they already have you pinned.

    If cops go to your house with a drug warrant they expect there to be drugs. Cops are bitches who don't want to get hep C. They will literally be saying to each other they don't get paid enough for this shit. The first thing they ask you when you get arrested is if you have anything sharp on you. Open tipped rigs means drug user not dealer, it's easier to get a simple possession instead of possession for the purpose of there's evidence of deep throes of addiction. And obviously no shit, cops don't want to get pricked with a dirty needle. They won't bring in s special team just for dirty rigs, they'll just be easier, especially if you hide them in random places like cereal boxes. This works and is pretty obvious
  9. ill pour you a drink bud.
  10. ill gib you a sack bud.
  11. ill give you a sack buddy
  12. ill give you a sack bud.
  13. oodo suhug my dick
  14. purchass at gasss station
  15. Welll I think you r all a bunch of fucking pussies
  16. Only took 8 posts in this cringeworthy hack thread to mention sheep. Fuck this place does nothing to placate my apathy and cynicism for how stupid Americans are
  17. poople.
  18. Originally posted by yum Fact: if you leave needles with the caps off in an obvious space like a table, cops will be a LOT less thorough with their search

    Can you elaborate on this principle? I would imagine they would be more thorough because they know there are probably drugs around. Though perhaps they will be less thorough because they already have you pinned.
  19. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger While there is a truth to what you are saying (the elections were little more than another reality tv show starring Trump)I think the point cerakote is making is more important. So many people, not just on the internet, say things about how "the REAL issues are never actually discussed" and "People are so stupid for feeding into it". And perhaps they might be correct in many cases. But their self righteous air of being more informed, educated or in the know about how things "really" are destroys their larger point. If someone tells me "People are so dumb for not seeing the real issues and just following the masses" if I were to not know exactly what "real issues" the broad statement covers then I would just agree and say "Yeah man, people just arent aware like us" so that I could distance myself from the dumb "herd" and classify myself with the same righteous indignation although I really do not consider what these issues really may be.

    What these faggots need to do is say their piece like "You know there are a lot of things the media doesnt cover that people dont realize is happening" and then proceed to elucidate on these things that are happening. They need not to have the mindset that people are stupid sheep but rather think in an illumated way as to cultivate your own flock. Actual sheep are herd animals but they are really not that dumb. That is to say, you can teach an old sheep new tricks.

    But then we just get called conspiracy theorists
  20. Literally nothing. Unless they took my PC, in which case a few of my hentai pictures could be possibly considered objectionable (Canada doesn't really differentiate between actual CP and hentai). I don't have much of that on my computer though, because I'm not hugely into it. There's just... you could look at a couple of the pics I have and make a case for them being loli if you really, really wanted to put me away.
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