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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I just like stupid little cutsie things. In general my emotional experience is rather involved, and sometimes i like to use cutsie stupid things to convey my feelings regarding something better. And you might say "lol gay" and i would agree that it seems like a feminine trait, but i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Also contrary to what Malice may say, i score high on rationality and emotion, and this combination dictates the fundamental workings of my personality.

    (n_n") tbh
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Man I love the glock 30

    It's so nice to not have to adjust my gun every fucking time I have to sit down

    pop that pussy like a glock 40
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Do some CCC and go to work you jobless wastes of space.

    i got the job yesterday

    starting pay of 10.50 an hour ayy lmao
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    lanny why did it doublepost
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    my most impactful revelations have come to me while tripping on acid and while high on marijuana
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    no he doesnt bling is a quality individual
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    hks guns are expensive as dick and so are fn hersztal
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling stuypid cars r always dum i spit at them if they vexxd me

    some nigger lady almost hit my truck earlier because she doesnt know how to stay on one side of the road

    why let women drive
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    hit her again
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    maybe youre just retarded because most people have learned to read blings posts

    occasionally he types in coherent english and its like a breath of fresh air
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    its not hard, he types like he speaks, british slang and all
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling 1 time these fat slags wot livd in a pub let ther rabbit run around on rode owtside i dident no i tried to catch it they were like wot r u doign i sed i thot it wos lost they sed ok

    who the fuck brings their pet rabbit to a pub

    better question is why have a pet rabbit period theyre skittish and scared of everything and plus if you dont have a nesting box for them they eat their babies
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR Shut the fuck up. No mods. Ever.


    mods are dumb and gay and as is this site doesnt need any moderatiom besides lanny banning spammers and cancery altposting
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR Shut the fuck up. No mods. Ever.


    mods are dumb and gay and as is this site doesnt need any moderatiom besides lanny banning spammers and altposting
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Russians have them. they're big. they said one could take out all of Texas. So how would they deploy such a device? a shitload of giant blimps?

    they must be talking about a beefed up nuke like Czar Bomba.

    fug, the czar bomba tore shit up 500 miles away from the drop site
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