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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    tfw malice thinks all of that impresses me or anyone else

    i got the g/t test in first grade too and was put into the program, ive scored over 130 on iq tests too, i blew off high school though but still have a good enough gpa and sat score to get me automatic admission into the university of houston... my lackluster grades really made my dad upset. even now while ive already began the process of starting a career in plumbing he still tries to get me to go to college.

    look man, your "intelligence resume" thing you gave is why i made the initial post in which i said you were gifted but as of now are wasted potential. all of that good shit youre telling me and everyone else here about how smart you are doesnt matter, and wont ever matter until you do something with yourself to give those merits some credit. youre like taylor kitsch in the movie "battleship". and you arent better than anyone else either. stop trying to pretend like performance in high school is worth a sliver of a fuck. i cheated on literally every math homework assignment i actually turned in and cheated on the tests too (to no effect, bombed most of them) but still ended the year with an 80 in the class.

    sorry for the end of my 5am post just being inflammatory, but i wasnt originally trying to be insulting.
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    this is the kind of shit im talking about... someone who is literally retarded is trying to tell me how retarded i am because i contradicted him.

    of course i only know the things about you i read in your posts, dummy, where else would i interact with you? you said yourself that you more or less only interact with the posters here and otherwise are completely void of social interaction. and i dont have to have a cia dossier on you to at least get a general idea of you as a person. besides, a sizable portion of your posts are blogging about things you did recently/that day, etc. its not like your posts have a whole lot of variety either; i just looked at your last 20 posts and 6 of them were tism related with another 7 being "philosophical". and from reading those posts that you seem to think everyone scrolls past, i get the impression that all of your activity is the following: browsing reddit, researching auti*sm, drugs, showering, anime, or posting here. its not like you make short concise posts either, theyre generally always mile long walls of text full of pretentious spewing or about your cats.

    according to, " Such hyper-functioning in different brain regions is proposed to cause hyper-perception, hyper-attention, and hyper-memory that could potentially explain the full spectrum of symptoms in autism." i dont spend time reading shit about autism either. however, i can research a topic correctly and provide credible sources to support my claims i made about aspergers syndrome and the differences in brain functions it comes with. the only reason you are knowledgeable about it is because you are so engrossed with it that its your entire identity. rather than just taking it in stride like say, a deaf or mute person would, you stamp it right the fuck on your forehead and parade it around.

    to address the rest of your drivel, ad hominem is not a way to refute a point. i wouldve thought a person as intellectual and well-learned as you are would be familiar with logical fallacies, but clearly i was mistaken. one thing is for certain though, after reading that "reply" to my post about your nihilistic views, YOU are the least qualified person on the site to talk about religion, philosophy, social dynamics, government, or any other "thinking man" subject. you arent going to succeed in college with your current attitude of "YOU DONT AGREE WITH ME? FUCK YOU FAGGOT BITCH NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT IDIOT". well, maybe you will, since you live in california and if theres one thing that liberals and the "educated" have in common, its being dumb as fuck about everything and anything to do with toleration of differing beliefs. shit, once you graduate college, you will not only be auti*stic, but youll be an auti*stic californian with a college degree! the ideal individual to fill the ranks of the mob in berkeley! maybe you can become a powerful wizard, and cast a spell to fix your fucking brain you ape
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice my cognitive abilities, particularly the hyper-memory aspect of Asperger's

    you dont have some kind of superpower, dude. the brain of a person with aspergers is pretty much equal to a normally developed brain in terms of function, in that your brain lacks in some areas and strives in others, vs the "baseline".

    despite your evident belief that your brain is "better", the average person with regular cognitive development functions well in ALL areas. autism is a disorder, not some kind of adaptation.

    its unfortunate that you were born with that deficiency, but it is what it is and you have to figure out a way to overcome it. leading a life of self imposed isolation isnt healthy, whether or not youre autistic. you wonder why you arent happy, but you resign yourself to living a life of watching anime to imitate some sort of social interaction, take countless drugs in attempy to find a "fixer", and make post after post of research and conjecture that is all centered around your clinging to the pipe dream that having aspergers syndrome somehow excuses or explains your lifestyle. you need to take a good look at yourself dude. you are very intelligent and are gifted, even with the mental handicap of aspergers. why dont you utilize that to do something greater than what you currently do day in and day out?
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 How is that nose ring a + but the tats are a - ??? Nose rings remind me of bull fighting.

    Not saying her tats are nice though. The one on her inner arm with the face is kinda cool but otherwise they're terrible. Her hands look like they have tire treads. She probably wanted to get large spaces done really cheap.

    septum piercings look awful and the whole idea of them detracts from a womans femininity. its repulsive
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Then what do you criticize? How does your viewpoint differ (an outline/overview will be fine)? Why do you continue to live?

    Life creates a need where there was no need to be met. Universal mass suicide is the most logical thing there is.

    sentient life serves no more of a purpose than non-sentient life. in terms of presence, the world and the entirety of this plane of existence would be no better or worse if all life (and all matter, really) ceased. there obviously cannot be a dimension with such complexity that mankind will not even come close to understanding the scope of it without having a greater purpose. as much as atheists like to say that there is no god, it doesnt make sense that everything in the universe is here, period. there had to be someone or something that is beyond everything on earth, space, or reality as experienced by man to design and create it all. it couldnt just come from nothing; there had to be a point in time where even the events and matter of the big bang were yet to happen/exist. even if, for arguments sake, there was no purpose for mankind and all of existence in this dimension, wouldnt it make sense for man as a whole to create some sort of belief system to at least have some kind of false hope or pipe dream? if not, the only other option would be to kill yourself since your life or anyone elses wouldnt matter.

    there must be, and there is, a reason for being here. speaking as objectively as possible, there is no way that all of creation wasnt created by something, whether it be by pagan gods or christ.
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist yeh i found that out over 30 years ago kid.

    you can't be a day older than 13 surely?


    well then why did you bold part of the post like me having sex for the first time at 18 has any bearing on whether or not im an "experienced masturbator" or something
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    jus b urself
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist sorry what what??

    edit: you lack the experience to either advise or judge others.


    having sex isnt masturbating you retarded ape
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    another cool thing is that every waitress has a nice ass
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    one thing thats cool about working at a restaurant is that when the post-amphetamine endless hunger kicks in i can just eat shit there. i pass up so many fucking opportunities for free food usually, but not today. i took literally all of the food offered. currently eating a fat ass bowl of chicken fried rice and didnt pay a dime for it. thanks for making me food chase, you a real nibber for life
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wasp Sugar Oh wow, um, two part answer.

    Why would I jack off using a tiny ass screen unless I was scared of my parents coming in? Do you even open multiple tabs? Phone meth wanking is like a desperate last resort. Something you do in a Jack in the Box bathroom, not in the comfort of your own home.

    Having a big screen to watch porn on is always better. Not to mention the full keyboard so you can type perverted compound phrases as fast as your brain can think them up.

    Also, bringing a laptop to bed for fapping is more than possible.

    I actually did do that a lot, but after a while, laying on your bed for 17 hours straight while masturbating and craning your neck can be rough on your back and neck.

    Sitting in the upright position, intermittently leaning back in a reclining office chair, is the optimal position for meth fuelled masturbatory sessions.

    you'll learn.

    step 1: get a comfy bed
    step 2: put a pillow behind your head so you dont have to crane your neck like some kind of retarded gay idiot
    step 3: dont phonejerk on a shit ass phone. i prefer using my phone to the computer, a 1920x1080 monitor is too much screen to look at. i can see the girl getting rammed in the ass better when i can actually see it happening instead of looking at a big fuckoff screen like im reading a map
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice I woke up feeling unusually good today. I'm happy as a clam right now and have good energy levels, enthusiasm, an anti-anhedonic effect, lack anxiety, cognition; possibly other things traits I missed. I wonder if it's because I took all (Or at least 3/4, I wasn't sure if I had taken one earlier) my Nardil at once around midnight to make up for having missed it throughout the day.

    I saw the "pulsing" strategy mentioned a while ago, where you only take your pills every other day, doubling the daily dosage on those days. Seems to work pretty well for people, and it does have a long half life, although there are acute effects I was worried about missing, primarily the effect of its main metabolite PEH, which I found some good information of in a patent detailing the % increase of GABA-T inhibition and GABA levels by periods of 3 hours. It's possible that long-term use could modulate this. Maybe it isn't as big a deal as I thought, I didn't feel depressed or anxious yesterday.

    The masturbation marathon could definitely have an effect.

    Tried fapping again when I woke up and couldn't do it. Apparently my ability to get an erection is so weak, likely due to my T levels being the lowest they've ever been (and they were already abnormally low before), that I can't even get a full erection or stay hard if I'm on my back, I have to be on my side. Pretty sad at my age. Fortunately nothing was seriously inflamed or damage, just some discomfort in the area below the head covered by foreskin with it's not retracted, pulling down too much was too uncomfortable, but it didn't really matter. The standard up down dry method was also ineffective. Only the lubricated hand humping method worked, which didn't cause discomfort.

    Inorgasmia actually isn't that bad, it may even be enjoyable. Normally people have problems with premature ejaculation, because, like the vast majority of animals, we didn't actually evolve to last that long. Why would we? Well, bonding is one potential reason, but healthy individuals, hunter gatherers having the highest potential to be close to optimal (without drugs), could simply replace that with a greater frequency of sex, which would also increase the chance of pregnancy. Interestingly a study demonstrated that the average length of penetration is only 3-5 minutes (We should all know men tend to be goddamn fucking liars about these matters, or utterly deluded, with inaccurate self-perceptions), and their wives/partners reported the estimated length of it as being twice as long as it actually was (The power and importance of perception). Of course, there's always variation, some people are naturally long lasting (Although it could be a product of a disorder, a disease of modern civilization), and others train for it.

    I generally found orgasms to be a nuisance (Although with my perfected masturbatory technique, pre-mental breakdown, I was able to last long and it felt great, great orgasms every time) because I found the act of masturbating to be far more enjoyable, at least in the cumulative, than the short fleeting burst of intense pleasure that an orgasm brought, bringing the experience to an end. This time, as an attempt at a substitute, I simply adjusted my fantasy to reach the climax in alignment with peak physical pleasure and to orgasm in the fantasy at the same time I intended to end the act, maximizing the power of visualization and mental auditory quality, the general fidelity of the experience. It was a surprisingly good and satisfying substitute.

    i dont understand how people can jerk with a lubricant though, i cant ever cum. pussy works just fine, i nutted fast as a motherfucker when i lost my vcard last month. after a nice shave around the base and shaft where its smooth and i can get that yung grip, i can yank my shit like a true master
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i put the laptop on the chest of drawers next to my bed.


    scum of the earth
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader i hope it cost you more to wash them than what you get selling them

    >most of the planets surface is water
    >water is expensive

    literal dirt farmer
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop I helped a friend haul in what amounted to an entire car sized trailer of assorted metal junk and it was barely over 200. Scrap prices are way too low what I would do is be diligent in keeping up with aluminum scrap prices while amassing a TONNE of cans the closer you can get to that being literal the better off you'll be but I wouldn't even attempt to cash them in anytime soon.

    i do this

    i wash out all my cans with hot water and crush them so when i throw them in a bag by the rest of all my scrap i dont have to worry about attracting roaches

    i have a pretty small amount right now, but i also keep copper and brass scrap. mostly just insulated wire since its usually not worth stripping it as well as brass fittings if i somehow acquire them. i pretty much treat it like a change jar but since im far enough away from a scrap yard that it isnt worth taking small amounts im just gonna stockpile it until i have alot/NEED the money
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wasp Sugar I'm tryin to be on that shit. It's gonna be crazy to meth fap with an actual good computer. I put in so much work on my old laptop with 4 gb RAM and a shitty ass Celeron processor. I would open like 70 Chrome tabs and that shit would be frozen as fuck but I'd be fappin to whatever was stuck on the screen and ride it out.

    Also(nobody still cares), before that, I had an old ass Gateway laptop I couldn't find working sound card drivers for. It had like 1 gig of RAM! So, point is, when I'd find a good porn video, that I just HAD to hear, I'd pull it up on my phone, throw headphones in, sync the audio with the video on screen and go to town.

    Post last edited by Wasp Sugar at 2017-07-06T19:00:11.024134+00:00

    >not using your phone for porn so you can jerk off in bed like a real person

    do people literally unironically actually really sit in their desk chair when they beat their dick??
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Literally just spent 21 hours masturbating. Beat that motherfuckers. Do I have the site record? I wasn't even on drugs! (Well, except for Nardil.)

    Reason? Mainly complete inorgasmia from Nardil. I noticed it before. I don't need to do it often at all, normally I literally do not have thoughts of sex throughout the day, develop erections, watch porn, or even feel sexual attraction IRL. I only do it when it's been long enough that sex drive arises, which is pretty minor, because I see it as a mild nuisance and it's easier to just take a few minutes to do it than attempting to subdue it via willpower or Buddhist techniques I'm unaware of.

    IIRC last time I may have taken 5 hours of so at most because I was on modafinil and fell into this dilemma:
    There may have been an instance or two before that, although I did eventually manage to come during one or the singular instance. That was a lot of semen.
    After the modafinil instance stupidity, the drug can trigger getting trapped in a cycle like this, as can (Other? Not sure if it's classified as one.) stimulants. A sort of OCD evocation or exacerbation, along or alternatively with the increase of attention span, motivation, cognitive endurance and energy (I think that's all.) After that incident I decided to set some simple rules. If it's taking longer than 5 minutes and you repeatedly experience a loss of erection or interest, it's not going to happen and you should stop. Along with, and I think this was a previous rule from a long time ago, although I may have set it due to the effect on pleasure when masturbating used to be considerably more enjoyable, seeing it as a waste, not doing so in a half assed manner, if I'm not sure I really want to, don't feel that strong of an urge.

    Anyway, why did this latest incident occur from 3AM Tuesday to Midnight Thursday, with very short breaks? Well, I wanted to drain my balls, for one, and didn't seem willing to give up. Amazingly, I didn't seem to give it much thought beyond that and wasn't keeping track of time. I suppose at some point it had just been so long and my sleep cycle would have been so messed up that I decided to keep going. It's not as if I have any obligations, anything important to do.

    Amazingly, other than the difficulty with keeping erections and the lack of lube (Used coconut oil, which I had to keep reapplying, and later added in sunscreen. The oil made a fucking mess, but I needed to change my sheets anyway.) (I really need to buy more, something thick and long lasting this time, like anal lube), it was actually enjoyable and fun! Amazingly, I didn't lose my ability to experience pleasure after all that time, so it was just never ending, as long as I could get it up. At least it was an interesting experience, of indulging in pleasure and fantasy for such an extended period. Toward the end I was on the verge of falling asleep, having to repeatedly battle it, and it really fucked with my visualization ability because every time I would close my eyes I'd go into the pre-sleep mildly dreamlike state where these visualizations, like minor weak dreams, start coming out and you begin drifting to sleep, along with my visuals being distorted and the quality diminished.

    This was terribly dysfunctional and a ridiculous/moronic waste of time. Only time I can really remember doing something like this. Well, I learned my lesson.

    Oh, and I was genuinely afraid of what might occur if I did actually manage to orgam/ejaculate after all that time. Hopefully I'll just have a wet dream if the inorgasmia doesn't subside soon, having perpetual blue balls would suck, I can't remember the last time I experienced that. Prostate stimulation doesn't work for me, so that isn't an option, although I did notice I had leaked a bit of seminal fluid after defecating on Tuesday.

    ive been staying up til like 4 or 5 am beating my dick for the last week now... the 3gbs of porn webms on my phone (and ive deleted my wank bank mumerous times) are from like 5 or 6 nights of meth fapping. just edging until my balls ache to hardcore shit until eventually ive browsed all the threads on /gif/ and bust so hard that i can hear the nut coming out of my dick. havent had any of the prostate pains the morning after like i did when i would do the same shit on acid, but when i acid fap i nut numerous times instead of condensing all of it into one milspec ejaculation
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    will do, trying to get the ball rolling now
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Any galaxyfags got Lineage on their phone? I'm most likely going to put it on my GS5; I'm tired of verizon bloatware and the generally terrible samsung meme apps that are all the fuck over the place. Just wanted input from you guys about it, if you have any.
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cerakote edel = noble stein = stone
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