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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    commence blog

    so i eradicated a small civilization of mold that was occupying my shower today. a few years ago, we had people cone fix and paint over a bit of water damage in the cieling caused by the apartment above ours. well, when these fuckniggers came and did all of that, they didnt lay a cover down over the shower. so whenever i used it for the first time after coming back from visiting family, there was a fine layer of paint, sheetrock dust, and whatever other miscellaneous grime they left behind all the fuck over my shower, which had already hardened at this point. and this wouldnt be so bad if it werent for the fact that our buildings foundation is FUCKED, so what was once a properly graded bathroom that didnt have problems with moisture is now the ideal spot for mold to grow. the lightly textured surface of the dust and paint residue served as a good place for the mold to root as well. so eventually, after growing up enough to start to care about the way my shit looks, i started to notice that this wasnt just my shower's appearance, it was actually a niggerload of mold in it. in my inital attempts to combat the problem, i started running through tilex like its nothing, which wasnt as effective as id hoped. cut to thursday, the day i decide enough is enough. i got a steel wool pad from work (not the shitty crackhead tier ones either, i got steel rawhide nibba) and an extra pair of cutter gloves to outfit myself for my impending killing spree. mixed up some white vinegar and blue dawn soap, which buttfucks mold by the way. its no bleach, but i was going to be in there until i was finished for better or for worse and didnt want to fuck my shit up with the fumes. anyway, there was such a layer of soap scum on my shower door that instead of being clear like plexiglas should be, it was opaque. finally, after sustained jihad against the mold menace, i prevailed. the cutter gloves i had were trashed by the end of it. i had 2 of them on each hand and the mold still managed to saturate both layers. my shower went from a greenish beige mixed with grey color to clean eggshell white again and the fact that i ever let it get this bad makes me disgusted with myself. at least now that ive finally completed the mold crusade i dont have to worry about showering in what looks like a gas chamber

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-07-09T06:12:49.292564+00:00
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Rap is for niggers

    so is being black
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    the joke was that i implied he was a stormfag and nothing in his post would lead a reader to believe that

    i am a true master of irony
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Cohen is a jedi name and he was Born in Israel. I thought you guys hated jedis? So you pick and chose who you respect regardless if you hate their ethnicity?

    that's odd

    what you read was the le tricky /pol/ confirmation bias maym in action
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    um listen here he isnt big hes thicc
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dargo Watch out tho. This was Miss Finland in 2017. They're invading the far north too.

    why that bitch face look the same as a flounder

    Originally posted by Dargo This was fourth place. FOURTH. (T_T)

  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist kind of like a pie but different shape


    this is actually a fairly common food item in america but as kinkou said theyre generally called a pie here (pigeon pie, mince pie, shepherds pie, etc)

    the pic you posted looks like a pot pie except in nearly hotpocket format. if you havent ever had pot pies, theyre basically just stew in a pie crust. but the filling in that... hnnnng. lamb is awesome and its even better with mint jelly and both of those things together sounds like a good way to bust a nut with no stimulation
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    man, this microdosing maymay everyone keeps shilling sounds terrible. isnt it basically just one really long afterglow? acid comedowns suck balls, i would kill myself if i had to perpetually experience it.
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 and also there's a lot of BOOTLEG xanax.

    this, i can get a 50pak for $100 around here. its not like theyre bad though, its just home pressed alprazolam tablets. they put a fuck lton in some of the bars on the street today that if you take the whole thing with no tolerance youll probably black out
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    tfw im a nice guy driver and let people go in front of me unless they look like a fag... had a guy pull up next to me, roll down his window, and politely ask me if he could get in front of me since he was accidentally in a turn only lane. he had out of state plates tho, at least i upheld the southern hospitality meme

    also, whats the deal with my commutes to work and driving right next to luxury cars?? i got cut off near the overpass by a 2017 maserati ghibli a couple months back, and was riding along right next to a brand fucking new, freshly waxed bentley continental supersport convertible. guy looked like a business magnate, had some ICE on his wrist too, all meme aside.
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    and to yung lanny i didnt mean equal as in aspergers brain functions as well as a regular one i meant that a high functioning tard brain makes up for its impairments in other areas
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    i was bringing some peppers from my plants over to one of my neighbors today and this fucking kid who was 14 max asked me if i could hook him up with bud. he was listening to some shitty rap song, had an iron maiden tshirt on, wallet chain, a pack of marlboro nxts that he probably stole from his mom or something, and had one hanging out of his mouth that wasnt even lit. the nerve of this kid
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 4. You are not legally obligated to stop for a 'police officer' (peace officer) or any laws at all. Just claim you are a sovereign citizen and remind them that you are a person. They cannot detain you.

  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 The lane farthest left is the fast lane (in the US). I don't care if you're doing 90 in a 35 zone, if someone comes up behind you, move into the slow lane and let them by.

    The shoulder does not magically become a driving lane on a crowded interstate unless you are emergency services.

    At a 4-way stop, the person that stops at the sign first goes first.

    oh man. these piss me off. the shoulder thing... oh man. there was a really bad wreck up on i45 in north houston a while back and people were literally just driving in the shoulder like it was another lane just so they could get to the exit. not like one or two cars either, there was a line of people as long as the rest of the lanes just steadily going. and the worst thing is there was a hpd officer doing the same thing.

    i was up in the heights a couple weeks back at a 4way intersection and i got to the stopsign before the 2 cars to the left of me at pulled up to theirs. one of them clearly had a functioning brain and stopped to let me go, but the other guy started going as i was going past. had to stomp on my brakes so he wouldnt run into me, and he had the audacity to look all mad like i did something wrong.

    tfw lead foot and end up barely avoiding rear ending people sometimes
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I GOT TEH TATS DAH GUNS N TEH DOGE NIGGA!

    my trap got the dogs fo when them broke nibbas run up
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty much this, the only people that tend to own pitbulls are ghetto trash that have them as some kind of false pride symbol that you can smell a mile away.

    yeah. for a loyal dog capable of fighting but not being aggressive, get a rottweiler or heidelberg/german shepherd.
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    heck thats a bad feel
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    pit bulls are the worst dog. the whole breed needs to either be exterminated or converted into military attack mongrels
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    hey malice how do your cats like to be petted

    razz likes head pats and ember likes pats at the end of her back above her hind legs
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Hey, that's good man, I seriously wouldn't have guessed it. Raw intelligence really isn't everything, though. There are an array of traits that are strongly correlated with various positive outcomes, personality traits, cognitive and psychological traits

    Seriously though, it doesn't matter what your IQ is, you still have to do an immense amount of work to develop yourself, and the paths people choose can be radically different, lead to countless paths in life. Just think of how different everything two gifted people will choose to read, learn, study, how they'll interpret things, their biases, strengths, weaknesses, personality etc. throughout a lifetime and how differently the same book may be interpreted, internalized, the effect it will have, what it may lead to in their lives, how they utilize the knowledge etc.

    So, raw intelligent doesn't mean you're going to be right about everything or will engage in a fruitful focus in your life. But you are far more likely to fare considerably better than the average person.

    Let me tell you something, though, underperformers, and I sure as hell was one of them: Many gifted students like you experience the same thing, blowing off high school for various reasons, or never really trying because they can do well enough without studying or really doing much. If they attend a serious college or difficult major they find that for the first time, at least during the final 2/4 years (Do not make predictions of the expected difficulty based on the classes required for an AA degree, it is a high school diploma 2.0 and a complete joke.), for the first time in their life everyone has to seriously study and by that point it's been so long since they consistently practiced the behavior they need, certain traits having been stunted from this from such a long period where they lacked significant use, habits and behavior, routines, ingrained, resistant to change, many end up burning out, ending up unremarkable. The other self-destructive behavior that arises in many is that when they're unable to easily or naturally grasp something right away or quickly, don't have an affinity for it and may actually struggle (You're no longer going to be the smartest kid in your class, even school, in a STEM field degree at a high ranking university, being mediocre in your classes can easily become the standard, regardless of what you believe now.), really for the first time in their lives or at school, they simply give up and don't try. It's incredibly childish, at it's core. Far more likely to happen to a person than they would like to believe.

    As I noted before, you're still young and are bound to have a long period where you're going to need to develop significantly. The 20s are generally when you become the person you're going to be for life. You've still been afflicted by the limitation of time, having far less years, later years during generally past the mid 20s having the potential to be most fruitful, the time varying based on level of development, to learn, read, develop, experience etc. Nearly everyone is a jackass of greatly underdeveloped in multiple ways at that age.

    As I said, the things you wrote that I quoted and responded to were absolutely moronic and you were embarrassing yourself. It's a clear sign that in that underdeveloped or jackass group with everyone else. Sad reality, just be more aware of posting stupid shit.

    Although, I have to say, being on this site is not a good sign for your outcomes. Look around you. We had plenty of people just like you, who had high IQs (It's not nearly as rare in many places online. Find certain good forums and subreddits and it's completely unremarkable.), the similar school experience, and the vast majority ended up fucking things up, with fucked up lives, serious problems, unsuccessful, suffering etc. It's the damn truth. I'm not trying to make you feel doomed, which is why I gave some genuine advice.

    you wouldnt guess it probably because alot of my activity here is shitposting. i know all of the things you mentioned about intelligence; i could never be around normies and all my friends were like me. i went to a gt magnet school in my middle school years so all the people i made friendships with and interacted with all shared at least some sense of similarity. i kept more or less the same group of friends throughout high school and some of the people made up the highest ranks of my graduating class, both valedictorian and salutatorian, while others like me and most of my friends were professional bullshitters. however, i didnt take shitter classes, i was in the ap variants for most of the courses with an ap level available, so im accustomed to rigorous coursework already. and the thing is, i took the ap classes and not the tests because i wanted to actually learn the subjects, not take some shitty meme test for le epic college credit. the reason my gpa isnt absolute dogshit is because even though i blew off alot of the work i did it in an ap class so i got the extra gpa weighting. i have a gpa of 3.2 and a composite sat score of 1230 (1600 scale), with most of the points lost coming from math since i never paid attention in class... i left a disgusting amount of questions in the math portion blank because i didnt know how to do it. got near perfect scores on the reading and writing composition though. i was never the "smartest kid" in high school, i had people that i went to school with when i was younger with .1 away from a flat 5 gpa.

    as for having life experience, i had to grow up pretty early because of shitty people and unfavorable circumstances in my life. not to say i am some kind of sage compared to people in my age group, but i can provide more insight into things than most. i can admit i can be a fucktard, but that is generally relegated to things that dont matter, like shitposting here or saying gay shit to the guy at sonic who brings out my food, or playing vulgar music loud at red lights.

    however you feel about the content in my post about mans purpose, you can hardly say that my views are moronic. its plain stupid to try and tell someone that their beliefs about such a subjective and far reaching topic are wrong, when there are people who literally believe in reincarnation. there comes a time when you realize that we are not just here by dumb luck, and no amount of belittlement by you can change that fact. we were put here by someone greater than we are, along with every other piece of existence. whether you come to believe in islam, buddhism, christianity, or whatever else. look outside. take a look at the world and consider the magnitude of our advancement as a race. look at the way all of nature ebbs and flows and intertwines. look at the perfection and awesome complexity of everything from the smallest, most basic single celled prokaryotes to something as advanced as the human brain and tell me with a straight face that some sort of infallible entity didnt put it all in place, for one purpose or another.

    also, the fact that i visit this site is no more of a bad omen for me than it is for you. i wasnt around for the peak of this community, and i know there are numerous examples of people in it thay have crashed and burned, but thats irrelevant to me and has no bearing on my character or my life as a whole. i dont come here to look at edgy shit like making bombs or learning how to shoplift or whatever, i come here because i feel a sense of belonging within this community. me being a lonely degenerate who posts here means no more than being one that doesnt post here. ive been successful enough up to this point, and besides my recent affinity for meth i havent ever been so caught up in drugs that i let them define me. even meth use is going to come to a grinding halt soon due to employment related drug testing, so thats not really an issue. i dont have a record, i have a relatively healthy home life, im in the interim of transitioning from my shitter high school job to the beginning of a promising, well-paying career. i dont have mental issues, and im not a troublemaker. so then, why would i have problems due to my involvement in this community? unless i go out and go on a mall stabbing spree blacked out on 82 xans i really dont see how i could ruin my life.
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