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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    I've never had a spooky experience with drugs themselves, but I've had close calls with getting caught

    commence memetext story

    >be walk home from school with friend
    >be walk by gas station and see one of my neighbors, qt 19 y/o who throws parties and pisses off all of the other people in our apartment building
    >ask her to do me a solid and buy me a pipe since i was 16 at the time (18 now)
    >hand her $30 and she goes in, comes back a couple mins later with it and the change
    >its like 4;15
    >me and friend go to apartment, smorcc marawonna with new drug smoking device
    >by the time we're done smoking and tarding out and whatever else, its like 5;05
    >dad comes home from work at 5;10-5;15ish
    >we're walking around the back of the building to my front door, he takes his boots off because they're muddy
    >2 steps toward my door, i see the front of my dad's truck round the corner
    >shitbricks.exe because he doesnt want me to have people over without asking and we both smelled like a fresh doobie, plus pipe/weed/lighter in my pocket
    >run inside at mach 12 and im fumbling to get my bedroom window open so friend can leave before we get caught
    >he dives out into muddy ground with boots in hand, manages to not get socks all muddy somehow
    >i run into the bathroom with my shit, disrobe, and turn on the shower
    >stuff weed into sock and bundle all my dirty clothes around sock to mask smell
    >take shower and get extra clean
    >brush my teeth before i get out of the bathroom
    >dad says nothing about it, guess i gave him the runaround well enough

    that was the only time besides me getting caught smoking or nearly getting caught tripping acid that really spooked me

  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by omg When karma is more than just a "thanks given" number on my profile I can dump. Idk. Are you guys into skinny/athletic korean chicks?

    fuck yes
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by omg Today was going to be the 1 year anniversary of my ex and her new guy.
    New guy's like me but he's got more money, he's dumber, he's more "normal".
    Me and her broke up a year ago, 2 weeks from now (feb 1).
    We'd been going out for several years. Zero fights or problems up until then.
    She just said "I don't love you" and cut contact like that, walked out, not a look of shame.
    For some more context we'd been talking about marriage and I'd recently bought a ring.
    It got on my nerves but I just ground my teeth and ignored it.
    Every now and then she sends me random teasey texts with 0 followup.
    I think she kind of gets off knowing that she broke my heart.

    Sent her new guy our (old) dirty pics / vids / chat screenshots and told him she was cheating on him yesterday night.
    Heh. She got dumped on the night before their big 1 year anniversary and had no idea why.
    And apparently her new ex is spreading the fun files around Facebook etc.
    He's totally disgusted with her, and he's in a much better position to ruin her reputation than me.

    That's karma biiiitch. the long con always pays off .

    Post last edited by omg at 2017-01-11T14:32:51.613872+00:00

    got that bitch

    right on
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Parachuting only good for bundy and DMT

    just smoke the dmt
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Why do people parachute anyway? Why not just pour the powder into a small cup of water or juice and slam it down?

    parachuting is fucking stupid

    either just take it orally, mix it in some water, or rail it

    anything else is gay
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Brain surgeon got a Kilo of red borneo Crouton on its way here. what do you guys think is the best method of ingesting it? capsules? tea?

    caps are ok but the weird fishy taste of gelatin always makes me nauseous if i dont immediately throw them back

    tea is just sludge powder if you can stomach it and then brush your teeth with napalm youre good
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost >when religious people post on nigspace

    >when people use meme arrows outside of a chan
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost every other RPG's questing system is "kill X gather Y". i've never played WoW which everyone loves but i'm guessing its the best of that kind of retarded redundancy.

    (((it is)))
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL That's not the point. The point is, Lanny used his mod status to shut up a poster just because he didn't agree with their opinions. That is not a debate, it is a fact. Joke or not, he did it. And it wasn't a joke either. Not many people know this, but Lanny can become so frustrated with a difference of opinion that, once he drinks, all his pretend inhibitions fall away, and he loses all sense of shame. Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I didn't make the bed Lanny is lying in.

    then leave his website if you dont like it
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost would you rather eat meat coming from a filthy pig or a beautiful woman?

    the bible says not to eat pork
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty good, I actually have very nice teeth, I also had braces when i was a kid. the only thing thats happened recently was I chipped one of my 2 front teeth while I was on mushrooms back in june.

    a few years ago i went to the dentist for the first time in almost 10 years and I had some cavities that they filled, I think they were due to drinking.

    yeah get your cavities filled before they need to root canal your teeth
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic The other day I was playing cs go and gungame was kinda boring because only a few people were there so I was like fuck it I'm gonna go play with just me vs a shitload of bots and arm them all with knives and see how many I can take out before they kill me. But no I fucking can't because they took that shit out and now all you can play are these stupid pre-defined modes that are boring as shit anyways.

    then just go play source im pretty sure you can do that

    Originally posted by the holy ghost ive liked runescape, starcraft, call of duty.

    every mmorpg, rts, and fps is almost exactly the same so you find one you like and stick with it. runescape is my favorite because it's mostly not combat oriented, which makes it more interesting.

    runescape is my favorite because its not like the others. combat, while being a big part of the game, is still much less than non combat skills. all the quests and minigames and shit just add to it
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost a good steak + a hot girl

    and its the exact same thing

    it sounds really cool

    except one is cannibalism you shitposter
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic I used to have this habit of playing counter strike for hours on end while chewing ice when I was a teenager then I got into drugs and did a bunch of stimulants. I've had at least a few significant multiple month stimulant addiction periods, on mpa, 4f-mph, iph, and less so with meth/amp and coke. Also I drank coffee and tea for basically all of my adult life and smoked a lot too. There was also one incident where I rolled my balls off at some rave and chewed up this plastic water bottle cap for hours into a flat mess and the next day my teeth were sore and mouth was all cut up.

    Anyways after this last bout of stimulants which I've been clean off of for like 6 months I've noticed my teeth seem to be more fucked and brittle. They have little chips and shit. I think I'll need to get them replaced or something at some point.

    i grind my teeth while tripping and while on speed and sometimes i get little bouts of hypertension and do it while sober. it just feels so good while youre on drugs though

    i dip, smoke, and drink lots of coffee and a girl recently told me i have really pretty teeth so i guess they're ok
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost pls respond

    would you eat it at the very least?

    it would come in packs at the supermarket with the girl's face on the packaging so you could pick bacon from any girl u think is hot nd there would be new choices every day

    why the fuck would anyone eat that
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Thanatos. The eternal peace of death is calling you, my child. The inherent emptiness of existence causes you to seek reprieve.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-01-10T02:47:32.489233+00:00

    youre making yourself sound like a pretentious faggot when you type like this

  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject AMERICA IS NOT A GODDAMN CENTURY

    i misread it as country, edited
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Single or taken😳: single
    😘Crushing😘: a host of girls in my graduating class and a few i work with
    📏Height📏: 6'3"
    ❤Favorite color❤: black
    😝Girl bestfriend 😝: carly
    💯guy best friend💯: clayton
    ever get married?👰🏽: no
    👨‍👩‍👧want kids👨‍👩‍👧: after marriage

    🙎🏽if so how many🙎🏽: as many as possible

    ♒Zodiac sign♒: saggitarius

    ☕Last drink☕: fireball out of the bottle, chased with a can of shiner

    🐱Cat or dog🐶: cat

    😈Evil or good👼: im a dickhead in social situations im not comfortable in but im a nice guy everywhere else

    ⚽Favorite sport: baseball or competitive shooting

    🐼Favorite animal🐨: freshwater COCKodile

    😜Weird😜:i have some interests/hobbies people might think are weird but they're only weird to normies
    🙅🏽do you have haters: ive made some enemies
    😂Funny or nahh😂: fuck yeah

    📱Apple or Samsung📱: samsung

    🤓Smart🤓: in mind and in tongue
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Short questionnaire for anyone with a few spare momentos:

    1- Do you like turtles?
    2- When is the last time (if ever) that you shoplifted and what did you take?
    3- How many siblings do you have?
    4- Who shot JFK?
    5- Why do cats prefer drinking from the faucet?
    6- If you could live in any other century prior to the 1900s what would you choose?
    7- What was before the beginning of the universe?
    8- When you were a little kid did your grandma give you special baths and help you get so nice and clean?

    Thank you to anyone who partakes. To help you along here's a picture of some guy who's dying of cancer.

    1. they're ok but i like crocodilians way more
    2. the last time was 3 bottles of the cough medicine from dollar tree that i used in my guaifenesin CWE extraction attempt (which was a sad failure)
    3. 2 sisters who are grown up, an only child with a single parent
    4. lee harvey oswald
    5. my cats prefer drinking from a clean toilet bowl
    6. 19th, i like the traditional law aspect and also no redbars on drugs
    7. god
    8. when i was an infant maybe, but when i was a little kid she just made sure the water was nice and warm and all the soap and everything was there and let me do my business

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-01-10T15:35:36.315644+00:00
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    are the fumes produced from chilling toxic?

    i dont want to put this in a freezer full of food and end up killing myself and my dad
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