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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    lanny this might actually be something worth considering, but not drugs
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by iamlight I prefer mountain dew over Derpa Dew.

    >not drinking morning dew
  3. cerakote African Astronaut

    sophie hold my lean cup im boutta trash dee niqqas
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You don't scare me.

    is this a shitpost or do you actually feel the need to tell everyone who calls you a faggot or otherwise addresses you that "you dont scare me"
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly Conrats! You get the award for cringiest post in this thread! And its a totse2 thread so thats a hell of an achievement! What further plans do you have for your autism?

    develop it into a weapon with which to kill myself
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject People are holding a fucking vigil for some pigs that died in a road accident jesus fucking christ

    you are such a fucking dickhead

    seriously, kill yourself
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    tell them to give you one or fuck off
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    traps are gay as fuck but id plow some of them
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    my name is bjorn the ironfist, vassal to olaf bone-breaker and lord of blackblood keep

    i command the legion of the deathless scions, conquerors of the realms of infernus

    all cower before me
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie It's good to close with a compliment but the game is you don't tell her before hand.

    give girls compliments in private and butter them up and then do something racy like smack her butt when you guys meet in public (at the end of your rendezvous)
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump He's 7 just buy a ps4 lol he will probably break the computer or spills juice on it or some shit

    didn't know he was 7, in that case just buy him a ds or a gameboy or something

    the games are cheap the devices are cheap and it doesnt matter if he breaks it while he's tarding out

    i thought he was a teenager lol
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject It's not individual cops that people have a problem with, it's the corrupt system they work for. The average policeman is generally someone who went into the job for the right reasons and do believe they are helping people and keeping people safe and upholding the law. It's the system they work for which arrests and imprisons people for crimes which shouldn't be crimes which is the problem. The cop is just the public face of that system which is why they get the hate.

    But if you're cool with cops they'll be cool with you. You can get away with a lot of minor/petty crimes if you're just polite and respectful and promise not to do it again

    police chiefs aren't responsible for the legislation that people get arrested for
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind This one time my boss asked me to take his wife out on a date. I picked up some H a few hours earlier and the dealer was out of balloons so he had to put it in a baggy. When I picked up the bosses wife she was all coked up. We went for dinner and dancing, won a trophy, and when I took her home I told her I needed to piss. When I got out of the washroom I found her overdosing on the heroin she found in my jacket, stupid coke head must have thought it was coke. I went insane, rushed her limp ass over to the the dealers house and had to inject adrenaline into her heart to wake her up. Good thing the boss never found out.

    pulp fiction
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Discount Whore I swear to fuck I'm so tired of this polarity. Either cops are abusive assholes, all of them, or they're just doing their jobs and it's all the scum's fault. "Why are cops almost always assholes" you sound like such a whiny fucking bitch.


    all the local law enforcement officers are bro-tier

    the liaison officers at my hs didn't give me tickets when i got caught with dip underage because i didnt lie about it

    stupid bitch called the cops on me because i called my dad and had him lend me his keys so i could get my keys i locked in my truck because she "thought it was a drug deal" and when the cops showed up they were understanding and when they searched my truck they left everything like they found it. didn't search me or say anything about the cigarettes i was smoking while being underage either, was nice

    they dont give tickets for speeding (if its reasonable, 60 in a 50 in areas where people never are driving at, etc) unless they need quotas
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    this art above has meaning. it has soul. look at that hidden symbolism. look wt that fsvial expression or anger shown or frustration and outrage through this art alone. how deep it is.
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Whatever you want to say about Obama, at least he isn't having arguments over twitter. I can't wait till he's impeached.

    instead, he's publicly slandering the next president with the aid of his libtard cretins and dbag in chief hillary clinton
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    here's the deal hamp

    if you skimp out on quality components just for the sake of a good pricetag your son might not get the enjoyment out of it for as long because parts will need to be replaced

    my computer is like 5 years old and still plays everything i want to play mostly at high settings (i mostly play runescape and CS but I played doom 4 on med/low at 60 fps, bf4 on ultra, tomb raider on ultra, dying light on ultra, crysis 2 on ultra, far cry on ultra, etc he may have to turn down settings a little for some games but just about everything is playable)

    gpu: cheaper option is a gtx 660ti (currently have a 660 in my computer, the regular version not the ti which is a little cheaper but i bought mine like 4 years ago) or a gtx 780 (id go with this, its more expensive but will last longer because its better and wont break the bank like one of the high-end gpus will)

    mobo: msi g43-z97a is what i have and although only 3 of 5 fans in my computer are plugged into the sysfan ports and running, you can get molex to 4pin connectors to run as many as your case and psu will allow

    ram: get 8gb of decent quality patriot ram, this doesnt matter too much i guess but keep it either 16gb or 8gb (more will let him run more processes at once, but for the average teenager playing vidya, spotify, shitposting, etc like myself it does just fine)

    processor: i5 6600k, great cpu and will last him for years (be sure to apply thermal paste to it during installation and re-apply every 6 months to avoid heat damage and maintain good cool cpu temps)

    heatsink: be sure to get a good one, hyperx 212 is excellent

    psu: any 750w psu will work, even the cheaper shitty chinese ones (i would read reviews on the chinkshit ones first, some might be poor quality but if youre concerned about quality then get a corsair 750w). also, if you can spare the little bit of extra money, get a modular psu so you dont have cable spaghetti inside the case

    case: i'd go with a corsair 750d as they're nice and roomy and if you want to keep the system running nice and cold get the 750d airflow

    hdd/ssd: get 2 drives, one being a samsung ssd big enough to put the OS on so the computer boots up lightning fast (also will make computing much faster as the ssd has vastly superior r/w speed) and get an hdd to use as the storage drive. all his games, pictures, music, movies, tv, etc will go on here since the ssd will pretty much only have enough room to store the os

    os: get windows 7 all the new ones are trash (also, install never10 immediately, it will keep the computer on win7 without the shitty clickbaits for win10. win10 is aids)

    it'll run you a few hundo more but if you buy the parts during sales or black friday it will be significantly cheaper (keep your eyes peeled for newegg/fry's/microcenter/bestbuy deals on components you want so you can save the most money. also alot of parts will have mail-in rebates so once you buy it you can get those rebates and buy your son some steam cards so he can buy a few games he wants

  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Everyone is very prideful these days. Nobody wants to admit when they're wrong. Nobody wants to compromise or find workable solutions. It's all my way or no way. I think as people grow up they drift more 'right' in terms of just wanting the best for themselves as changing the world seems meaningless in our short existence. It's probably right to an extent.

    I personally lean left though I've never subscribed to any political affiliation. There's too many issues for me to believe any one group has all the answers, and the answers themselves are entirely different depending on who you ask.

    I see hate everywhere. I see people blaming races, governments, religions, countries, and others for their own problems. I see a lot of angry people who feed off of negative energy. I see frustrated, hard working people mad that others live off the system. I see struggling families, homeless, frustrated they can't make ends meet. I see wealthy executives and filthy rich basking in their own egos, unwilling to understand the struggle of the average person. I see people that have a made a life for themselves thinking that it should be just as attainable for anyone else. I see people who don't work feel entitled to things these people have worked for. And, everyone in between.

    At the end of the day, for me, I am on the low end of the spectrum. I've always lived paycheck to paycheck. I've never been on assistance. I work at places for low wages serving suit wearing bigwigs without a worry in the world, but I don't scorn them. I also don't want to be them. I prefer this life, this reality, of the common man. I have been through a lot of shit and I am proud to be able to empathize with others who are needy, who struggle, who are good people, honest people, funny people, but don't have the nice perfect life to go along with it.

    I'd just like for everyone to experience that. For everyone to live in each continent in their lifetime, to work at low-end and high-end jobs. To sit in jail. To feel drug addiction. To experience pain. To be a minority. To know what it's like to be hated. To know what it's like to care more about your neighbor than you do for yourself.

    for most things, the correct answer is right-wing but for certain things its left-wing, speaking in terms of maximum freedom that doesnt pollute peoples minds
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice I'm the realest nigga here. When have I denied that?

    Originally posted by Malice real

    you're real gay lmao

  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Some people can't handle the taste. I think they are just burning it

    well dont you have to burn it to get the effects?

    correct me if im wrong: you can just sprinkle it on a bowl and smoke it that way?
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