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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I love that all their gifts were MAN gifts, like all outdoorsy camping related shit. Fucking MARLBORO MEN UNITE! ahahaha
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Well I try not to do this unless I really dislike someone and I guess I don't have that many opportunities anyway but I have definitely told bosses about how much new people fucking suck and aren't going to be able to handle it. I mean if you can't handle a dishwashing job when it's just a little busy, you need to fucking kill yourself. I refuse to work with faggots that have one gear and like to take 10 cig breaks in an 8-hour shift. Far as I'm concerned take 100 breaks if you can actually bust your ass and stay caught up in the meantime. Until then, try telemarketing or working in a cheese factory. Nothing pisses me off more than working circles around some faggot who refuses to step it up. BURN IN HELL!!!😠😠😠
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I thought he meant literal pigs
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Everyone here was on zoklet
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I want everyone to be happy.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Everyone is very prideful these days. Nobody wants to admit when they're wrong. Nobody wants to compromise or find workable solutions. It's all my way or no way. I think as people grow up they drift more 'right' in terms of just wanting the best for themselves as changing the world seems meaningless in our short existence. It's probably right to an extent.

    I personally lean left though I've never subscribed to any political affiliation. There's too many issues for me to believe any one group has all the answers, and the answers themselves are entirely different depending on who you ask.

    I see hate everywhere. I see people blaming races, governments, religions, countries, and others for their own problems. I see a lot of angry people who feed off of negative energy. I see frustrated, hard working people mad that others live off the system. I see struggling families, homeless, frustrated they can't make ends meet. I see wealthy executives and filthy rich basking in their own egos, unwilling to understand the struggle of the average person. I see people that have a made a life for themselves thinking that it should be just as attainable for anyone else. I see people who don't work feel entitled to things these people have worked for. And, everyone in between.

    At the end of the day, for me, I am on the low end of the spectrum. I've always lived paycheck to paycheck. I've never been on assistance. I work at places for low wages serving suit wearing bigwigs without a worry in the world, but I don't scorn them. I also don't want to be them. I prefer this life, this reality, of the common man. I have been through a lot of shit and I am proud to be able to empathize with others who are needy, who struggle, who are good people, honest people, funny people, but don't have the nice perfect life to go along with it.

    I'd just like for everyone to experience that. For everyone to live in each continent in their lifetime, to work at low-end and high-end jobs. To sit in jail. To feel drug addiction. To experience pain. To be a minority. To know what it's like to be hated. To know what it's like to care more about your neighbor than you do for yourself.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Bold prediction: This will be OP's only thread and posts on this site, which quite frankly is just fine. Off with you, riff-raff!
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yes, advertising your stash spot to hoards of people looking for such spots seems like a good idea. Nice one.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by mso8 the joke being that she is into cheese and smegma is commonly known as dick cheese

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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock certified.

    but there are no victims available for evidence purposes.

    You forgot about yourself.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    If anyone is wearing sunglasses
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That's referred to as a Floating Jeremy
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by AngryOnion I like turtles.

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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I read every thread in BI and I'd do it again. What a cool thing. Detailed breakdowns of dozens of retailer's security policies, pedobaiting, fraud, class action lawsuits, the timeless classic eBay return scam. Remember kids, just say the box was empty.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher "Tendies" is objectively the worst meme ever

    Quiet, frothy whimpering whimper cuckslampigchicken!
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    eBagger WILL WIN
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Why do we go through this over and over? If I comment in your thread and don't explicitly agree with you I am apparently 'shitting up your thread.'

    Learn how to have a fucking discussion with opposing viewpoints for crying out loud. Stop making everything weird. Relax dude. It's not your fault.
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