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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    You watch Man Bites Dog and I'll watch yours.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Well unless it's a short film and not a snuff film it's not going to happen. But I'll try and make a short film of myself killing myself since I don't have any friend or fellow actors I hang out with and since murder isn't my fetish. I did however love the film "That's no way to treat a lady" with George Segal and Rod Stieger and Lee Remick. good movie. Almost 50 years old now. Seems like someone who might hang out on a place like this. I wouldn't mind filling his shoes for a remake.. him or Segal. if you are my Lee Remick in the film :0

    Did you ever watch or produce vaguely the August Undergound filmtrilogy? You should 've.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie Why? And how do you know this.

    I don't know it I guess I just believe in it. Because I'm alive and I can perceive the world around me and I have a brain capable of a wide range of abilities and emotions. It's tough for me to think that we shouldn't take advantage of our potential to utilize that while we're here, even if it all goes away when we die. It's similar to why you like to learn new coding languages or why anyone likes to learn. If life has no meaning there is no purpose to acquiring knowledge, but in general what people do in life is try to acquire knowledge. Of course I'm a shitty example of this because I've already squandered a lot of my potential. I think it's the fact that I feel bad about that that plays into why I believe it must be the case.

    Originally posted by Sophie I know what you are saying, also, you should be kind to your aunt. Don't ruin her bubble of unfeeling happiness that would be cruel. You can take pleasure in the fact that you recognize this and show her the unspoken kindness of letting her be.

    Haha I was just saying I sometimes want to post that stuff, I certainly don't though, I'm not that big of a fuckhead. I just want to grab her and shake her like anyone that always says things like 'God is good all the time and thank God, etc. I'm sure she wants to do the same to me and tell me to stop being sad or condradictory or negative which I'm really not those things but it ruffles my feathers a bit when people do the overly happy bit and never have the ability or desire to talk or discuss real shit in the world that inherently produces feelings other than happiness.

    Originally posted by aldra regardless of what I post on here I try to be a decent person day-to-day.

    And that's good. It's why you don't shit up every thread because you understand that it's annoying and why the fuck would you want to be annoying? Obviously that just a little example, but I think being a good person is a great thing and very important. Life is much better when you're around people that know how to be polite, kind, funny, caring, etc. Of course there's a time and place for all emotions and attitudes and feelings but even then it takes a cool head to know when and when not it's appropriate to show them.

    Originally posted by aldra that's kind of contradictory isn't it? Ignorance is bliss, but it's very hard to be happy if you understand what's going on in the world.

    What? Lol.

    Ignorance is bliss -- Ignoring the world's problems makes you happy, ergo it's hard to be happy if you don't ignore the world's problems.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra you're not wrong about that, but the truth is that none of this does matter, no matter how you justify it to yourself. 50 years after you die nobody will remember your name.

    if anything, ignoring the big picture and just trying to be happy is fooling yourself - you'll still die, you'll still be forgotten and you'll still have nothing to show for it.

    This reads frankly as 'ignorance is bliss.' When you give a shit, that's when you face real emotions, real depression. It's not possible to be an extremely happy person that's all about positivity and laughter every fucking day all day long if you have half a brain and pay attention to what's going on across the world.

    Even if our lives are little specks in the overall frame of time, it's still a very important speck considering it's the only speck we have to work with. So on one hand saying everything is meaningless is true, and on the other hand its definitely not true under the premise that the meaning to all of this is being self-aware and learning the ability to sympathize and empathize.

    I don't know man I have this aunt that's always on facebook posting things like 'I don't care what anyone says I love life!' or things like that and while I get it and I understand the aspect of positivity and happiness I also want to post pictures of kids burning alive and starving to death and animals being tortured just to fucking get her to feel a little something other than her cringe happiness. I guess that's why they say it's pretty much not possible to be both intelligent and particularly happy. Obviously there are smart people who are happy but you know what I'm saying?
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Haha nice work TDR. Do whatever you're doing to continue boring this already boring faggot so he's too exhausted to cringe reply. Much appreciated.

    Before you reply to this Jill the car I'll have you know I'm heavily buzzed and give a fuck not about your butthole reference other than knowing that's how you'll reply. BASIC. ASS. BITCH. Cashmeousside howbowdah??????????????
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie No, no. We have another word for that and it's suicide. Basically the only argument i could see for it being a sin is this: God gives you life, that's pretty fucking dope. Then you go and say: Lol FUCK YOU GOD! I don't want be alive, i'm out. But if God would take offense to that then he is a petty and spiteful God. And not good and therefore not God.

    I agree. It's bullshit that we don't have a choice to be born to begin with. Christian logic says you HAVE to love God or your burn in hell. Never giving a person a chance to say that they don't want to be in that position. THAT is fucked. THAT is why I'm no longer a Christian among a host of other reasons.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Whatever the opposite of existentialism is. :)
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    And it's quite alright. At least there's one current thread with an actual conversation and topic.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I said that I'm not sure. I'm not sure it's really a choice because I'm not sure if freewill is real.

    Even if it wasn't real and everything is preplanned, it's still basically real because you can make a decision at any given point about anything. Even if what you choose was planned you didn't make the choice based off of they you made based off your own desire so it's like some technicality shit with free will and we essentially all have it all the time.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Lol not only is Jill too stupid to post there he's also stupid enough to admit it to us. Clown shoe of the highest order I do declare.

    So who's that Drink Piss character? What's his gimmick?
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    There's really only one true fag amongst us and he posted 2 posts above me. Let's not kid ourselves.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump totse2

    The site were Zill the unbelievably massive faggot claims to have once posted a pic, not only a pic but a topless one, as if to add flair to it or something, as if to impress us.

    I think about that shit.

    "I once posted a topless pic on totse2."

    I imagine what goes on in a person's head before they post that. That they feel the need to address it was topless. That they feel that need to address that they ONCE posted A PIC.



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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Don't use technology.

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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock there needs to be a minimum IQ requirement to post on the internet. like those rides at disneyland where you have to be a certain height…

    I agree it would be nice to see you unable to post.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Christianity was founded in cuckoldry. Joseph was the ultimate cuck because his wife was impregnated by god. Discuss.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by o_o (s p l o o) sure. we can combine families if i have kids with your sis

    I literally shuddered.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht So Assad being behind the recent chemical attack is most likely bullshit, right?

    Originally posted by aldra Assad has nothing to gain from using chemical weapons - it's never been proven that he has in the past; as a matter of fact the original sarin attack in Ghouta, which Obama used as a 'red line' to officially get involved in Syria, was definitely not launched by Assad/the SAA and quite likely engineered or at least enabled by the Turkish intelligence services. For more information you can check out the interviews with the head of the UN investigation team, Carla de Ponte, and the excellent article by Seymour Hersch "The Red Line and the Rat Line". Further, Eren Erdem is facing treason charges for giving RT details of instances where Turkish nationals were released without charge when caught smuggling nerve agents and precursors into Syria.

    On top of that, after the Ghouta fiasco Assad turned over all of his chemical weapons stocks for destruction.

    The SAA and Tigers have completely reversed all rebel gains over the last few months - they're in a position of strength, not desperation. Given that and the physical evidence, I believe the official SAAF version of events.

    Like I said though, once I'm more familiar with the facts on the ground I'll post a proper thread on it
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I was at my mom's house last night and went to my sister's room (she's going to school in Thailand right now) and she has a picture of my dad and I just looked at it for like 10 minutes and had a cry. Fuxk man if you ever lose a parent. It sucks. I sure miss that guy.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
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