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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yup.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by greenplastic Can't you just like chill in jail? I've never been but I've known quite a few people who have and they haven't said any of this shit about not being able to look at anyone or getting your ass whooped on a regular basis.

    Yes. It's a bunch of people doing short time, and a few waiting to go to prison. Sure you get some rough types, but it's mostly just dudes playing cards, watching TV, reading, and sleeping.

    Yeah we might make fun of the kid that sleeps or stays in his cell the majority of the day, but that's about it. Nobody goes and beats the fuck out of him, that just lands you in a higher security area with less freedom, and doesn't really prove a point to anyone.

    Jail time is boring, but easy.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Is that your highschool science fair project

    Hearty smile
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    And again, it's neither here nor there. We are all complex studies. New Malice is far kinder.

    Does that make you happy, or uncomfortable, or indifferent to hear that Mal? When I refer you to as a gentle and kind soul now, friendly and cordial.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by hydromorphone YAY! I haves friends! I feel special! Also, you too… thanks for reaching out to me in some dark days sorta shit I was dealing with and helping improve my 1337-ness.

    I'm still not in a good place, I realize that. I am working on shit, working to change shit for the better in my life everyday. It won't change overnight, but I'm taking the time I have to be appreciative for what I do have, and that's the friends I've got who've had my back, and been there for me, and not only that, I want them to know too, I'm there for them as well, despite how depressed I might get… I will rouse myself to come to their aid, even through all my depressed bullshit, and goddamn it, if they won't let me fucking die, I sure as fuck won't let them have the satisfaction of clocking out early on life.

    You seem to miss the bigger picture, and things you don't see outside the forum. I don't fault you for that, because there's no way for you to know all that, but… there's more to Malice than who he comes off as on here.

    Of course there is. You just said something like malice you always try to bring people up. That's what's being disputed.

    That's like saying sploo is always trying to improve himself.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie Fuck the Taco Stands mannnnnn

    I kinda think they're one of the few things making it worth it to stay alive.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    You can always sew a bunch of 3-5g bags of drugs into your body and let them heal over, then if you get locked up you just have to deal with a little discomfort of carving them out, but if you start with the right drug first, cutting the rest out will be far more tolerable.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I don't remember any lines from it because I don't fucking care to. Tommy is Dargo's adopted son. Thats all Tommy will ever be.

    I wonder if...

    I wonder if I had a kid, and raised him or her to the age of 4, and then started molesting him or her, and did it a lot, after already of course putting his mother out of the scene, if he would remember, or she, if I really did some serious molesting, like day after day, year after year, reaffirming him/her that it's normal, that its right, not allowing it to have friends, or go to public school, but confidned to my house where I molest every fucking day, at least 3 times, loads of cum, so much fucking, and it just gets to believe that's what is right, and then I kill him one day, if anyone would ever know, or care? Like I report him as a missing child and I just dump his/her stupid body into the river and call it a day. That's the new plan.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    As long as it's self defense you can do whatever you want to a minor.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I was just walking home from the ale store, and passed a young boy probably 5 or 6 years old, walking to his mom's car or some shit, and he smiled, held up his hand to wave, and said hi.

    It wasn't some exaggerated HI!! it was just a friendly little kid saying hi in almost a casual tone. It almost brought a tear to my eye. He was just very sweet, and I like kids that are like that. The ones who say hi because they're just happy to see people.

    I walk downtown and it's just faggot adults on their phones or doing anything they can to avoid eye contact with anyone else.

    But the kids, man. The kids are cool.

    It's like the ol' ancient Greek saying, 'No matter how badass you think you are, when a little kid calls you on their toy phone, you answer that shit.'
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Nice people don't send friends monopoly money in their time of need. /thread
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Good luck at your new job actor. I hope you die doing whatever it is on the first day, get caught in the copying machine and get mangled to death, or some old hat worker just bludgeons you to death with a paperweight.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Kinkou Jars of what?

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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL At least fill it with concentrated orange juice crystals.

    Fill it with the one thing they can obtain and make themselves? He'd probably get his ass beat even harder. He may as well fill his hole with a deck of cards and some pencils.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's all meaningless once we die. You guys need to start yoloing
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by fag Eventually the human race will go extinct and thats what I stand for.

    I concur. The global self-induced Holocaust is what I strive for. I'd do my part now, but I need to know everyone is on board.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock dont pretend to have any idea what i do or why i do it.

    youre mentally retarded to the level of being borderline catatonic.

    The reason you post the way you do has to do with a deep-seeded need for attention, as well as your outlet for some sexual childhood repressed memory type shit, or some type of, as I said, severe disorder. Of course you yourself would deny that, or wouldn't know about it, that's sort of how that works. Most people aren't able to diagnose themselves.

    Now, I say this not to put you down, it's just my honest observation. I, too, clearly enjoy attention, but I go further to where I need praise as well (hence me always advocating for the 'thanks system.') I can absolutely admit that, and maybe that stems from some childhood issues as well, I'm not entirely sure. Growing up I was a similar way, trying to be a class clown of sorts, and I generally did a good job of it.

    My point is, all jokes aside, there is absolutely a reason you post the way you do, and for as long as you have. You might claim it's your 'fantasies' and you post only for yourself, but if that were true, you could write your posts in notepad on your computer, but you post here, because you NEED an audience, hence your need for attention. The repetitive style of your posts, the sexual innuendo, the nigger/faggot/retard, says SOMETHING about you. This is where I think the disorder comes in. It's clear that your posts are intended to frustrate people, or cause disruption, generally of course known as 'trolling.'

    The occasional troll is one thing, but your incessant 'trolling' is clearly something else. You're definitely a complicated case, because you obviously have this alternate persona that is knowledgeable in a few specific subjects, QUITE knowledgeable in fact, so it's a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde situation.

    Now, I might feel differently if your shitposting style was more clever, or had a bit more variety, but for the most part it does not and it always maintains the same theme. Therein again lies the evidence that something in your brain is wired to compel you to NEED to post that way. This is also evidenced by some of the exchanges I've seen you get in where you and another user have literally replied 'YES' and 'NO' back and forth to one another, quoting one another, for several pages. LOL.

    Now, you calling me a retarded retard faggot nigger is fine, we're all guilty of that, but it, to even an average person who knows me, is simply untrue, and I don't think I'm being egotistic in saying that we can all agree I'm not retarded. I know I'm probably middle of the pack here as far as overall intelligence goes, I have no need to try and prove myself to be the smartest, especially when I know I'm not, and at this point I think we've all sort of demonstrated where we stand in the rankings as far as that goes.

    So, while I don't think you are retarded, I do think you, like me and many others, definitely have a DISORDER that you may not be aware of or of course don't want to admit you actually have, that compels you to post in the fashion you do. This will be demonstrated by your reply to this post, almost assuredly. I am almost literally unable to entice you to reply to me in a normal fashion, even though I've laid out my thoughts here rather clearly I believe. I will be very surprised to see you make a coherent and non-insulting post in reply to this, if you choose to reply. I would like you to, I'd like to know your thoughts, but I don't expect anything other than a 'stfu nigger.'

    The End.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm not sure what scron and bing's deal is, they literally seem mentally retarded on like a Bill Krozby level, but you can't help but think it might be parody.

    Posts like this (and I know it's not your intention) only make things worse.

    Like when spectral goes around saying Jill posts his retarded shit because he's trying to prove a point, Jill reads that and is like 'yeah, yeah! That's totally it! Now I have even more reason to continue doing it!'

    Sadly, Jill and Bling aren't proving any points with their gimmicks. They aren't gimmicks. You don't post like that for that long and think you're being clever or amusing. It's a severe mental disorder of some degree and it's unfortunate that their type fell into our laps.

    Posting 'shss err wif tige' fifteen times a day is not and has never been a parody of anything. Lol
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That would've been cooler if he was throwing the trash on his dashboard and the money out of his car. Dang.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock that's what I have you for. your tonsils are going to be all the therapy I need.

    Don't talk to me. I am going to once again try and heed the advice of others and ignore your faggotry.

    Seriously just don't talk to me. You're boring and worthless. I will no longer be replying to or acknowledging you. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
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