2019-01-28 at 11:54 AM UTC
What really MATTers
Doesn't seem very antiseptic. Seems like a cooked up explanation for why the maids bastard mystery baby has your same color eyes. IT WAS THE WILEY SUCCUBUS WITH HER TURKEY BASTER AGAIN.
Hey- u gotta be prepared for a world class sniper that likes to fuck children, amirite? To NOT purchase a $600 ghillie suit would've been a dereliction of duty.
2019-01-28 at 10:33 AM UTC
What really MATTers
Gonna be honest. The "MATTress of love" sounds all kinds of unhygienic.
What about the "recently purchased and subsequently steam cleaned futon of love"?
2019-01-28 at 10:31 AM UTC
Trump Wall vs Mexican Ladder
I get that. But they're also people just trying to do their jobs and get by, and if someone highly placed has a political aim, and faces few consequences from working towards it, history has shown that they're often willing to bend those rules to suit their whims.
I probably wouldn't piss on roger stone if he was in fire. But I'd probably have a beer with him. And this shit looked all kinds of sketchy. Did they think he has armed GRU units to bring him to Russia in case of arrest? Did they think he was going to have an armed standoff?
2019-01-28 at 10:09 AM UTC
Trump Wall vs Mexican Ladder
When you start thinking that people in positions of power just naturally are less flawed, more intelligent people than you are....that's the moment you've lost the game.
2019-01-28 at 9:33 AM UTC
What really MATTers
She's 66, and I suppose....if you consider sleeping with a homeless cat to be single.
2019-01-28 at 9:21 AM UTC
O fo reel mang?
Joo gots a magic brain my dude.
Pretend u got Edward James Almost in ur corner....never give up on joo dreams, cabron.