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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think you are all closeted fags for liking such fag tier porn. I might be a sick fuck but at least liking lolis is masculine

    Chronophile master race.

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^I do miss him, and yeah he was a ghetto princess for sure.

    I was listening to this song the other night while tripping and I thought about how he's shooting triangles out of his hands in space.

    [greentext]>ghetto princess[/greentext]

    Lol, sounds like a girl i'd dig.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    pssshhh why would you sell your instruments?

    Money problems, it's a shame really i had a sweet drum kit and keyboard as well.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't be a cuck

    I'm talking about the girl's behaviour in general. Not the nog or how he might feel about her.

    All joking aside about pedos on here, Dfg is legit a sick fucking monster, who deserves to have his dick cut off.

    [greentext]>dick cut off[/greentext]

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also developed that same desire.

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tell me the child prostitution story Dfg, i'm dying to know. Also don't even try to deny it nigga' i know you had a jailbait(More like non-nude CP[kek]) thread up that rivaled Zoklet's.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Shes even bringing me gifts and shit I think she wants to fuck

    Even though this goy is black that's pretty adorable. Also;

    Yeah that's good to hear. So how the fuck do you live with yourself, fucking all those child prostitutes, you sick fuck?

    Don't think there are any child prostitutes in Pakistan, what with Sharia law and all that jazz. The closest for child prostitution is Bangladesh, i think.

    Yeah I actually remember that article you wrote for totseans and then took down. I also remember the one where you expose yourself to people on omegle to "inspire" you every morning, but that ain't so bad comparatively. Maybe you should stop having fun IRL and go back to omegle.

    Top lol.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I probably will be fine.

    Do you play an instrument sophie, besides the skin flute?

    That's funny. Yeah i do, i play the drums and better than Sploo i might add, i play a little keyboard and guitar as well. Sold my instruments though, ah well.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Trust me, I want to move out, but my parents won't let me until I get a job that can actually support myself.

    I wanted to give you shit for still living with your parents but then i read this and that actually makes sense. Also, worse comes to worse, how about welfare and such? Don't need to get a job etc and you'll have some money.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    At some point Bill Krozby, your passive aggressive shtick will alienate everyone here on the forums from you. Who will you bitch to then?
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't particularly enjoy alcohol, as such i don't have a particular drink neither do i know all the names but since you mentioned bloody mary, i do enjoy that. Also brandy, and this kinda' mix drink that's made with peach tree and prosecco. Call me a hipster faggot but i enjoy sweet drinks with little alcohol more than whiskey in example. Unless you have a fancy, properly aged whiskey of course.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^you did read it and you know it , way to cop out/ puss out, fuckass

    I'm too much of a sucker for a good argument not to reply in an appropriate fashion when i have actually read off handed remarks or whatnot at my expense. Take this post for example. I did read the one i quoted and while you're arguably the dumbest most insignificant person on this website, something compels me to reply to you.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Is that a trebuchet?
    [greentext]>not using predator drones[/greentext]

  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wonder if and when my government will follow suit.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also need to stop drinking. The anxiolysis leaves much to be desired, the other positive qualities being slight dissociation, dumbing down, and lowering of thought/thought deceleration - keeping out intrusive thoughts.

    It's short lasting, messes with my gut, and the rebound far outweighs any momentary benefit. It clearly fucks up my GABAergic system, seeing how quickly effects the dozes I need of benzos. I've also noticed that when taken with flmodafinil, which is pro-glutamatergic, there already being an imbalance and high comorbodity with epilepsy, there's a distinct feeling that I'm nearing that zone, although I'm certainly not drinking anywhere near to blackout.

    Well, it wasn't that good anyway. At least I decided to abandon it faster than cannabis.

    Good, alcohol is the shittiest drug ever.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sorry, I don't think seeing you is a privilege. I don't know where out of your dumbass you pulled that from..

    And its not a daily reminder that I'm a failure, its just a reminder of how many people are petty butt hurt faggots, and how , cpt faggot could have put his time and money towards something else but he directed it towards me, for some reason.

    That video is credited to someone who claimed to join the navy for over 9 months who wore sketchers and pajamas , and didn't… , a transvestite that is adopted… and an ugly indian guy who met his ugly gf off of zoklet, that doesn't even post here anymore.. and I'm the failure?

    "heeerrp durpp Bill Krozbyzz do you even nkow whut dah nefilim is??"

    of course I do otherwise i wouldn't be making a thread about you faggot, you bitch about people not contributing then when someone makes a serious thread for once here you go in and shit all over and contribute nothing. go fuck yourself you bitch.

    Anyway back onto topic, this thread isn't about me its about the dallas shootings.. mmmmk?

    tl;dr, see you tomorrow fuc boi.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Everything went white and I woke up.

    Interesting, when there is no mistake i am supposed to die from whatever the fuck just happened to me in a drem, i experience darkness instead of light and i wake up, i've never died in a lucid dream however. One notable occasion was when i got shot point blank to the temple. Time slowed down as the bullet left the barrel of the gun and entered through the left side of my skull, upon impact it spread the most curious sensation of warmth, emanating throughout my head from the point of contact. My immediate emotional reaction was that of surprise. I remember thinking; wow, would never have thought that i'd die today and; oh, so this is what it feels like to die. Then i thought; hold the fucking phone, i don't want to die upon which i tried getting up only to find out my body had gone limp. Then tunnel vision, then darkness, then i woke up...
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    He didn't seem fat

    What's that now? Sounds to me like Bill Krozby failing.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ask Malice for keks if i'm fat. I sent him a pic a while ago of me with my face blurred out for the lulz.(Totally naked otherwise as you suspect of course)

    [greentext]> yes he's fat[/greentext]
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    pretty sure you're a lot fatter than me..

    Sadly you'll never have the privilege to gaze upon my visage and i pity you for it. I'd send you a picture but anything less than a 80" 4K smart TV does not do it justice and while i am sure you could figure out the intricacies involved with getting a picture from your computer to display on such a television, i cannot say with any degree of certainty that you would be able to afford said TV, especially considering your strategy for amassing capital for your hot dog stand seems to entail getting fired ASAP from any job you manage to land, you bum.

    Daily reminder that you're a failure.

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