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I've been invited to a party tonight, but I don't know anyone there.

  1. #1
    So I dunno if I should even go. :( I'll be a loner and nervous and shit.
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    god you're pathetic, obviously you know someone if you were invited... and who cares.. maybe you could "meet someone" there? I go to plenty of places where I don't know people and people end up talking to me.

    It's hard to tell if you're a troll or not.

    If It was me I'd go and drink some booze and If I didn't like it / no one talked to me, I'd leave..

    how about you hang out with people you already know if your that concerned? Oh wait you don't know anyone... so I guess the only way you can know someone is to go meet someone new... and go from there...

    why do you keep making these threads? you ask for advice about how to get "everyone to like you" then you don't even do anything about it and then make another thread asking people who don't like you what you should do. then they give you advice and then you don't follow through..

    do you see a pattern here?

    I can guarantee you, based upon your previous threads, you could go to that party ,but you would come off as extremely awkward and seem like a weirdo, or nobody would notice / care, or you might get along with someone. But either way it wouldn't matter and you don't have anything to lose.

    From what I've gathered you have problems with your appearance *which doesn't really matter that much*

    You are afraid to talk to people because you don't have any hobbies or interest *you mentioned for years all you did was sit behind a computer*

    and you want to much to be like other people.

    Maybe you should work on yourself while going and hanging out with people.

    Sorry I didnt mean to call you a pussy, I guess to each their own, I'm kind of the opposite, I am willing to go somewhere in public by myself, but other things bug me,
    this girl asked me to go and trip mushrooms with her and her friends (she likes me a lot and I only like her as a friend) and I don't like putting off the vibe that I'm with a girl like that in public (im kind of shallow sometimes) plus I've just never really liked other peoples "friends" or "family" I've tried it out before and I've never liked it. Especially with someone that was trying to make me seem like I'm their boyfriend.

    I hope the best for you, you're obviously struggling and I hate to see someone do that.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    if nobody knows you, it'll be very difficult for the police to track you down unless you leave DNA evidence behind. go have fun!
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^as a feminist, I'm going to have to tell you that that's not funny at all, you sexist pig
  5. #5
    My feet hurt
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Is that a trebuchet?
    [greentext]>not using predator drones[/greentext]

  7. #7
    okay im back

    holy fuck what a great night

    did coke for first time

    but holy fuck i cant hear anything and im so fuckin hungover lol

    fuckin greatest night of my life

    Bill Krozby im not reading that shit
  8. #8
    popping a copule etizolam before going out always makes me really social, in a non-sloppy way, which is cool, because basically any other benzo or alcohol slows me down a little at least.

    i used to go out to bars and get wasted like every saturday night and some times i would take xanax or etizolam or k pins before i went out. if i took a kpin id just be slow and fucked up, xanax and alcohol or just alcohol if i got wasted some fucked up shit would usually end up happening, but on the days that i would pop an etiz or two and then go out drinking and getting wasted i would get just as intoxicated but instead of bad things happening, it would be good
  9. #9
    i got 2 girls numbers
  10. #10
    dey hot
  11. #11
    Numbers are worthless until you fuck them. Sometimes I've gotten girls numbers and they didn't say much or stopped responding.
  12. #12
    [greentext]>didn't even sack a protectorate[/greentext]

    Va te faire mettre
    You fag

  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    okay im back

    holy fuck what a great night

    did coke for first time

    but holy fuck i cant hear anything and im so fuckin hungover lol

    fuckin greatest night of my life

    Bill Krozby im not reading that shit

    lol ur funny, go get em' tiger!

    this is basically how enters night went down

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