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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here faggot hack me

    Hey hey dare you to port scan me

    I' ll even help you along, gotta get *nix on your own tho uber h4xx0r

    sudo apt install nmap

    nmap -T4 -Pn -A
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you've seen what happens to people who anger me.

    Yeah i've seen it alright. You throw bitch fit and pretend you' re a 1337 uber haxx0r. You can' t do shit Spectral and you know it. Go ahead, hack the forum hack my box. You don' t evern code bitch, and you use windows XP for god' s sake. The hallmark of a real haxx0r that is. lmfao
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nothing cause i'm not a bitch made faggot.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh the irony. Serves you right for hating on pedos.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    who will win the US presidential election 2k16?

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bleh thought i was doing a good job suppose not. Any help would be appreciated.



    echo "Move files?"
    read -p 'Y/n? : ' choice

    if [ "$choice" == "Y" ]

    mkdir -p /home/backup/tmp

    sudo find / -name cp.* >> /tmp/bla.txt

    cat $list | xargs -I % bash -c 'mv % -t /home/backup/tmp' && rm -f $list;

    cd $dir

    for i in $dir

    do `clzip --fast`

    exit 1
    echo "Exiting..."
    exit 0

    Move files?
    Y/n? : Y
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/backup/tmp’: No such file or directory
    find: paths must precede expression: cp.rar
    Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]
    ./ line 10: =/tmp/bla.txt: No such file or directory
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Quiet, child molester.

    Can' t molest a child if she agrees before hand, got any granddaughters old man? In case you haven't gotten it through your thick skull i was trying to ruse the newchum into thinking i was a grill for shits and giggles.

    Also, Hewfil you absolute faggot since when are you thanking fagthrall piosts? Hm? Explain yourself. Oh here's a fun fact, hey OP did you know hewfil is actually a pedophile himself? Bet he didn't mention that when you had your long conversation the other day. Got the PM' s and threads to prove it.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    omg hi! so like, as far as the subjects in T&T are concerned and stuff what would you say interests you the most? Do you code or something, or maybe like are into the security aspect and stuff? I think both are really fun and interesting so i am sure we will get along (n_n")
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Some girls like pain.

    MEant to click cuck'd, and while that may be true. If a 8yo likes pain she needs a psychiatrist, not someone taking advantage of her mental state.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When other pedos talk about lolis as sluts and mention molesting them i can't help but agree with normies and feel as if there's something seriously wrong with these people. Lolis aren't sluts, and you sure as fuck don't molest them. Lolis are for loving not hurting and if you feel the need or desire to abuse them verbally or physically you deserve to be shot.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Haha did you edit that to include the word 'alcoholic?' You forgot cringey, boring, anti-social, and lazy, among others. Step up your insult game!

    No "alcoholic" was the first thing i associated with you, i edited it for reasons of grammar ask Lanny he has the ability to see what was edited in or out.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No need to be so sensitive Sophie. I thought you were a hebephile anyway, not a pedophile. Regardless, I self-admittedly include myself in the piece of shit category, but your reminder is appreciated. Thanks for the kind words m8. :)

  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I say that shit when I'm drunk too. It's not true. There are so many people better than half the members on this site at least. Just calm down. Half the members of this site are fucking pedophiles.

    So being a pedo makes you a bad person? Well maybe, but being a 30 something, unemployed, depressed alcoholic faggot doesn't particularly strike as having acheved the pinnacle of virtue either.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh, I forgot to mention this! I think I've posted it before, but unless you've religiously followed my rantings in TRT threads throughout the years there are a lot of valuable things that no one will remember. Did you ever hear about this paper that was published?

    Cocaine and methylphenidate may not be reuptake inhibitors after all, but inverse agonists!

    If you read/skim through the paper you'll quickly find convincing evidence that there would have to be something very strange/different about them if they were, finish and comprehend it (It's a pretty easy read.) and you'll find they have a pretty convincing argument.

    This is revolutionary in terms of understanding their mechanism of action! It's incredible that it took so long for someone to write this.

    That's really interesting. Thanks for mentioning that. I'll be sure to look into it.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Does 2cb come up as a false positive for anything in a standard 5 panel test?

    Nah, you'll be fine.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuckng kill yourself

    Which part of my post makes you the most upset? Is it the fact i want to have sex with my little cousin or the fact i told AFJ he should make his loli feel important and wanted? My little cousin loves me breh and i'm seeing her coming saturday. What are you going to do about it?

    Can't you kids just hump cat's or slampigs like a normal person?

    If humping cats and slampigs makes a person normal, i'm glad to call myself anything but normal.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hmm…I was actually doing some reading through r/DrugNerds recently about methylphenidate and came across a discussion on the relative prevalence of side effects. People were pretty split, and IIRC a p-doc chimed in that in his experience with hundreds it was clearly amphetamine, which wouldn't surprise me.

    Have you considered binding affinities? IIRC MPH is far more selective for dopamine in particular, while amphetamine has a more widespread effect. The key factor would likely be serotonin, and fortunately due to fluorinated amphetamines (4-FA, 2-FA and 2-FMA) and other designer drugs in the stimulant class serotonin, by far the least well understood monoamine, seems to have repeatedly been described as smoothing/balancing it out, making drugs more pro-social/empathogenic.

    That's an excellent point. The halogenated amphetamines rarely cause excessive stimulation in my case. However this wouldn't explain why at first MPH did not seem excessively stimulating/adrenergic to my gf. But after she took recreational doses of amphetamine a couple times the effects of the MPH felt more adrenergic to her at the same dose.

    Wait, what? Wouldn't that imply the opposite? Or did I misunderstand you, or you make a typo.

    What i meant was, if dopaminergic effects are reduced due to downregulation at TAAR, the adrenergic effects of stimulants in general would seem comparatively more intense. My reasoning being that the endogenous ligand for TAAR is dopamine and it's precursors.

    Regardless, and this has been a recurrent theme, due to genetic/neurological variation and how widely response can differ speculating isn't of much use, unless you attempt to find a method to ameliorate for this divergence and are certain enough of it.

    Example, the similarity MPH can have with cocaine, and how both that and amphetamine can be remarkably axiolytic and prosocial for many people.

    If she's experiencing symptoms, it would be best to have her switched to dextro-amphetamine, if it's available. Even if not, the isomer separation, along with amph being so cheap, should make this a feasible option.

    Pyrazolam powder is also becoming much more readily available, and cheap, and would make an excellent adjunct to counteract anxiety.

    Yeah medically she is pretty much set i convinced her psychiatrist to prescribe 4x 1mg clonazepam a day due to the up tick in anxiety.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tails on a second hand laptop with the hard drive taken out on public wifi connection.

    Well yeah. But a good friend of mine once told me; before you go all out with 40 encryption algorithms 300 VPNs and over 9000 proxies you need to figure out your threat model. If all you want to do is download normie porn and read the anarchist cookbook a VPN is enough. In contrast, if you're in the infosec business or looking to download all the cheese pizza on the internet your privacy is critical to your operational security(read safety). In that case you might want to employ several sophisticated techniques to remain anonymous.

    At the end of the day you want to be safe, but efficiency is also important in IT.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That sucks man, you should try to make her as happy as possible, explain to her how she is important and why. How'd you guys meet anyway? Only loli i currently have particularly strong feelings for is my cousin, and i'm grateful my aunt and uncle are good people.
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